Uhhhhhhhhhh guyssss

Is this bad? I think this is bad for us. The left is sending candidates who campaigned on abolishing ICE. Are the spics going to take their country back?


Attached: Crowley btfo.png (1005x557, 69K)



It's NYC nigger, jesus

Crowley was the successor to pelosi.

Abolishing ICE is the hill we want them to stand and die on. Normies don't think that's a good idea.

Wasn't Crowley supposed to be Pelosi's replacement at one time? The further they go left the more people hate them.

Canadians are going to flood our country for cheaper tampons.

He was expected to be the next Speaker of the House.
Good riddance, tho, he was insanely corrupt and everyone knew it.

Yeah he got complacent by running 14 primaries unopposed and assumed that the people would be fine with him having very little presence on the scene while the spic was literally doing everything she could to get her name recognized. He didn't even show up to the debates, so the people got fed up with his shit.