Lol Republicans are so fucked LMFAO

The Dems are fracturing, soon half of them will be full blown socialists. Red Wave incoming.

And he probably voted for every policy along the way to make that possible

By electing someone as vile as Trump you have insured the rise of the real left. And they will take power. Trump is just too gross for most americans to stomach. He has exposed the entire right and their media machine as propaganda as well. Fox news is starting to be seen as equal to north korean state TV by a majority on americans.

ok virgin

I don't see how the right can win this one, though. Young people are way too left, even young whites, for the GOP to have national power for more than a few decades.

Gerrymandering and the overrepresentation of Midwesterners will extend the Republicans' relevancy for 20 years, but once the boomers begin to die off I'm not sure what's next.

People on this board say "civil war" but who actually wants that? A few thousand teenagers on Jow Forums and a comparable number of Baby Boomers who stockpile guns in rural or suburban communities.

Oh lawdy let this November be as funny as November 2016.

That's the tragedy of all this. By importing millions of 3rd world tribal subhumans we're ensuring that our votes will be based on nothing but tribalism from now on instead of ideas.

Your party has been fucked for a long time, fren. It has been almost completely overtaken by socialists/communists. Likewise, the Republican party by big money neocons. Donald Trump is an old school Democrat. It’s probably one reason why some establishment Democrats AND Republicans hate him so much. The younger voters have no real clue what the Democrat party used to be.

This district is quite Hispanic. I would imagine her winning with no problems since Hispanics think voting for a Hispanic will get free gibs.
Well I know who ill be donating to , to get my businesses in that district moving.

She represents a large % of Dem beliefs and embodies their virtue, this is the future of that party and it does not include normal, white American men like the guy she offed.

Just as the Tea Party represented the future of the Republican Party and ultimately culminated in Trump.

Abolishing ICE is just the beginning and so is she, they will run on try to legislate no policing for communities of color, no border enforcement, huge cuts to the military, free everything for everyone unless you're white, etc

That's where it's ultimately going to lead.