What did he mean by this?

what did he mean by this?

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He meant that people who are consumed by materialism will never understand God.

He was talking to Jews. Jews killed him.
>the story

I’m an atheist. Fuck Jebus.

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Joshua is BASED
Stop saying bad things about ovr savior, father Joshua

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It means that you have a right to own property and sell it, and that Charity is fundamentally good. You want to know what's not good? Being stolen from in the name of socialism you self-righteous faggot.

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from wiki :
Cyril of Alexandria claimed that "camel" is a Greek misspelling; that kamêlos (camel) was written in place of kamilos, meaning "rope" or "cable".[2][3] More recently, George Lamsa, in his 1933 translation of the Bible into English from the Syriac, claimed this as well.

nonetheless the metaphor still holds with a camel, its hard to pass thread through a needle and impossible to pass a camel, but indeed its still possible to pass a thread, therefore not impossible. That has a huge impact on being rich, in south america declaring yourself rich is almost a sin, and its probably a misinterpretation of this passage of the bible.

Basically this. It’s not a condemnation of all wealth. That’s hard for people to understand who take this quote out of context.

People forget that a wealthy man provided the tomb for that Christ was laid to rest in for three days

/thread and sage

also this :
The "Eye of the Needle" has been claimed to be a gate in Jerusalem, which opened after the main gate was closed at night. A camel could only pass through this smaller gate if it was stooped and had its baggage removed. This story has been put forth since at least the 15th century, and possibly as far back as the 9th century. However, there is no widely accepted evidence for the existence of such a gate.

that's pretty enlightening, than you user

what about this?

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Christianity and communism were both made by jews

>It’s not a condemnation of all wealth.

Like you would know.

>He meant that people who are consumed by materialism will never understand God

To add to this. Communism is a worship of materialism, or specifically the fear of not having material.

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>the economy is a zero sum game

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That's not communism. Communism would force these people to share, God wants you to be charitable and do it on your accord and virtue.

Communism is taking OTHER peoples wealth and property and giving it to OTHER people. Communists never give any of there wealth or belongings and are massive hypocrites.

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It means charity is based, while taxes are fucking degenerate.

Ok, now interpret the text in Greek.

And... rich people are known to be consumed by materialism.


He meant that the Devil is temptation itself and that rich people are surrounded by so much it is nearly impossible for them to resist it.

Yeah, guilds and corporatism are closest to the ideal type of economy.

Which is why, according to Jesus, it's literally easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven. So whether people want to acknowledge it or not Jesus was condemning wealth.

Another Jewish trick to make the masses content with poverty just like in Buddhism

For me, I only worship the old gods

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