If the holocaust was fake

then how come I dont know about german officers/camp operators who vehemently denied the allegations during the trials?

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during the rehearse trials any of the officers that failed the cooperation tests were killed off as mia.
Sorta like how isis practices their executions.

>cover up fake murders with real murders
sure, Cletus

everyone prosecuted on the nuremberg trials was a deep cover jew

>If I was lied to 'how come' (derp) I don't know dat.

choke on a dick and die faggot

If the death camps were real how did people survive them?

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If witches are fake how come every woman tried for witchcraft confessed ?

You thinking too much. Did you know about eisenhower death camps from school? No? So why do you thinking anybody would bother with some nazis who lost war.

'how come' is a perfectly valid expression and is commonly used. How come you don't know that?

If the holocaust was real how come there were no gas chambers or lamp shades or soap or masterbation machines or death coasters or lions and eagles or electrical death floors??

After getting your nuts squished I'd say the holocaust happened too.

>german officers/camp operators who vehemently denied the allegations during the trials?
i never heard anyone expressevely confirming, too?

3-step guide to shutting down the Holohoax argument

can't believe I used to respect Jow Forumslacks. This place is reverse reddit, an echochamber tbdesu.

how come only the ones inspected by the Soviets were later called "death camps"
how come they had a swimming pool
how come they had their own money
how come they used a disinfectant made for typhus, which they were treating the people they wanted to kill, to kill them later with the same thing they were using to save lives?
how come everything Hitler said Jews were doing is what they are still doing
how come the winners of war write history
how come they were able to burn 6.000.000 bodies when it takes many hours and lots of fuel to even burn one
how come zyklon b pellets worked on rooms full of jews underground in winter when it takes very high temperatures for the cyanide to be released.
how come

fairly sure no witches confessed to being witches... they didn't have fair trial for their say to even be considered in the verdict. It was just
>she's a witch
>burn her
>she burns
Even the expression "witch hunt" aids this explanation

>all the "death camps" happened to be on the Soviet controlled side

Really makes you think.

The Malleus Maleficarum has explicit instructions about the extraction of confession. A confession under duress is still a confession by these standards.

>how come only the ones inspected by the Soviets were later called "death camps"
don't know what you're asking in the question
>how come they had a swimming pool
did the Jews use the pool?
>how come they had their own money
don't know what you mean
>how come they used a disinfectant made for typhus, which they were treating the people they wanted to kill, to kill them later with the same thing they were using to save lives?
Everyone used Zyklon for disinfecting clothes
>how come everything Hitler said Jews were doing is what they are still doing
>how come the winners of war write history
Because the losers have spite and hatred towards them losing...
>how come they were able to burn 6.000.000 bodies when it takes many hours and lots of fuel to even burn one
They burned them en masse
>how come zyklon b pellets worked on rooms full of jews underground in winter when it takes very high temperatures for the cyanide to be released.
It takes literally water and heat. You could biol them in a kettle or dissolve it in heated water (and distribute via. showers)
>how come
how come you don't research these questions yourself?

>The recommended procedures include torture to effectively obtain confessions and the death penalty as the only sure remedy against the evils of witchcraft
>torture to effectively obtain confessions

>being this retarded

He's saying all camps inspected by non-soviet sources DON'T classify them as death camps but internment camps. Also yes Jews used the pools; there's even photos floating about of camp soccer teams.

the nazi leadership was occupied and owned by zionists

Why? Once they'd already squashed your nuts, well what what more would you have to lose at that point

Never said it was, but the use of torture to extract a desired confession is still common practice . Ie waterboarding ,oh wait we're suppossed to call it "enhanced interrogation" now

This, Hitler was the biggest jew of all time. Not sure Jow Forums can handle this redpill

Yes there were camp soccer teams and there was a swimming pool, of course neither of those were for Jews I don't have any clue why you think they were

>false sense of hope in a *Nazi* death camp
literally don't see how this confirms the holocaust to be fake
and still haven't found a picture of jews swimming in that pool...

you nunce
if a religious extremist group of people wouldn't stop torturing you until you told them what they want... would you tell them? Think about an innocent person in this ordeal...

The only articles i've seen on the soccer team were the accounts of non-Jews prosecuted and held in the camps (so like enemies of the state etc)... have no clue why they bring up the soccer as a proof for the holocaust being fake

>Confessions from torture aren't real
>No no no these confessions extracted via torture are 100% factual

I mean really ?

People arguing about other facts but aint nobody answering OP. Really accelerates my almonds.

Say the line and get a job in the space program vs disappear/ get tortured

Seems pretty obvious mate

When did I imply that?
Wanting to end the torture is natural response to being tortured
But if I was innocent, and I wanted them to stop sending bamboo shoots through my fucking toenails, i'm going to be screaming any convoluted thing they want me to say, for fucks sake.

god you sure are a newfag
>enjoy you stay cuz you're staying here forever

good response? i've been here for 3ish years. I'm not far right yet because your rhetoric is amongst the easiest to debunk.

Are you intentionally being dense or is the analogy too much for you to handle?

if the holohoax was real why is it forbidden to question it?

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>if kikes won the war how come i dont hear of the crimes they did along the way and afterwards?
Only a retard would think that's a meaningful question to ask

you asked
>If witches are fake how come every woman tried for witchcraft confessed ?
>witches are real

why am I even debating you on this

Most of these laws also criminalise the denial of all genocides and the atrocities committed communist regimes.

Do..do you not even know what an analogy is?

Wtf I love Tasmania now!

Alright in relating your analogy to the Nuremberg trials....
Why would the Nazi generals be afraid of telling the truth in denying what happened in the war?

In long words short, your analogy is shit. It implies that accused witches were forced to tell the truth. Where we are discussing soldiers being forced to lie.

Both would be lies you mongloid

this is simply not true, In France we have some of the most strict law about the holohoax, while you can say whatever you want on any other genocides, france reconized the Armenian genocide just a couple of years ago.
While holohoax deniers or revisionist are put in jail, or even fear for their lives.

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Oh no no please dont go we need your approval

Once you know that torture in extracting confessions was commonplace, the validity of the entire trial can be thrown out.

What was forcing the soldiers to lie about the "exaggeration" of the atrocities in war? Even when they were trying to cover up how many Jews they killed?

What is the point in denying if they think you did something awesome?

since when monkeys from africa have acess to internet? fuck off kike behind proxy.

Because they were tortured on beforehand and told they would be tortured more if they didn´t do exactly what they said. They squeezed their testicals till they broke and many other things. If i am allowed to torture you you better believe i can get you to testify to whatever the fuck i want you to testify to. Especially if i say if you don´t do exactly what i say i will torture you to death afterwards. It was also a trial that was not bound by technical rules of evidence. Meaning they convicted them based on innuendo. It is what is also called a kangaroo court or a mock trial. There is so much evidence that this is clear atrocity propaganda if you look into it. This is precisely why they make it a thought crime, and even try to make it actually illegal to question it. Because if you do you almost immediately realize something is very very wrong here. For instance many normies do not realize that the number at auswitz was post war wittled all the way down to 1½ million and even less than that. They had to change the official memorial plaques. But the normies still think it was 6 million jews. Not to mention that talmudic jews claimed russia was also killing 6 milion jews. Jews have incentive to make this up because the talmudic jews wanted excuse to create state of israel. And this atrocity propaganda was a perfect excuse. You can go through official holochaust testimonies and clearly see where they are telling the truth and where they are blatantly lying. They do not even realize how zyklon b works and what it was used for. Including to decontaminate entire trainsets to protect against typhus. And you see those emaciated bodies etc. when the allies entered germany near auswitz? Yeah that was a typhus outbreak + starvation caused by allied bombings. The typhus outbreak they wanted to prevent with gassing clothes and posessions in gas cubicles with zyklon b. Whilst the inmates took shower. The primary carrier of typhus was the body louse.

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Literal retard detected


I read a source of a prisoner that said they played football there

Not even a holocaust denier here and don't think it changes anything really. I guess it relates to German guilt, but I'm not German.

> How many Jews they killed

What if that number was zero?

Need I remind you that summary executions in Allied POW camps were commonplace. I've heard stories about men getting shot for picking up a cigarette. Beatings were normal, starvation was normal, abuse was normal. The war was over and Geneva was no longer in effect.

So the argument of "you know we'll kill you anyway, we'll either torture you to death slowly or you can confess now and get shot like a soldier" would have been very appealing to some.

If the holocaust was real how come there are still Jews?

>Because they were tortured on beforehand

>you can confess now and get shot like a soldier
you're not getting what i'm asking. WHO are they confessing these false statistics to? Do you really expect me to believe that the Jews regathered themselves, and formulated a plan for "world domination" in the month between the war ending and the Nuremberg trials starting?
WHO was torturing them?

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>I guess it relates to German guilt, but I'm not German.

Not any more it doesn't. The Jews have vastly expanded their list of targets to extract money from, because we're scheduled to die out within 30 years and they want to secure their well-being for the next few hundred years. Whatever. We tried to warn you about them, but none of you would listen.

If I were a kike and concerned about right wing politics, I would try to get them to talk about the Holohoax as much as possible.

Reminder that it was almost a century ago and perpetrated by a German Workers party which embraced a Nordicist racial theory and the supremacy of Germany. The present far right has nothing to do with these positions and the greatest trick the Jew ever pulled was getting us to defend Uncle Adolf (even though he did nothing wrong).

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The Americans, in any case, often used American Jews as interrogators because many of them spoke Yiddish which is similar to German and because they were never certain about the loyalty of the ethnic German portion of their population who still spoke German.

The trials in the 60s barred defendants and their lawyers from denying the atrocities because it was (is) against the law. The lawyers would get imprisoned for defending their clients. Germany made it a legal impossibility

still looking for a sauce on the torturing...

Neither did the Nazis, especially with the Treblinka and Belzec trials of the 60s. Their lawyers would have been arrested for holocaust denial.

They unironicaly tortured the living shit our of all of the Germans who had to (((testify))). There were rules set up specifically for Nuremberg that meant that they could submit anything that they wanted and call it evidence and they could dismiss any evidence that they didn't like. I'm pretty sure the Germans didn't even get legal defense at all.

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>Need I remind you that summary executions in Allied POW camps were commonplace. I've heard stories about men getting shot for picking up a cigarette. Beatings were normal, starvation was normal, abuse was normal. The war was over and Geneva was no longer in effect.
Yeah look up this documentary called hellstorm. How the allies on purpose starved to death millions of civilians aswell as outright killed people. Infact in my country which if people don´t know is just north of germany. We had buit buildings. Because the treatment of the germans after the war was so bad, that they actually fled as legitimate refugees to nearest country, in this case denmark. And we had to house them. If you know anything about germans, it is that they are very proud people that it takes some serious bullshit for them to abandon their own nation even temporarily. But it was not actually the war that caused them to do this eventhough many died of the allied bombings that destroyed supplies and food and all these things. But it was actually the allied treatment after the war!
Oh yeah and post war if the east europeans had said ANYTHING bad about the russians, they were immediately executed. These people live in a fucking fantasyworld created by the jews lies. And i am getting tired of it. The jews might be the biggest liars on the entire planet! Also with regards to the gassing, You know who gassed as death penalty? Jew lead commie russia with nkvd inverted exhaust disguised as breadtrucks in the filthy great purge. And the US since 1920 with gas as death penalty. You know who never did? germany. People forget there is a thing called ATROCITY PROPAGANDA. which is where you lie about what people do during war etc. As an excuse to do bad shit to them/to rally people against them. This was done towards germany also as excuse for war and certainly after! Let patton explain it to you.

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Why would an American Jew be concerned about an American right wing movement? The most powerful man in the Whitehouse is Trump's son-in-law who is a Jew.

>If you confess we will go easy on you.
Its still a pillar of Western law.

>jews lies
>not the general anger of people trying to genocide a race

Because they were trying to save their skins and avoid torture/gulags. What are you incapable of understanding?

>cover up fake XYXYX with real XYXYX
>cover up real XYXYX with fake XYXYX
jewish pathology 101

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we're goign around in circles here...
what is the reason for making them exaggerate these numbers so high, when they're already trying to work against a purposely lowered death rate number?

Torture and the threat of being handed over to the Soviets. What do you not understand?

Like all holohoaxers you aren't here in good faith. You're being intentionally obtuse in order to frustrate reasonable discussion

Look up Bad Nenndorf. You won't because you're intellectually dishonest and it doesn't matter what links I find for you, you won't read them. You've already made up your mind and there's no point in replying to you.

>not the general anger of people trying to genocide a race
Spare me your bullshit normie, it never happened, and it was clear what natsoc wanted aswell. They declared that jews could not be citizens of germany. It´s in the 25 points. Because they wanted their socialist/commie influence out of germany, who had already created a bloody revolution in russia. You are so fucked up in the head first off it was not 6 million that even died as result of war. they have to change plaques and everything. Secondly jews were not gassed and cremated. Thirdly just the holodomor orchestrated by jews killed 20 million ukranians. It is total brainwash and propaganda. Also how can they kill all jews when US and england is fucking full of them? They wanted them out of germany, something that has happened near 400 times to jews in all kinds of different nations and people. FOR CRIMES AND MISCHIEF! But due to the holohoax lie. Then for the first time people felt sorry for the jews, and everyone else was bad. And this is what the jews wanted out of this. It was the perfect opportunity to make these bullshit lies for them!

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>Look up Bad Nenndorf. You won't because you're intellectually dishonest and it doesn't matter what links I find for you, you won't read them. You've already made up your mind and there's no point in replying to you.
Exactly he´s just a cunt that will ask for evidence non stop to derail the thread, and never really interested in it.

you're giving me the *motivation*
I want the *reason* for the interrogators making them say such high numbers, when the number the Germans were giving them (the number they were working off in interrogation) were already incredibly low?

Okay thank you for the sauce
Now, see


Happened to Sylvia Stoltz under laws that have been on the books since not long after the war. Again, you're not here in good faith and it's obvious

You are stuck up on refusing to realize that they were tortured and threatened to be tortured and killed afterwards if they didn´t. How about that there´s no fucking evidence that these things happened in the first place. This is precisely why nuremburg wasn´t bound by technical evidence. You just play deliberately obtuse like a faggot because you are scarred of realizing that it never happened and what you believe is a lie. Patton also realized that he had been lied to and essentially fought for the wrong side.

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>I want the *reason* for the interrogators making them say such high numbers

To match atrocity propaganda from the war. That isn't at all relevant to German confessions since it's been estsblished that they were extracted under coercion. Ask the fucking allies why they exaggerated, the Germans weren't arguing the numbers because that is irrelevant to the following orders defense

Içm notnsure about your Faggot ass, but if a gang of Jews were holding knives to my family's throats and telling me to admit to shit I didn't do, I would admit to just about anything. I love how you just straw manned the fuck out of the entire premise, as of the possibility was so far fetched, that it doesn't happen EVERY FUCKING DAY.

>Confess to something you didn't do and get slapped on the wrist or don't and get tortured/killed
>Hmm why everybody confessed? :^)

They want to make it a crime to question it, because HOW OBVIOUS IT IS THAT THERE´S MASSIVE PROBLEMS WITH THE STORY. That the jews used to a) get immune to critique b) continue to destroy germany with the (((eu))) that the communist jews who took over germany to pattons dismay after wwII c) create the state of israel and kill palestineans. They had massive benefit from orchestrating and perpetuating this bullshit lie. And it is also used as excuse to flood europe and western nations with immigrants. This is the actual reason they wanted germany destroyed/why they wanted war with germany. To use it as a vehicle like this.

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(((Kushner))) has been pushed to the side and relegated to tilting at the Middle East peace windmill. The most influential Jew in the White House is Stephen "Gas the Spics" Miller who is a god damned anomaly and the best argument for the existence of based Jews.

>then how come I dont know
because you didn't care to inform yourself?

While I have no means of knowing whether the holocaust was real or not, there were multiple people denying it in trial. Hess, for example.
It is also common knowledge that the nuremberg trials weren't exactly done in a proper way - witnesses that didn't fit the narrative weren't heard, obvious contractions between witness accounts and facts were ignored (for example the claim that the gleiwitz attack was done by SS men in polish uniforms, when alls eyewitnesses stated that the attackers wore civilian clothes) and that at least some of the defendants were previously starved and tortured.

Also, even the "proof" for the holocaust was heavily manipulated. In Himmlers posen speech, for example, Himmler speaks of mountains of corpses (while referring to the military experience he and the other SS commanders have) and that he'd rather work POWs to death digging trenches than have his men fight without cover, but he also states that the german soldiers only killed or tortured when necessary, which he calls "a never told and never to be told badge of honor" and states that while the final aim is to get rid of the jews, they have not nearly enough support for it, not even within the SS itsself.
However, if you read the english translation used during the nuremberg trials, many of these points are missing, making it seem as if he lauds working POWs to death and declares killing all jews to be the ultimate goal of every german.

And BTW, if you calculate the number of germans dying in US POW camps the same way the holocaust victims are calculated (everybody who entered a camp and cannot be proven to have left alive died there), you'll end up with roughly one million deaths in half a year - compared to six million in three years. Now of course, the german POWs had some wounded among them, so mortality should be higher - but then again, they were far less people than the KZ inmates.

Exactly... We should really start reporting people for rule violation for such stupidity. It's unbearable to read.

Like I said, once torture is involved anywhere to establish the truth about anything, the results can be thrown out unless they're independently verified. All of these places are now in free countries. Archaeologists could research the validity of Holocaust claims today and determine if it actually happened or if the numbers are true. This is the only thing that "Holocaust deniers" want. This is why Jews are trying to shut them down. There's a massive amount of money at stake, not only from Germans because we don't have any anymore, but from every white country in the world and then the Arabs when there are no Whites left.

you understand that pleading guilty can get your sentence reduced and the (((trials))) would never let someone go as innocent if they tried to claim that everyone was innocent

>I dont know
You answered yourself.

You're deliberately dodging the question. If the debate isn't bound by evidence, i'd say the eye witness accounts of people who lived through the war have a little bit more mreit than the mere accusation of there being "no evidence" of the Holocaust (which is wrong ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007271)
And you still refuse to give me a reason for making these soldiers lie so drastically.

In what way would the real death numbers not suffice to this narrative?

From all the modern investigations i've seen, there's not much truth or good faith in their reporting. For instance, the report on the cyanide tracing tests done in the gas chambers at Auschwitz were painfully obviously misleading, in that they tested for hydrogen cyanide (the pure chemical). The scientists in the same report admitted that the substance is highly volatile, and would have reacted to form "prussian blue", yet there were no tests in the report for prussian blue.

I should report you for entertaining that Faggot abbo's retardation. If you ignore the shills, they go away. Do not engage. Ipso facto absurdum is a sin... Ipso facto


>Because they were tortured on beforehand
"Der Fragebogen" by E.v.Salomon, for example. while he got of rather easy (beatings and starvation), due to his background (including personal aquaintance with most of the NSDAP leadership) he was kept interned for a rather long time and witnessed people being tortured and murdered in the US POW-camps he was kept in.

You're being purposefully obtuse. You're refusing to engage the difficult questions he asked, or youre purposefully pretending you don't understand the question.
As to why he is asking these questions, it's called the socratic method you brainlet. He's engaging you in this manner to try and see what you know/don't know about the subject and to get an idea of how honestly you're willing to discuss the subject.
Basically, you've proven you don't know much and that you're unwilling to have an actual conversation.

A soldier getting fucked up in a POW camp isn't in the same context as alleged "torturing for the nuremberg trials"

>using the socratic method on an open image board of potentially hundreds of repliers

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We need Holocaust 2: Exterminated All Jewgaloo

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