Who did this?

Who did this?

Attached: 1237773401.png (449x208, 9K)

Whats with that font

some triggered feminist kike

kek, these morons can't even get their slander correct

I liked it, so I changed it.

You might be gay.

they are retards

I am not. It's just more simple than the ordinary font.

Change it

Thats the "gay font"
Scientists did studies on which fonts people choose and what that means. This font was only chosen by people who were gay.

You might have cock cravings, user.


>no antialiasing


So? It tells nothing about me. But I'd like you to provide a source for that.

I don't.


? Is this feature only for certain fonts? That sounds really stupid if that's true.

The truth hurts doesnt it you incel faggots.


Are you using windows? Linux has superior font rendering

I totally agree with you, misogynists and racists is not welcome, here are some ideas on how we can stop them:
Ban r9k to get rid of nazis and women haters.
Ban anyone who identifies as or uses the word "incel"
Implement upvotes(so that the popular threads are on top instead of the controversial).

incels. they have a forum. black pill as far as i know means that women are only attracted to the top 20% attractive or something like that.

Windows 10

that font is the gayer than 2 guys fisting each other

I can confirm. I did this study too. My father was a scientist. My fathers father was a scientist.

It is called “Times New Faggot” after all.

And you said you werent gay. You're literally getting your boipucci fucked by microsoft and everyone is watching.

Attached: 65e.jpg (449x818, 81K)

You should stop using the PC and fix your RL problems, instead of typing meaningless stuff on the internet.

Why do you get so defensive? You wanna suck my cock or what?

It's just healthy advice for you. You've obviously been exposed to Jow Forums for too long, and needs to stop browsing this site. You're obsessed with homosexuals and cocks, so I'm starting to think that you might be homosexual. There's nothing wrong with being homosexual user, it's just how some people choose to live their life.

Normies find a new concept and everything new revolves around it.

Attached: file.png (588x997, 180K)