SS Officer Oskar Dirlewanger was the most reckless and brutal of all the nazis, he got wounded around 10 times as a soldier in battle and. He was awarded the German Cross and Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross to mention a few.
He lead the 36th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, which consisted of murderers, psycopaths, rapists, pouchers and other criminals. He managed to lead his Division of criminals to brutally shut down the Polish resistance movement. Dirlewanger raped and tortured young women and slaughtered Jews Einsatzgruppen-style in Byelorussia beginning in 1942. He and his men would laugh as they tortured and raped their enemies to death. Dirlewanger burned three hospitals with patients inside, while the nurses were whipped, gang-raped and finally hanged naked, together with the doctors to the accompaniment of the popular song 'In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus'. During the Warsaw uprising he managed to kill 40.000 in just 2 days, showing absolutely no mercy or regard for their human life.
Dirlewanger participated in many battles, including the Spanish civil war but always managed to survive somehow, he first enlisted in the Prussian army in 1913 and served as a machine gunner.
'Brave, cunning, resourceful and superior soldier. Then also a pervert, drunk, thief and mass murderer with no moral code of honor or ethics. If we had a brigade of these men like Dirlewanger in the Middle-East, our troubles would be over in months with a body count that puts the Black Plague to shame'.
Also he was sent to prison for raping a 13 year old girl in the Bund Deutscher Mädel and drunkenly crashing a military vehicle, which lead him to also get booted from the NSDAP. How ever because of the duty he greatly served in Spain, he was lead out of prison again, he then later raped another 13 year old girl. Despite all of this, Heinrich Himmler gave him the role of SS-Oberführer. Himmler knew that people that are in touch with their beastly nature are very useful.
>pedophile >rapist >murderous arsonist >himmler promotes him anyway Was Himmler the cause of everything wrong in the Reich? He literally shat on Hitler's plate, ran away at his last days and every atrocity related to the Nazis is related to him, he ruined everything
Kayden Wood
Also a typo correction, he was awarded the German Cross in GOLD.
Jason Smith
Luke Hernandez
Lucas Ortiz
the real redpill is Alfred Rosenberg would have taken us to Atlantis and we would have New Schwabenland by now, if we just listened to him
>He lead the 36th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, which consisted of murderers, psycopaths, rapists, pouchers and other criminals. He managed to lead his Division of criminals to brutally shut down the Polish resistance movement. Dirlewanger raped and tortured young women and slaughtered Jews Einsatzgruppen-style in Byelorussia beginning in 1942. He and his men would laugh as they tortured and raped their enemies to death. Dirlewanger burned three hospitals with patients inside, while the nurses were whipped, gang-raped and finally hanged naked, together with the doctors to the accompaniment of the popular song 'In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus'. During the Warsaw uprising he managed to kill 40.000 in just 2 days, showing absolutely no mercy or regard for their human life. totally believable
Rosenberg was an occult light weight like the rest of Thule. Humiliated in the end like all of your heroes.
Ethan Peterson
if freaking Rosenberg was a light weight, then what was a Thulean heavy-weight?
Dominic Kelly
>Was Himmler the cause of everything wrong in the Reich? Not as much as Goering. Promoting that fat cocaine junkie into economics minister was retarded as hell.
There was so many other more qualified adimistrators (Albert Speer, Walther Funk. Hjalmar Schacht, Walther Darre..).
Colton Myers
He was unstable, disloyal and should have been purged along with Ernst Röhm. His sociopathic hold over the Nazi command structure was one of the major contributing factors to the failure of the Third Reich. Himmler was a chicken farmer with delusions of grandeur LARPing as a soldier. He had no business rising as high as he did.
Brody Richardson
All that he's done was justified if the outcome was the 1000 year Deutsches Reich. Right now the west is literally collapsing. We have fertility rate deeply below replacement value. If that wasnt bad enough, we have a huge migration into our countries, of people who are uncapable of being a productive members of our societies. They come here to live off of welfare, which means to steal the outcome of the work of white men. Once white men numbers hit lows, and shitskin numbers hit highs, shit will go down, literally. So yea Im an unironic natsoc Pole.
We just need another Dirlewanger, even better a whole legion.. Oh wait, that already exist we have Atomwaffen Division.
Adam Turner
I have been thinking about him and his operate alot... and really I wish I had a relevant opinion but every time I read something about him and his troops a sense of astonishment and numbness pervades me leaving me dumb and broken, unable to process of form a coherent opinion
I wish I was there sometimes, just to ask him what he is doing and why is he doing that where is his emphaty where is his human side and how can he justify the shit he was doing... I am everything but thinskinned, but events such as the Wola massacre (where the 36th targeted polish children) are nothing but degeneracy. If Germans where not that desperate for soldiers, and good ones, this man would have meet the wrong side of a luger in no time. from one side he was very good in obtaining whatever he wanted to achieve because he was a degenerate, and ruthless.. on the other hand he was a degenerate.
And here there is the redpill Jow Forums its people like him that win a war, and I mean a full scale war between people and race, not those clown fiesta we have today.
He is the kind of person that we read everyday in our history textbooks, and ignore. People like him ends the war creating pax romana, simply because there is no enemy left to fight even the children of the enemy (who may grow up full of revenge) are not somthing to worry about.
Lucas Evans
>He lead the 36th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, which consisted of murderers, psycopaths, rapists, pouchers and other criminals. >irlewanger raped and tortured young women and slaughtered Jews Einsatzgruppen-style in Byelorussia beginning in 1942 >Brave, cunning, resourceful and superior soldier. Then also a pervert, drunk, thief and mass murderer with no moral code of honor or ethics >Also he was sent to prison for raping a 13 year old girl in the Bund Deutscher Mädel and drunkenly crashing a military vehicle, which lead him to also get booted from the NSDAP. How ever because of the duty he greatly served in Spain, he was lead out of prison again, he then later raped another 13 year old girl. Despite all of this, Heinrich Himmler gave him the role of SS-Oberführer. Himmler knew that people that are in touch with their beastly nature are very useful.
simple as this no Ehre in battle shame for german army be shall be shoot by a firering squad
We need more Fjotolf Hansens, I hope the tolerant Norwegian state will release him once his 21 year sentece is finished.
Angel Gray
>himmler promotes him anyway Good soldiers/commanders are not always saints. If you pick onlly the nicest guys as your elite troops there is a high chance you lose.
Cooper Sanchez
And that is the exact point of this thread, men like him make the absolute best soldiers and officers. Yes we are working on it, Atomwaffen will probably get him out at some point.
No one said we need saints, but this guy wasn't a good soldier, he made the communists look good in comparison.
Matthew Wilson
lul looks like my dad
John Morris
>We have fertility rate deeply below replacement value. Does the world somehow end if the population doesnt grow without end or pause ? WWII wasnt the end of the world either.
its not the worlds fertility rate thats down, its the white people fertility rate, niggers in some African countries have a rate of 7 - 10 kids per women. Now you can guess what the outcome of it will be if Africa is already a place full of misery and poverty. And all it takes to get out is to hop on a boat and get to Europe.
Also I want to point out how this person would have been a normal individual under the moral code of the world of tomorrow. You know the moral code imposed by the LGBTQP (where P stands for pedophile) According to such people he would have been a victim, wrongfully persecuted for having an unconventional love according to some evil CIS male.
So he would have not been on the radar, he would have been allowed to climb the ranks and to reach a position that eventually would have lead him to make the butcher fest he made in the 40's. It's not like being a pedophile is a mental disease per se that usually is associated with a cluster of other deviancies, NO according to the modern thinking this is some slippery slop fallacy of some bigoted white male.
May God save us, or purge us all. I don't want to live in the world of tomorrw.
Easton Barnes
Following such impulses will only further secure the destruction of your "people". Nations have karma. Would German men be as effeminate as they are today without their total defeat at the hands of the U.S.? Would the demographics of the current German labor force be what it is today without Germany's final humiliation at the hands of the Allies? Your lokian impulses rise and ebb in history and you gravitate toward them like nighttime insects to a fire. Soon you will be nothing but a scrap of genetic history in a homogenous brown west. - And it will be your own doing.
>be Nazi Germany in 1940 >create combat outfit composed of thugs and criminals "convicted of major crimes such as premeditated murder, rape, arson and burglary" >"terrifying rabble" of "cut-throats, renegades, sadistic morons, and cashiered rejects from other units" >unit turns out to be an almost comical band of fuckups who were kicked out of every major field command they were assigned to and whose most noteworthy achievement was sadism and brutality that appalled even the most notorious architects of the Holocaust
>be Louisiana in 1861 >create combat outfit composed of “the lowest scum of the lower Mississippi...adventurous wharf rats, thieves, and outcasts...and bad characters generally” > the worst men I ever saw…. I understand that they are mostly wharf rats from New Orleans, and Major Wheat is the only man who can do anything with them. They were constantly fighting with each other. They were always ready to fight, and it made little difference to them who they fought.” >unit turns out to be one of the best in the Confederate Army, earning a legendary reputation for being utterly fearless and hard-fighting, becoming the Army of Northern Virginia's premiere shock troops alongside the Texas and Stonewall Brigades
Where did we get it so right where the Krauts got it so wrong?
Bonus question: What would happen if a nine month pregnant Anne Frank mysteriously teleported into the middle of a Confederate Army camp of Louisiana Tigers?
Would they be courtly Southern gentlemen and take her to meet General Lee? Sing Bonnie Blue flag and Rose of Alabamy by the campfire with her? Share their sweet tea and hardtacks with her? Teach her to do the Rebel Yell?
The moment we will have a serious crisis, or a major happening Africa will fall in a spiral of genocide and violence since they don't have us to send them gibs, or our blue helmets keeping peace between them.
The only way in which we can kill ourself is if the world keep rolling in this way. But since we have thousand of big problems (such as violent immigration and skyrocket debts) it is plausible to assume that things will go to the shitter before that.
Adam Sanchez
Atomwaffen are literally goddless Devil-worshipping Charles Manson admirers
Let's be thankful of the time he led 600 Germans back to Germany instead of surrendering after WWI.
Oliver Phillips
You may crack jokes but do you think that if that degenerate would have looked any different if he was born in modern Germany or America ?
Joshua Perez
He is the epitome of necessary evil. He is also the type of man you execute when the circumstances that require him cease to exist. I think promoting him the equivalent of a senior colonel was foolhardy. Sturmbannfuhrer (Major) should have been the Apex of his career. Enough authority to have some ability to operate in a semi-autonomous fashion in the field but still with enough structure above him to reign him in when necessary.
In other words, the SS Dirlewanger was the /b/ of the 1940s.
Jonathan Ortiz
>>best soldiers and officers
I would say that people like him and his troops have a role in a war. At the end of the day many convicts are people with no sense of self preservation and very frustrated individuals.
But officers like He was too fucked up to be an officer, I doubt he would have been able of a coherent strategy or battle plan. He was just an extraordinary violent individual and he would have moved accordingly.
If you read about the 36th you will find out that many soldiers died to ""friendly fire"" these people ate their own, pure insanity.
Asher Wood
I think your position on the subject may be right, but I believe that many of the things he did were degenerate. He should have been rewarded with a bullet in the head after the war(regardless of the outcome), his name erased from the books for the sake of all.
Charles Brown
Turning American countryside into Chernobyl 2 sounds like a great idea.
Jackson Wright
Indeed. If you want an example of merciless, brutal, fanatical hardass motherfuckers that were soldiers without peer in the SS, the 3rd SS Division is what you are looking for.
My favorite picture of his unit, just something about it. I guess how 'real" it looks, and the hunger for blood they have in their eyes.
Imagine being part of a penal battalion, going around with your fellow convict brothers in arms, killing people left and right, hitting poles in the head with 8mm rounds, and raping girls while listening to some sweet German tunes.
Yeah I love that pic too. Them and the Polish Uprising was a match made for destiny.
Gabriel Powell
Psychos aren't desirable, I'd rather have people who are willing to get their hands dirty for the greater good but who aren't getting off on the job.
Xavier Nguyen
>soldier >never fought the Red Army or went near the frontline >never won any battles >too busy raping underage german girls and burning alive unarmed civilians
Yep, a real inspiration for soldiers and a role model for good combat discipline
Nolan Lewis
I see a bunch of meth fuelled degenerates and then on the left corner there is this 20 something year old kid that looks just like Buddy Holly kek, "when you custom character is in a cutscene" tier
don't idolize psychopaths friend, it's wasted time
Elijah Bailey
christ, he's a monster. unfortunately sometimes we have a use for monsters.
Christian Bailey
Schacht was very competent, but also a freemason.
Elijah Kelly
>Albert Speer he was prolly the best of them all
Nathaniel Torres
gas the pedo scum
Nathaniel Johnson
Yeah he and Rudolf Hess had to be the most positive human elements in the Reich, too many morons like Bormann and Goering, and opportunists like Himmler ruined the party from the inside
You tolerate the degenerate behavior so long as he is predominantly useful to the war effort. The instant that the scales tip the other way you eliminate him. Either outright execute or move into a position that will result in a swift death at the hands of the enemy, whichever is least likely to negatively impact the war effort.
Jose Myers
There is nothing romantic or beautiful about being a filthy criminal degenerate in a penal battalion. They underfed them and made them sweep for mines bare handed, and for good reason too. These people were the scum of the German military
Adrian Lee
>worshiping the people who raped and murdered your ancestors Kill yourself you faggot
Sebastian Reyes
>muslims rape children in europe while the government turns a blind eye >wtf i hate muslims and my cuck govt now
>nazis rape children while the nazi govt turnsd a blind eye >wtf i love nazi germany now so le based necessary evil
i dont see any negatives for that, america is a cancer
Jeremiah Baker
Looks like a jew tbqhwyf
Robert Williams
dubbs of true,there were a lot of niggers in the Nazi party, Hitler should have uprooted them but Goering and Himmler had some benefit politically. Goering could tackle any question on camera with his 140 iq, and Himmler was building a Nazi Freemasonry organization in Wewelsburg, with a lot of cultural input for normies.
>Germans put him in jail for raping a 8 year old girl >continues to rape underage girls during enture life >weak and fragile >leads one of the least effective german units >His unit gets absolutely destroyed by Polish partisans >Gets beaten to death by Polish prison guards Lol what a massive cuck. Literally failed at everything in life
Noah Lewis
Ahh, typical german master race
Grayson Brown
the things that are attributed to his division sound like post-war fanfiction >locking women and children in a church and burning it down come on now, that's silly
>we live in a good happy world where bad things dont happen
Michael Nelson
>Murder and rape in a war >gtfo out of here with that jew propaganda
Dylan Scott
there are rapists and murderers and other assorted scumbags, but real people don't act like over-the-top comic book villains
Jaxon Brooks
Yea we should forget the withness statements about dirlewanger and his unit of which there are literally hundreds of and instead go with your own gut feeling about him being a good boi. Ok sure