Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Krautismus Maximus Edition


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>Enemy intel - Dönermann's Discord leaked

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>English language analysis

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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E

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Other urls found in this thread:

Moin krautists

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Something about this logo seems off.

Morning and welcome! :D

Have to go to wörk now...

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>Something about this logo seems off.

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does anyone here think germany will ever be as white as poland ever again?

serious question

good morning.. have a pleasant day.. and yes I saw your message a couple days ago when I woke up. Thanks

all of Europe will 100% ethnic white and most of America too.

When we annex Poland we will get more white statistically, yes.

Sunday or Monday could be interesting

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quick translation? if you want :)

CDU and CSU are still "fighting" about the asylum question, rejecting some migrants or not. The CSU wants to wait if the EU-summit on Thursday/Friday brings some kind of european solution. Top CDU Kauder says "situation is serious", might endanger the CDU-CSU coalition.

Moin, heute schon gelacht?

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The porblem is they are simply and opportunistically trying to (((get shit done))) before Bavarian election in those regards. They lack the Weltanschauung to act accordingly. Best case they want to stop migration due to the detrimental effects on budget and economy. The true aim is to pull a 'Kurz' and putsch against the leftist mainstream in the union. Conservative-reactionary rollback ... but due to circumstances this will not work as it did in Austria. I also don't think they woukd be willing to go all in with this and consider a coalition with the AfD (like Kurz did with the FPÖ)

Die Situation wird so oder so erstmal nur verschlimmbessert werden...

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I like how Austria plays the passive aggressive role here. "domino effect", #proborders and helicopters idling in the distance with a subtile wink to Germany's CSU.

thank you

*smiles at Bavaria smugly from behind the border
[muffled, come home Bavarian man, scarcely audible in the distance]

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I said it before and I was told to post it again:

WE should produce the Blockparteien-counterparts of AfD-chan and spread it.

But the figures should be chosen after the 7 deadly sins, we are a christian libanese basketweaving forum after all.

My proposed order:
CDU - Superbia (Hochmut)
Linke - Acedia (Faulheit)
FDP - Avaritia (Geiz/Habsucht)
SPD - Invidia (Neid)
Grüne - Luxuria (Wollust)
Andreas Hofreiter - Ira (Jähzorn) (Wutabgeordneter)
Peter Altmeier - Gula (Völlerei)

>Yay Baukindergeld is coming, no limit in square meters
But it will only be paid until 2020, lol

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Something like this? All Girls? Ugly? Cute? Some input would be nice.I could do some Sketches and maybe some Drawfag will wörk something out...

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Well in the style of AfD chan, not ugly or cute, just rotten in a subtle way, so that people who arent aware of the problems of SPD & Co dont see it, but everybody else does. Or just do what you think works.

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>Linke - Acedia (Faulheit)
>Implying that would scare off voters.

Lazy people vote Linke self-aware of their situation.

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Its to make fun of them, not to convince them to join us, what do we need even more NEETs for?

Linke would be fat magic meat.

Greens obvious hedonists.

FDP the people who would sell their grandma etc

yo nigga, why not the autistic swastika?
Hi, fren, how are you on this heat soaked day?

Huh hat die IB München die Süddeutsche gekapert?

Deutsche Bank below €9, hit lowest ever at €8,775

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Okay, i will work on it later.Gotta go now, have a nice day guys.

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only post in english, mods will ban you otherwise

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>come home Bavarian man
>tfw Innviertler

We're gonna teach you to love Grammelknödeln mit Sauerkraut instead of that Weißwurscht, don't you worry 'bout that!! ;)

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Fine, thx, you? Did other user already produce alternate version with MOAR AUTISMO? ;)

Btw heat? Fucking cold where I am ... just having cigarette break, only thing keeping me from freezing is warm mug of coffee

Do we even have drawfags here??

We could ask deutsch/pol for help, but they don't take us serious I think.

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reminder that SHE administered a demographic nuclear strike

so that's why correct version of the emblem is not hanging on the wall. well, we'll have to wait, I suppose. quality is superior, so he'd better deliver :D
what's this mountain faggotry? freezing in summer?
we're having a new heat wave. 30+ incoming :D

das raycis you negerkuss

They are great and all, but nothing feels more at home and comfy to me than Tirolerknödel mit Rindsuppn. Kaspressknödel are a close second.

Bhvalus :DDD

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my attempt

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Kann mich wer aufklären?
Ich hab mich vor Circa 1 Monat über der Hauptseite: Werde Aktiv.
Gemeldet das ich gerne "aktiv" werden will bei der IB, bis jetzt keine Antwort ausser ein Newsletter der mir geschickt worden ist der etwas Alt ist.

at your service, sirs.

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look at her image, I can already tell her tits must be turning-men-gay-tier, that's all this angry man-hating feminism really is to me, jelly uggos being jelly about hot bitches and being sour about men liking said bitches.

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rounded ends? ... not optics, krautstuff must be kantig
btw, opinion on my version?


Mmmmhm!! Made those myself a few weeks ago, think I got them almost right ... what cheese to use best?

I heard so too about the heatwave. Has not arrived yet and hope it stays like that until weekend. Air conditioning in lab does not work. Turns cell culture into a sauna on hot days.

Saved! Not bad! :D

nice autistic screetching posture

Political views can be in part correlated with dopamine receptor gene variants. These also control the brain's reward system among many other things. Not so far off...

I am more of a Schäufele guy

yeees, it is resentment.
best driveby trigger: insinuate bvhallus envy

glad you liked it
>heatwave + cell cultures
watch out for those cells in heat! might turn them... ahem... *morphic

OK guys, gotta go, bought an old soviet pickaxe head in the market, need to fix at least a temporary (is there anything more permanent than temporary?) handle and hack out a trench for power cable into the workshop

its like in that beatles song:
>suddenly, you're not half the man you never used to be

Should we call krauthating turks „hostis germanica“ - Enemies of Germany?

>what cheese to use best?
I don't think there is a correct cheese to use, literally any cheese works and the "correct" cheese used in recipes and shit differs from region to region, my mom almost always used Graukäse, but every now and then she used something else too, like Gorgonzola or just Gouda. Maybe try a few batches with different cheeses and take the one you like most.

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can you say whether Neanderthals had autism/schizophrenia? googling around I just see junk science articles saying the genes for both were switched off in Neanderthal but are switced on in homo sapien

Stelze is where it's at my man

>Certified Soja will save us

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Only the very best certified onions for your numales

i like your version. it reminds me a bit of cave paintings from neandertal.
could be the badge for certified krautistic elite historians.

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i always thought the hysteric lefties were literally junkies tho, with their eggsdreme moral fagging stimulating the emission of the highly adictive chemical moraline.
might as well be dopamine desu

The heavy metals containing paint Greenpeace used yesterday in Berlin is not so "environmental friendly" as they claimed.

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thats what Eierquetscher are you stupid cunt.

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apparently the "Familiendrama" in Gunzenhausen, Bayern, has a migrant background:

pushup bras, makeup and now cameltoe slips...
thats why I have trust issues

fuck, do I have a bundestrojaner now?

Take a Bayerntrojaner instead

wtf is this? I feel so betrayed

>the nose knows

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This might happen a lot more in the future, once they are here, these women might learn what kind of rights they actually have here and try to get rid of their husbands. The madman who drove across the main square in Graz 3 years ago killing a few people and injuring many more did it for the same reason. His wife basically escaped from him and got a restraining order or something similar and then the dude fucking lost his shit. They can't deal with this, it hurts their honor and pride way too much. They really aren't equipped to live by our rules

was meant for

heavy metal social construct anyway

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ah man, it just gets really depressing when you see faces to a thing like this

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Good idea, easy to just add cheese last and do different batches. Did it with Bergkäse last time, was cheesy enough but something was missing...

Something like autism maybe. Ok this is mostly my weird theory but what is so far proven is that their brain was shaped differently, more towards highly developed occipital region, visuo-spatial skills. H. sapiens had it more shifted towards frontal and parietal lobe, theory is they had better language capacities therefore. I kinda doubt the 'better' by now ... instead think their brains were differently 'wired'. Think Neander and autism may mean their language centers (and with this abstract thinking capability) was better connected with the occipital visual center instead of the emotional centers as in H. sapiens. Their social interactions and therefore group cohesion was more 'primitive' maybe, instead their thinking was mostly governed by visual representations, 3D shapes, more 'practical' than social so to speak. Cro-Magnon hybrids then found a middle ground between those two adaptions but their mixed ancestry meant that depending on what gene variants you received you turned out more of a charismatic and socially more adept type or as the more autistic but more 'visual/logical' thinking Neander brain type.

As far as I understand it the left has a more 'normal' brain chemistry here which oscillates between satisfaction after stimulus and being down when lacking it. The variants I would correlate with conservative are actually 'broken', the response is blunted. This means a tendency for depression but also less reaction to quick stimuli, instead requiring longterm stimulation. It gives you a more 'stoic' outlook. You deal better with accepting things like they are but you never fully reach 'complacency', driving you to be more motivated to achieve goals. I think the reality (with every human having a wild mix of gene variants) is more complex but this could be an explanation.

You're too weak. Having empathy in these days is a mistake.

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Are you unemployed, possibly named Ronni and live in a Plattenbau?

Glad I can switch this of at will due to being an Aspie...

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Wrong, wrong and wrong. Try again

Sometimes it overcomes me too but only at rare occasions. I stopped carrying about others years ago.

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She's a rich egoistic bitch that never shows tits.

many thanx. honoured actually, your OC is high quality, I just added a wee bit of my autism :D
just finished my temporary shaft for the pickaxe, I now have ancient nordic pickaxe, so I'm off to mine some stahlrim ... ehem... dig a trench for power cable :D
btw - saved this one!

Krautism is strong ITT.

> Diese Schweine sind nichts anderes als Marionetten der Siegermächte des 2. WK
> und haben die Aufgabe, das dt. Volk klein zu halten indem molekulare Bürgerkriege
> in den Ballungszentren durch Überfremdung induziert werden sollen.

She's a nice leader.

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le me guess
the address is [email protected]

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When did anti-Tay disappear?




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DUDE if u had kids you know they will cry if you give them the wrong strawberry that they didn't ask for.

About 2 months ago

Only mutts like poland. Poland is a joke and nobody respects them.

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sup fag

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It is almost creepy how logic may override it ... at least with me. Makes you wonder how your own brain is wired. I see so many where in the end emotion gains priority, hell, where emotion is the governing pattern of thought. I really think it has to do with how your speech center is interconnected with other brain areals. There are dominant circuits. Same with that 'social shaming' that keeps the boomers in line ... it fucking never worked on me, worst case I react extremely aggressive if I feel wrongly accused. ACTUAL mistakes I made, where I know I've objectively fucked up ... those torture me, even if nobody will ever know about them.

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No need to repeat facts
I just think the Womp Womp is hilarious.

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I was just being sure that agenda wasn't behind photo, just what I mean.


Same here, even as a kid I made most of my decision based on logic and not emotion. That caused trouble more than once in school but in the end it always turned out well for me. Such behavior can be crucial in emergency situations, we should see it as evolutionary advantage.

>anglo slavic subhuman
That explains why you are so ugly.

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Interestingly, you side with the British more than you don't side with the British. I speak, of the English. What a fuggin fag.
Pigman and his cousin, Hagrid.
William and Hans BFF.


security theater in Hanover.

looks like they wargamed a hostage situation instead of whats more likely- a mass murder situation from multiple starting points like Bataclan

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