Capitalism doesn't fai---

>capitalism doesn't fai---
can someone explain to me why people religiously follow capitalism if it has consistently failed?

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There are two communist countries, North Korea and Cuba. All the high gdp countries have free markets

and all of those high gdp countries with free markets have all suffered the result of a financial crisis. production for profit always catches up with itself.

If you don't think Capitalism is the correct choice then provide an idea for an good alternative

Oh wait you can't

communism obviously

this but unironically

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i wasn't being ironic

Capitalism didn't fail, the Jews won.

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Failure is part of capitalism. Things fail and are updated to better things.
Unlike communism where things fail and everyone dies.

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>People killed by mosquitos and shit died because if capitalism.

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Literally jews and the fed.

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>has setback
no wonder those emu run amok

Please tell me you thought about that more than not at all.

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somebody is paying those mosquitos user

>dies out of starvation.
The correct answer is national socialism.

>communist nation
>makes Shenzhen a special zone where you can practice capitalism lite
>becomes one of the richest and most powerful Chinese cities within 20 years
x d

china is state capitalist

>private central banking systems in bed with corrupt government agencies
>calls it capitalism

Nigga, you retarded

Which of those causes of death did communism perform better than capitalism on?

Its always a leafpost

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Because a depression is not "failure" it's a normal part of the cycle. The only reason crashes have gotten "bad" is because FDR used one to attempt to take over the US through policies that were "helping".

>Stephen Cullenberg stated that the TRPF "remains one of the most important and highly debated issues of all of economics" because it raises "the fundamental question of whether, as capitalism grows, this very process of growth will undermine its conditions of existence and thereby engender periodic or secular crises".[11]

Stephen Cullenberg, The falling rate of profit. Recasting the Marxian debate. London: Pluto Press, 1994, p.1.

>Marx regarded the TRPF as proof that capitalist production could not be an everlasting form of production since in the end the profit principle itself would suffer a breakdown.[12]

Karl Marx, Capital, Volume III, Penguin ed. 1981, p. 350 and 368.

Capitalism is the compromise choice because half the population are too fucking weak to be Nazis.
Still has a better track record to poorcialism and poormunism.

>Nigga, you retarded
Succinct and accurate. Given that "capitalism" is conflated with "give every advantage to those with capital", I prefer using the term "free-market system", followed by demonstrating that high-profile corporations were started with modest means (think Apple in the garage), and now lobby to prevent anyone doing the same.

>suddent acute levels of poverty and homelessness is a normal part of the capitalist cycle
well i can't say i'm surprised.

Only 0.5% of the population here is homeless at any given time.
How are things in Venezuela?

Because they've been brainwashed by kikes

Yeah, but almost no one starved in the great depression in the US, can't say the same for communist countries.

why venezuela? they're not a socialist country, their market is mostly private, populist social welfare policies caused their economic crash

>literally "n-not real communism"

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my friend, chavez installed some social democratic policies but the welfare system was populist in nature to reinvigorate the morale of the people.
also, the "not real communism" argument was started by capitalists who didn't understand the difference between socialism and communism and when were told they were wrong had to resort to sayign that marxists didn't actually know what communism was. very interesting phenomenon. perhaps you should read marx.

Say what you want about capitalism, but at least we have an abundance of food.

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But that's literally not communism.

Do you know what a food desert is?

Yet no communist society lasts long or has long term happiness or culture.

Oh, come on. You don't even realize you'd be among the first on the wall to be shot, you useful idiot.

its almost like humans are fallible so nothing we will create will be perfect

interesting, if there's such an abundance of food, how come poverty still exists? it can't be because the food is produced meaningless for profit and not actual use right?

>Oh, come on. You don't even realize you'd be among the first on the wall to be shot, you useful idiot.
you capitalists keep saying this but im still not sure why

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Nature is capitalist.

Nature is efficient, therefore capitalism is efficient. Both Capitalism and nature can be taken advantage of and manipulated but nature always reverts to mean. Capitalism will too...

>i'm too brainwashed by neoliberal governments that i regard every challenge to the status quo as a joke

>Nature is efficient
Already a stupid opinion.

Well, yeah, because the cures for those is tougher to access for less privileged people in a capitalist society. But you knew that, and are only trying to damage control for your shit ideology.

Well yea, in purely theoretical and academic terms, the USSR wasnt "true communism" because there was still a state and classes; even North Korea has a class system and heirarchies. The fabled "true communism" isnt feasable on a scale larger than the basic family unit because no government is going to abolish itself, especially when given absolute power. The pursuit of communism is a lost cause, autocrats would much rather hold on to their power and live off the backs of the civilians. You wont see "true communism" because its a stupid idea that doesnt take human nature into account.

The beauty of capitalism is that failures go out of business.

Read some Hoppe or other Austrian economists so you have stronger arguments next time, user.

How many people die of starvarion, or malarya in capitalist countries? Ill give you a hint: barely any. It turns out, capitalism and free enterprise alleviated those problems more than any system before it. If anyone dies from starvation in the US, its more likely it was because they were a lazy piece of shit than unprivileged. Hell, even Bernie Sanders made it to 40 without a steady income.

>capitalism doesn't fail
Sure it does. Constant, small scale failure is how capitalism works. Consistently killing off unsustainable practices. Slowly refining the economy in an ongoing iterative and democratic process.

Shit goes to shit when you socialize a bad idea and allow it to rise higher than it should under its own merit. Those fail bigger, harder, and drag down more innocent bystanders.

because capitalism tastes good, feels good, looks good, sounds good, all the while being everything but an honest system because people don't innately want systems of dialectical explanation (meaning) and facilitation (working society that feels fair and harmonious, not utopian).

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