Pls help

Is there something Jow Forums could do to stop this cocksucker from making our country and even shittier place?

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i predict gay rights and gay mafia for mexico soon


This jew will rule mexico city.

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Meme magic doesn't work in mexico.
Something about cursed Aztec gold.

Attached: We wuz assteks.jpg (914x1280, 659K)

On the upside --- when Mexico turns into Venezuela and millions of people move to the US, the children won't be seperated anymore from the parents.

Maybe you will be on the receiving end of some much needed freedom soon ese. All in due time.

This is why it's even more moronic. Stupid SJWs love him even though he formed an alliance with fucking PES, the far-right, faggot-killing kind of party

I'll vote for him as the pes candidate, sheinbaum as mayor because fuck it and pes for senators, deputies and local legislators.
The are right wing, as much as it can be, si they will moderate him in congress.

How is he going to make your country an even shittier place?

g e n d e r r i g h t s a n d l e f t w i n g p r o g r e s s


Attached: AMLO IS UNSTOPPABLE.jpg (720x352, 22K)

Has he promised to do anything GOOD?
Wow lmao

let kek burn it all down

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Somehow the least of the evils, fml, she's going to win anyway.

A better plan against corruption and crime than the previous guys.

Are you fucking stupid? PES is in it for the free votes that will keep the party alive, AMLO is in it to get some retarded conservative votes. PES will have absolutely no influence in the decisions he takes.


wew lad

Name of the game; everything else we solve some other day.
at the en of this month we burn it all down

why don't you let Mexico just burn?
I mean what's worse than a faggot defending gays and being a cuck like Trudeau fighting narcos?
Everything is gonna burn and then you will rebuild from the ashes.

still, if they want to have the smallest chance to be seen as legitimate they will vote against stupid postmodernist social progression, divorce and abortion, gay shit and so on.

Mexico needs a Viktor Orban-type to whip it into shape.

help with what? he is the best candidate.

He won't push SJW agenda, but the candidates that come after him will, after the shitstorm he starts his meme party will lose all votes unless he starts pandering to the even more retarded part of the left wing voters. Seriously it's gonna be hell from now on


There's something my friends and I could do but I don't think it's legal

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>Implying he will win
The usual shenanigans are already in motion, preare for the shitstorm of the century.

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>i predict gay rights and gay mafia for mexico soon
Well, of course, everything the US goes through ends up happening in Mexico a few years after it happens there.
Until last year we were still living in what you would call the pre-SJW America.

Thats the guy who wants to make sure America gets a lot more Mexican illegals right? If this guy wins we get to either
>Cut off Mexico completely and quadruple down on our border stance
>Literally go to war in Mexico
I'd join the Army to fight y'all, no offense.

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