WTF I love my country now

WTF I love my country now

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>systematically eliminated blacks

Tell me more

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I must agree. Aside from speaking spanish and birthing Che Guevara; at face value Argentina seems pretty based when you word it like that


>argentina's white

same meme different day

bariloche is where hitler used to hang out with his nazi buddies. also check out colonia dignidad, tons of nazis in chile too. its too bad they aren't still around.

I might go there, lots of saffers went there in the early 1800s when the rest of us moved northEast into south africa from the Cape. I saw how they are living and it's definity worse than here, but propably not for long.

There was a war with a neighbour (Paraguay if I remember correctly?) Where they basically conscripted the blacks and used them as cannon fodder, among other things I don't remember.

Here's some basic information.

>colonia dignidad
I was just about to say that. Apparently they have these German towns still up in the mountains that look like throwbacks to the 1940s. The language spoken is still German.

My guess is there are still Nazi sympathizers there.

That's why they were able to beat an all
Black team and get into the next round.
Their plan worked.

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>eliminated blacks
So there's no people left there? Based jaguars!


Pack it up, guys, the debate's over. Aryan Nation confirmed.

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Hmm going to be a real white genocide in South Africa. And the west won't care because whites.

WTF really?

how hard is it to emigrate?

Convince me its not basil tier because I dont want to end up on best gore.

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I now love Argentina...

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Proper whites in Argentina have pretty /comfy/ lives. I assume that the median white argentinian has a similar standard of living to a white Saffer. It's just that Argentina is getting browned by the indians.


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