I don't understand why Americans have this stigma against socialism. Every government taxes you...

I don't understand why Americans have this stigma against socialism. Every government taxes you, your taxes go all over the place from financing the military, infrastructure, national security, welfare....etc.... So why it wrong for the government to spend your tax money on free healthcare?

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Neither do I, socialism is great so long as it's national instead of marxist.

Germany is a great example of it working. The German government knows how to balance their spending budget out and every year have a surplus. People blame "muh socialism" when it fails but in reality it's just your government spending too much and going in debt. Balance your budget.

I tire of your idiotic argument.
If you can't make a cogent argument for socialism, one that isn't full of idiocy, ignorance and logical fallacies, then you should be silent least I consider all socialist to be morons who are just seeking gibs.

I did make argument but you're just trying to insult me and discredit me. Why spend so much tax money on the military when you can invest some on free healthcare?

Nice non argument.
1. Cold War
2. US is big as fuck and there’s a lot of stupid people here
3. More niggers than Kenya

You characterized all forms of government as socialism. That's idiotic. Socialism is the government ownership and control of the means of production and distribution of goods. It is not funding a military.
Stop with the idiotic arguments the jews gave you, and get a fucking job.

Socialism is inferior to capitalism in a numerous amount of ways.

Germany is not socialist.
IF we negotiated drug costs it might b closer to a possibility than now.
Protip: Germany wouldn't have socialized medicine if hey had to pay drug costs like us. The companies gouge us because we can supposedly afford it. Socialized medicine for the US and every one of your supposed socialist democracies loses theirs or stay the same. Legit question

It was working even better before the war. Now we have a social democracy at best, and a capitalist oligarchy at worst. There still is a welfare system, but the working class hasn't been the focus of our leaders for a long time.
Also, I doubt that America with all of it's minorities can have as much of a functioning welfare system as European countries currently still enjoy.

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because in america your taxes go to fund big inefficient third party "government program" slush funds making their owners rich

I cant think of a single efficient government service created in the last twenty years (not including services private companies are paid for; like roads)

Because socialism assumes that the (((government))) makes better decisions for you than you do yourself

Wrong, how does the government fund the military? Do they receive charity or do they receive money that the government redistributes called taxes? You're just grasping as straws here, you're equating socialism to communism which is the government taking 100% of your wealth, you don't even know how a government works. The redistribution of wealth is taxation, how the government gets their money. You're given a choice how the government spends your taxes, if the people want 100% tax money going to the military, they can do that.

You, OP, don't know any history and you don't know anything about our system. You are also misusing the word "stigma."

That's not socialism.
Why do the folks who argue for socialism, not even know what the fuck it is? They sound so retarded. Hell, I even give you the definition of Marxist socialism, and you still don't get it.

>spend your tax money on free healthcare
>spend your tax money
>on free healthcare
>spend money
Just call it universal healthcare.

You're right but that's the fault of a incompetent government spending your tax money wrongly and going in debt. My whole argument is the government taxes you anyway and you have choice on how the government spends your tax money.

user it seems you're the one who doesn't know what his talking about. Socialism, communism and Marxism are not the same. In communism and Marxism the government takes 100% of your wealth.

>waaaa big daddy government please fix everything thats bad in the world by hurling obscene amounts of other peoples money at them

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Red herring.
My gawd, are none of you socialist rational people? Do you all make stupid arguments for stupid things? Are you all losers?

Then why do you have a government? Abolish the government than you'll have 0% tax rate. Why don't you check what big daddy government spends your tax money.

our government was never meant to be an institution of benevolence

Again you don't want to debate me, you're just trying to insult me and discredit me. I'm not even a socialist. My whole argument was the government funds all kinds of stuff using your tax money like fixing infrastructure to financing the military and you're given a choice during election how the government spends your tax money. So why is it wrong for the government to invest your tax money in healthcare?


It's not free, and you'll end up giving your money to the government, with little actual benefit, as it's only the poor that use "free" medical care

It's a holdover from the cold war. Most Americans are too stupid to realize that they already live in a socialist country and have done so for a long time.

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I'm knowledgeable on American history, I know the type of government America used to have but why did it change? Because under the articles of confederation, the states, not Congress, had the power to tax. Congress could raise money only by asking the states for funds, borrowing from foreign governments, or selling western lands. In addition, Congress could not draft soldiers or regulate trade.

>My whole argument was the government funds all kinds of stuff using your tax money like fixing infrastructure
That's not socialism. Stop being retarded, and learn what socialism is.

That's not socialism...

>Abolish the government

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>I don't understand why Americans have this stigma against socialism.
The stigma arose because it has a bit to do with the 200 million dead from socialism in the 20th century, and that it's failed everywhere, everytime it's been tried.

>Socialism fails
>is currently failing elsewhere
>evidence for this failure is apparent
>hey guis lets do it again!
stop being a faggot

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>why Americans have this stigma against socialism.
Because of the long Cold War with the USSR as a mortal enemy, and the oft quoted Nikita "we will take America without firing a shot, we will bury you" Kruschev. Since the USSR loudly proclaimed socialism as their superior political system, socialism was seen as the very opposite of the USA and capitalism. Those sentiments still echo today.

Niggers dude. Niggers. If we didn't have niggers socialism would be fine.

Nordic countries have invested into social programs and are successful. They haven't failed because their government isn't incompetent with how they spend their citizens tax money. Instead of their government funding pointless wars around the world, they invested in healthcare

>comparing tiny, Nordic countries to monstrosities like America
>most Nordic countries aren't even remotely socialist
>national healthcare must somehow equal socialism
the absolute state of socialists.

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>spend your money on free healthcare
You are a buffoon and are completely oblivious to that fact.

Californians pay socialist level of taxes. Infrastructures are still fucked up, I don't know where all the money goes.

I like socalism
>National Socialism

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The governments job is to preserve the nation, not individuals.

Fuck your Socialism™

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It only works in Iceland because they are National Socialist + Capitalism thrown together in an island nation that is naturally defended by invader hoards by frigid and treacherous seas that only the whitest of walkers could survive. They have the easiest borders to secure of any nation and still lack enough subversive Shitbergs to make their youth Marxist faggots.

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There is only one good type of socialism.

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>I don't understand why Americans have this stigma against socialism
because it's for faggots with no self-esteem. i don't need mommy government taking care of me like a pathetic european.

So much for the Nordic model.

It makes too much sense to have all the money and good doctors go to the urban cores where the most people can have access to them.
So, people outside of the urban cores don't vote for it as much.

>social programs is socialism
youre fucking thick even the prime minsiter of Norway told Bernie to quick calling there system socialist, their capitalist countries with large welfare state
also those countries tax the living shit out their citizens
No thanx, I'll take my chances elsewhere

Nordic countries are capitalist and more capitalist than the U.S. in some cases. Adding some social welfare programs to very capitalist economies doesn't magically make them examples of successful socialism. The stigma against socialism is due to it failing for the entirety of recorded human history.

Free healthcare isnt free but accomodated with small amounts of fees. If ur a sick fuck you can go past the fee limit and get rest of the calendar year for free. Cheap healthcare does enable a certain degeneracy but insurance do that too.

Pic related you dumb motherfucker.

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Capitalism is awesome, because I get to watch Trump voters live in poverty while working shitty jobs.

I'm not a Jew (I really don't give a shit about Israel), but I love money. Trump may not be a good business person, but I am big fan of Robert Kiyosaki.


I'm not sure if the currency manipulation that Germany practiced during that period would work today.

The US is so geographically and polulationally diverse to have functioning socialism. My needs as a white guy in rural Montona are nothing similar to some nigger in alabama and thinking our wants/needs are the same is retarded.

Commiefornian here. We had to vote to make our state government spend money made from a gas tax on transportation related services and nothing else

is that the reason why rich europeans leave for the us when its serious about their health?
The best we currently have is a mix of socialism and kapitalism which is what most of the us and europe have. Which is good.

taxes should be abolished, governments should consist of people who can afford it, if of people at all, if it should exist at all

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socialism is bad because it was intended to be a stepladder for reaching communism but it turns out some people liked it because "muh free gibs"and now it's an ideology

Because it takes money from the productive ones and gives it to the unproductive. Also not to mention nearly half of those taxes are mysteriously lost when used to fund anything.
So people who work will work more and more to get the same payment while the unproductive ones will remain unproductive.
Remember kids, democracy and taxes work only on homogenous populations,which have a strong sense of duty towards their nation and land!