>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
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It is not shocking that a travel ban narrowed to a handful of countries the Obama Administration considered the most dangerous was upheld by the Supreme Court. Given presidential constitutional authority in this area, it’s the 5-4 split I find most surprising.
fug wasted it. sorry guys.
poorly drawn awoo
>Don't let the SCOTUS be elected; it's supposed to be above politics
>Sure, elected figures can nominate and appoint them, that won't be politicised
The FF actually believed this
>the blue wave turns out to be socialism
Never has the color blue looked so red
Why do asians overwhelmingly vote leftist?
It makes sense to me why blacks or gays would since there's identity politics pandering to them from the left but there isn't really any of that for asians
Thanks, baker.
At the end of September, 1988, Comrade Bobrovin, aka Maxim Sosnitskiy, trusted man of KGB, visited USA. The goal of his visit was in making an agreement about land-lease aid to USSR from USA
(Harriman represented United States at this meeting). The visit of Bobrovin was very respectful for Trump and symbolised rising of his status in the USA establishment. Washington's nabob met his guest with luxury and provided lord with a sex-pearl from Trump's harem - an adorable boy with nice butt.
When the visit came to the end, Bobrovin bowed and added:
- I would take this boy with me. He's an intelligent boy.
Trump kneeled down and begged for leaving his eyesweet moonbutt peach with the Great Bussinessman - nothing could help. The comrade brought his prey in airplane and flew away.
The deal is not only in delicate feelings of Mr. Bobrovin, but in the USSR diplomatic school too. USSR diplomacy has a great experience in putting Western pets in place. There's no secrets, and the management is really professional - click-candy-click.
I was pretty sure the President clearly had that power. I guess the left is getting desperate. Thought it would be 7-2 or something.
The left is clearly pressuring the judges they helped get in.
Blue tsunami incoming. Nuremberg trials soon
lol, your joke of a country has their Supreme Court talking about stupid shit like wedding cakes
Hive mind.
The Leftists only had to infect a few, then the rest followed.
>cheeto brrraaappf
Political parties were also supposed to be taboo but look at where we are now
Wish our legal system made fat roasties pay the toll.
The coal toll?
To be fair, senators (who approve SCOTUS nominations) weren't elected officials so it made perfect sense.
She also wants to strip the police of power. New York is gonna be turned into an actual warzone if this chick wins.
They abandoned their own nation, so nationalism elsewhere wouldn't appeal to them
It's so bad, it's good
Same reason the jews do it. They are in the minority so the best thing to do is weaken the majority.
Its in their interest to do so
>tfw no one pays attention to hilldawg anymore
That toll is always paid on time. Roasties deserve to pay for their bullshit though.
This and it's in their best interest since the DP is 60% nonwhite identity politics now
Why are there so many
memes about Russia
and what Trump is trying to hide?
Conway and Spicer
say things are nicer
than what they're willing to confide.
So many dudes think that this is just fake news.
I know they're wrong, wait and see.
Someday we'll find it,
The Russia connection
The Donald, the Putin, and me.
La da da di da da dum da duh da da dum di da ohhh
The idea was that since they were appointed for life (male), they'd rise above their original leanings for the public good since they weren't in danger of being replaced due to partisan whims. Judges used to be expected to be the goat at civic virtue. It was always a flawed assumption that repeatedly proved naive, but worked passably well until the 60s ruined everything.
I unironically love hilldawg posting
trump turns both sides into internet tough guys
The one and only thing on the mind of Asians, especially Asian women, is social status. Whatever is associated with status, they like, whatever is socially stigmatized, they hate. Since most of them are urban and surrounded by leftists and they see Hollywood and "elites" being leftists, they associate liberalism with status and conservatism with rural and suburban retards.
To win over Asians, we need to get conservatism associated with the winners, the successful and glamorous people of our society, and leftism associated with the dirty failures and losers. Fortunately, the left is doing that for us. Trump's popularity in Asia might help him with Asians here too.
Mio is best girl.
Just learnt about Brown vs the Board of Education and I'm disgusted by how racist America used to be.
It could at least be called Person of Color vs Board of Education
They set up a Republic
State representatives elected the president not the voters
nigger v board
I got my pitchfork and torch, everyone.
You miss that asians are also foreign to our countries
Who are these people in the thread who are someone surprised by the vote being as narrow as it was? The mask is off, the people who want whites eliminated in all aspects are no longer hiding it or have to because they have systematic approval to let their true colors fly.
Let's make it so
Is this the legendary Australian wit I've heard so much about?
Ty, user
Got one of these?
holy fuck, this man was right about everything
Those are fake you dumbass. I work in the plastics industry, I've seen every variable of fake tits you can possibly imagine.
> lost my ptg song folder from the primaries
The jeb hurt covers were fantastic
doing some night gardening?
She’s totally incompetent.
The Nuremberg trials will be for Hillary and her ilk like Brennen.
HEY LOOK. In the 7th circuit a judge took up Thomas's argument and said Sessions can stop giving rebellious cities that aren't Chicago any federal money.
Tbf, their agenda isn't just eliminating whites anymore, the Jews lost control of their golem. At this point they openly want to annihilate the country and everything it stands for. There's a reason so many independents, spics, and blacks voted for Trump, even they're not retarded enough to see what the Progressive Left as anything but bad. It's literally the party of invaders vs. Americans at this point, I don't know what they expected.
Sanctuary cities should get absolutely no federal funding whatsoever.
> I don't know what they expected
They're like bond villains, they always assume they're geniuses and no one will ever figure out their FLAWLESS plan
Hey, how is all the sandniggers and niggers burning down the country going?
>yfw you realize that Australia used to be far more habitable until the fume-huffing Abos came in and decided burning down entire forests while cutting out the hearts of infants was a viable hunting strategy
I was flying during the primaries, anybody got a /quick rundown/?
Like I said though, they're very status conscious. In white majority countries, they see whites as the higher status group and naturally want to assimilate with them and conform to their culture, and generally don't want to be an independent insular tribal minority like blacks or Jews. It's only when whites are being turned into a minority, and are associated with "working class rural retards," while elites are "cosmopolitan" and "multiracial" that they become leftists.
A dildo?
Yes, the Jews won and will win again in November
>I am a genius
>oh no
District Courts have no license to legislate, enjoin the executive or hold up any branch in their separate powers.
Trump should start suing or emergency appealing lower court judges on constitutional grounds for abusing nationwide injunctions.
Trump should start suing every activist judge so the Supreme Court can finally ban them from issuing nationwide injunctions.
It's not tho
Nice story. I'll remember to say that.
If Rachel Maddow loves children so much, why hasn't she had any?
It also helped Senators would be an appointed official as well. Taking even more pressure off of the whole thing. Democracy ruined everything.
Janus v. AFSCME decision tomorrow, more salt incoming
There's only one Jew who won, and he's more of a Nazi than all of Jow Forums combined
>tfw can't build more a-10s
There should be a law to stop this bullshit from happening.
>be company selling weapons to military
>go under
>blueprints to equipment currently in use is lost forever
I hope, but it's been coming out tomorrow for a couple of weeks now
Sessions is a loser who wasted 18 months by not appealing Trump's first travel ban to the supreme court in the first place.
Every single one of Sessions's aide besides Miller are heavily against Trump and his MAGA agenda.
Just read this link. One of Sessions' former aide is stonewalling Congress's congressional oversight and Sessions is letting this happen without doing anything about it.
How can Sessionsfags still exist when even the people Sessions recommended like his aides are so horrible and pretty much keep stonewalling Congress?
idk I consider him a traitor
Very, very interesting. I do wonder about the timing of that, I must say.
Trump/sessions need to enact some other minor policies to bait another judge into a nationwide injunction. Bring the issue to a head.
Do the various SC justices converse with the administration at all? Is their a formal mechanic for it, or an informal one. Can Trump/sessions simply call one on the phone and chat with them? They should be seriously sounding out what Thomas (and the others) would continue doing if it continued.
Well at least other countries didn't get their hands on it.
You know (((who))) I'm talking about.