Time to purge Jow Forums of faggotry

What the fuck... Im sensing lots of harpies, faggots, cucks and basedboys on Jow Forums recently.

It's it time to deploy the good old protocol to purge this channel?

Please bring in the Gore and chink, mexican hate webm's to scare them away.

I can only contribute with a shitty gore pic.

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>arms held up

real Jow Forums users transitioned to the darknet years ago, now we have illegal edgy political discussions without interference from shareblue

Reported for racial hatred niggel, enjoy your chicken massala in islamic prison

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Gore doesn't work anymore. Remember /mlpol/. The one benefit of the horsefuckers was nobody wanred to see the clop. Kept the shills away.

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>Please bring in the Gore
nah, you only need ponies

Just post shrek memes on every thread, I did it with that loudfag raid thread.

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makes me sad we are so insignificant
just flesh and bones that will fade away with time

Most Brit posters are mudslimes and mudslime apologists. Go fuck yourself with a rusted spoon achmed.

Nah i prefer your daughter m8.


>Nah i prefer your daughter m8.

I stabbed one of your cousin's in the neck recently Takbir, should have heard him. The little Mohammed (shit be upon him) look a like was squealing like a little pig


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Is that from the German cannibal?

calm down abdul
you might get prisoned for hate speech

I'd just like to remind everyone this is how soccer became a thing.

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/pol is mostly millennial faggots, unlike /biz

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gore snd nigger hate is the only way

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