The Tides Are Turning

>even drudge is congratulating ocasio-cortez
Will this go down as one of the biggest political upsets in American history?
Will Ocasio-Cortez's victory signal the beginning of a new era of socialist politics in America, where candidates can un on an openly socialist platform and win federal elections?

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i think you mean communist. bernie was a communist. this cunt is a communist.

i vote for communism, and you should too, because the faster this country gets ruined, the better

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>winning the primary by moving to the far left means she'll win the general.
No, Op... that's not how it works. By alienating the swing voters, you don't win elections.

fuck niggers

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This is a great thing. Democrat establishment is being forced out by leftist who are far more left than hillary was, and hillary was too far left to win the presidency. So many great things happened to day, up there with election night.

The democrats themselves don't see this as a huge win. Go read all of the articles where they are seething. The republicans see this as a HUGE win. Communism in the USA? When every kids grandfather went to war to defeat it and why? These people are going to have a rough time because of this chicks win.

It only takes one.

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Everything's as planned. Marx predicted Communism's kingdom shall come when capitalism generates enough wealth so here we come.
Capitalist nation states are past, communist globalism is the future.

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I can't wait for more and more qt Hispanic girls to come into this country. They are gorgeous! I wonder what she smells like?

It's a D+30 district.
In the Bronx and Queens.
It's literally impossible for an R to win in November.

HAHAHA it just shows how much bernie fucked up the dem party forever
it will forever be split and never win after this
the only thing they can do now is make a 3 party system instead of a bipartisan
this is actually great for republicans
they can start going right-centrist and get easy wins after this

You already tried it and failed
Enjoy your oligarchy lmao

We can all be heroes.

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Ocasio will sell out or be slammed as an anti semite. you communists will be labeled as anti semites. I hope you enjoying being the nazis

>The democrats themselves don't see this as a huge win.
Are you serious? Every leftist rag is creaming their pants tonight. The only "Dems" whining are the ones in Congress. Even the centrist Dems in the media were backing her.

Madagascar 3?

I have no issue with this. The sooner America dies the better.

t. accelerationist

>, where candidates can un on an openly socialist platform and win federal elections?

She won because she's a spic not socialist.

now /ourguys/ can openly run as NatSoc.

These leftist faggots keep meming their own defeat.

Keep going faggots

It wasn't bernie, he just showed up at the last minute, it was Obama. Obama will remembered in history books as the pied piper who led the democrat party into the woods and then vanished leaving them for dead. He had unique attributes (first black president, good charisma) that allowed him, along with control of both senate and house and scotus, to embed fringe far left policies into the mainstream of the democratic party. Now that he is gone, the democrat party is left with those policies, a small base who demands they follow it, and not enough voters to actually put it into action.

We'll see how well that works on hispanic crowd.

Yeah, and that's why you don't tear existing system down and let it evolve instead. This is how capitalism came to be btw

>Now that he is gone
He isn't though. He's netflix's new star.
He's going to have moves AND a kardashian style reality show.
It's going to be the rage.

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she will win though, district is 50%+ beaner

>a reality tv star gone president
>a president gone reality tv star
he's like the negative version of trump.. The NegaTrump or just Nega for short

>Say It With Me
Speaker Pelosi

While it's likely that she received a significant boost from her being a latino (plus low voter turnout) the entirety of the media is running with "she won because she ran on socialism," so that's the narrative going forward.

Are you willingly retarded? He is no longer president, and has no political power. Jesus christ how many teachers have gotten fired for hitting you in grade school?

They already are, basically.

Corey Stewart is full throttle 14.

Capitalism has always existed.

"Rocks" Dem Party is right. The Democrat Party is swinging MORE Left. And MORE violent. More extreme. Throw in the outlier Communist agitator SJW archetype, and holy fuck they're going to be shouting each other down so much they will be split on any action.

The Dems are now deciding whether they want to be more Moderate...with open borders and degeneracy...


Full out Weimer Republic shit show.

It's looking like a circus. KEEP letting the Left self destruct. Encourage them to do shit like this. Egg them on to show their true colors. They're getting to the point of starting a massacre or Civil War out of emotion. Let them.

>He is no longer president, and has no political power.
>Jesus christ how many teachers have gotten fired for hitting you in grade school?
tfw I actually spent half of my senior year in juvie for getting into a fight with my algebra teacher in class.

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Roy Moore 2.0
If you eat your own shit, you win

How 'Progressive' is she? is she openly anti-white?

He got fired btw.

hahahahahahaha. congrats to her though for real. white democraps getting blown the fuck out by their uppity slaves is the best thing that could ever happen to the Republican Party.

This. Obama always admired trump lifestyle even thou he hated him.

she's a spic cunt using a hyphenated spic name. of course she's militantly anti white.

Yes every liberal politician in the west have anti white policy how new are you meme flag

A girl like this is the BEST recruiter for the Republican Party there is.

I know the narrative and it's clearly a bs concocted to cover unpleasant reality that Democratic party will be taken over by diversity.

>Yes every liberal politician in the west have anti white policy how new are you meme flag

If Pajeet knows this.....then it MUST be SHUT DOWN! SHUT IT DOWN!!!

when the (((media))) is running it 24-7 we'll see. I hate to rain on your parade but something like this will probably happen. 2018 will be a bloodbath for the democratic party and you communists will be blamed. do you think your brand of communism will play well in South Dakota, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and Montana?? you'll be losing those seats in the senate and you'll be blamed. then communist leaders will be blamed for anti semitism in the media, the establishment dems will triangulate you in hopes to appear as the sane choice in 2020. you're the scapegoats. remember this when it plays out.

Right? The guy has served 10 (9 or 10?) terms and was poised to take over for pelosi, he spent over a million on this election and she spent a fraction of that. They demonrat snowniggers are feeling full effect of what shifting the demographics of our country too fast is having.

Nah. It also became mainstream only with advent of international trade as feudals had to let someone do increasingly complex trading for them. Before that pretty much everyone was Feudal (aka slaver++)

>Communism in the USA? When every kids grandfather went to war to defeat it

The only times that USA fought commies they lost and drew (Vietnam and Korea), the USA have never defeated commies in a war.

>is she openly anti-white?

>abolish ice
>open borders
>expand the welfare state
>not white
>attacked her incumbent opponent for being a white man in a majority latino district
What do you think?

yeah he was the 4th ranking dim in congress lmao. id love to be a fly on the wall in that campaign office. I imagine he's calling her an uppity taco nigger.

Bernie Bros are gassing Boomers

This is the salty win for dem though. Its the win they were not expecting and would regret it for so long. Imagine the countless life american sacrificed just to defeat the communism, and its the same communism is now making ground in their own country.

The democrats are going to be split in half. Between cunts like this and Conor Lamb, who could actually unite people


Imagine being here and seeing this shit. I wake up everyday watching America ATTEMPT to be the Weimer Republic 2.0

Oy vey this pajeet is woke

You are Pajeet. Thou art woketh.

I said OPENLY. As in openly saying that whites need to be disenfranchised/discriminated against ect.

Just for one day

>even drudge is congratulating ocasio-cortez

Do you retards not know Drugde is just another news aggregation site like Google and Yahoo? I don't think they have anything original.

>The only times that USA fought commies they lost and drew
Grenada, Panama, all the other coups

Life is capitalism because capitalism is competition. Life competes for resources, land, the right to breed.

People are biologically programmed to put themselves and their kin ahead of everybody else.

Socialism is a fake collective that will inevitably fall to corruption and form a new ruling class.

Its amazing to see the beaners who escape the socialism and communism in their country are now voting for same harsh communism in their current host country. Lmao its unbelievable.

Are you actually living in India? I have a hard time believing certain flags have internet connections. I automatically assume you are in a slum dog millionaire situation.

>when the (((media))) is running it 24-7 we'll see

Won't work. It took many decades and complete control over media to brainwash whites. Now with internet it'd be much harder and longer process.

lmao memeflag please

she's running on abolishing much of the Department of Homeland Security and ICE

Nope, he played a Bruce Springsteen song on guitar and dedicated it to her. Full-on cuck mode.

Dude, India works on a caste system. Slumdog types live right next door to people in high rise buildings and shit. It's the weirdest thing

In your mommy boob

>>attacked her incumbent opponent for being a white man in a majority latino district

Thank you for actually answering my question. Luckily it'll be pretty much only lefyist whites who're harmed by her.

Who fucking cares. No one is going to listen to that communist spic. It was a protest vote by the 3rd world filth in that my district

Drudge has an obvious rightward slant in his choice of headlines

On a political level he's always been a paleoconservative

This will destroy the Democratic party. Copying from another post I made.

>An old, establishment, (((white))) man vs a young, far left, minority woman would be the perfect combination to sow discord in the Democratic party. The dem millenials will make a point of voting. They, along with minority women will 100% go for any far left woman who isnt white. The older white Dems and establishment will back someone like Bloomberg 100%. Put the two groups against each other and it will be a dirty primary. Remember how much the DNC had to cheat their own party to get Hillary over Bernie? And Hillary had women + minorities + establishment.

Afghanistan in the 1980s

>Even the centrist Dems in the media were backing her.


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Dude we Indians have the cheapest internet plan in the world though.

show bob and vagene

Why is this amazing? This always happens. Import a large enough mass of people from x and they turn your country into x.

First CIA employee to win election. This’ll be interesting times.

Yes. Get ready for a new American national socialist workers party.

Who could have possibly foreseen that filling an area with Latin Americans would turn it into Latin America.

read the whole thread

Its just like in your country where niggers spics and indians are considered as minority here in India on the basis od caste system native Indians are considered as minority. In India majority of hindus have to face same type od discrimination as you wypipo face in your country.

First time in history a leftwing candidate wants to shrink government

>ultra liberal new york elects a literal socialist

how is this shocking or news worthy

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you can't be serious? what will you do when you come up against establishment Black candidates? they overwhelmingly support the establishment? you spics are going to find out real soon they're above you on the victim hierarchy.
no jew money and being anti black, sounds like you da nazis raciss now.

Western World is splitting in two Pajeet there isn't going to be a way of stopping it.

They have been and keep losing because of it. Nobody else in the GOP has Trump-level charisma so they just seem like weird faggots.

>Grenada, Panama
Fair enough . Didn't know they were reds.

The burger military didn't fight that war so you can't count it, the burgers funded/armed Islamist militias to do all the fighting..

Everything you said is true. You don't have to construct fake collectives though, real ones will form once food and energy become available for everyone and there's no need for competition anymore. That is, unless corporations/transhumans won't hoard everything for themselves and make Deus Ex a reality.

>Will Ocasio-Cortez's victory signal the beginning of a new era of socialist politics in America, where candidates can un on an openly socialist platform and win federal elections?

No. It's just one goblina in the hood promising gibs for illegals and dindus.


You mean socialist. Communism is basically a far right libertarian commune.

These people want absolute government power over society.

There was always going to be a blue I that seat.

With this, the dems get a walking talking meme who is an embarrassment on the national stage, instead of their tried and true establishment figure (who was also a great fundraiser apparently, which is invaluable)

This is a big embarrassment for ol chuck

>what will you do when you come up against establishment Black candidates? they overwhelmingly support the establishment? you spics are going to find out real soon they're above you on the victim hierarchy.

Not for long. They're constantly aborting niglets and their population as a share of US citizens is not changing much while beaners are growing. Spics also have an IQ advantage,

Most (not all) opinion writers and staffers at the big newspapers (i.e. WaPo, NYT) and the talking heads on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and NBC are centrists, and they proudly call themselves as such on twitter.
But the vast majority of other journos and figures in the media are socialists, yes.
Most major magazines are almost exclusively staffed by socialists, with one or two token centrist Dems.


This is why 'merica's future is worse than Europe's - the Marxism that these Mestizos will bring is much worse than Shariah.

>inb4 universal basic income
>inb4 higher corporate taxes
>inb4 skyrocket in unemployment rates
>inb4 'it's all the fault of capitalism'
>inb4 skyrocket in violent crime

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>Western World is splitting in two Pajeet there isn't going to be a way of stopping it.
Kiwi bro , as per my poo analysis white people are waking up in a rapid number and you can already see the pattern in european country where far right party are winning , getting decent traction and even leading in early polls. Its like There's a silent shift going on with the people who used to favor liberal policies are now considering far right policies of anti immigration.

Because she primaried thhe 4th-ranking Dem in the House who was floated as Pelosi's successor as Speaker of the House if the Dems take back the House.