He doesn't study buddhism/zen and the middle path

>He doesn't study buddhism/zen and the middle path

uuuh you DO want the literal, objective path to the end of suffering don't you?

There is no more scientifically verifiable religion on earth than Buddhism. It literally identifies the causes of our suffering,and offers a solution that delivers us to complete bliss.

So why don't you meditate? You don't even have to give up your hobbies or anything.

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Pajeet go home.

0% african DNA, all north and west euro

My white genius can see the middle path is the way to non-suffering.

i've already reached satori twice

You did a DNA test? Shame.

I wouldn't have expected that of a meditator.

I didn't take the test, I reached such insight through meditation.

(and my direct family knowing their DNA)

Wow. So you're saying we can take DNA tests by contemplating it? That sounds like enlightenment.

My problem with Buddhists is that when I bring up problems about the world they divert and get caught up with trying to dissociate themselves from the world entirely. Instead of offering real solutions they offer a solution to remove yourself from the material world entirely so that you don't actually act on fixing them yet simultaneously admit that it's wrong. Ya no shit thinking about it gives off negative fucking vibes and suffering, sitting in a room doing nothing about it trying to remove yourself from the material world does shit all to fix it as well. There's a reason it's allowed to exist, it's cause it's not a threat to anyone in control because you just remove yourself from the equation entirely. Other than basic self preservation I don't see Buddhists actively fighting against evil in the world, to busy trying to remove themselves from the world instead.

That's why Buddhism is big in China and other such countries. It keeps the population down by helping them cope with the dirt-level suffering and inhumanity of their backward societies.

>end of suffering

Not for OP no.

Actually one of the first Buddhists I learned from, and I learned a lot of good things from him, was a God damned Jew from an alcoholic father.

He was really fucking messed up by that, and Jewish circumcision and horrible Jewish mothers certainly didn't do him any good. But he was too trapped to escape that even though he achieved some high levels of escape through his meditation.