Why can't we all just get along?
Why can't we all just get along?
The weak must fear the strong
because the right want civil war
gets nobel peace prize for being black
the actual state of affirmative action
I know man :(
we may find each other weird or gross but at the end of the day we're all people
I wish we could all be cool with each other, but that's incredibly unrealistic
people are naturally divided, it's always been like that since we first walked upright
>affirmative action
I've been going on Jow Forums since 2007.
Always, ALWAYS, Jow Forums has been contradictory counterculture and reactive to the mainstream zeitgeist.
There have been multiple threads calling for peace throughout the day because the restlessness and hostility we have in our everyday political lives.
Civil War is going to happen guys- I'm sorry bros. I love you all and hopefully I'll see you on the other side when this thing blows over.
Makes sense.
i was flinging shit while i was crawling bro
immigration, politics could be civil if we would agree to keep darkies out, otherwise the rest of the shit is just sprinkles on top. People won't kill over a 5% vs a 7.5% tax on some bullshit, they will kill for keeping their country in the hands of their sons and daughters
This right here.
Because Trump is a rambling lunatic barely fit to run a lemonade stand, let alone a country. A lying, narcissistic, braindead, self-centered, mob-type, elitist, country-ruining, retarded orange heap of insanity that needs to not only never be in a any position of power again, but even banned from TV for killing braincells nationwide with his dementia riddled nonsense.
no I meant evolution but I don't think I phrased that right
what's that supposed to mean, leaf? did canadian education really tell you that the us was a democracy?
thanks for the input mohammad
>A lying, narcissistic, braindead, self-centered, mob-type, elitist, country-ruining, retarded orange heap of insanity that needs to not only never be in a any position of power again, but even banned from TV for killing braincells nationwide with his dementia riddled nonsense
How is this different from any other leader in the past 30 years? Ok, I'll give you orange, that fake tan is pretty bad.
you have to go back
little penis donald
real and factual because we all know the MSM would never manipulate things or lie