Whats Jow Forumss opinion on drunk drivers? What punishment do they deserve?

Whats Jow Forumss opinion on drunk drivers? What punishment do they deserve?

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Locked up for 3 years. Pathetic.

send em back to poland

out here in 'berta half the people I know have at least one DUI. my boss proudly tells people that at one point his crew had 9 DUIs between 4 people. it is not uncommon for a crew truck full of workers to all have a beer in hand on the road, including the driver.

I believe reckless endangerment due to being under the influence should be a serious charge, but more often than not the single beer a man has on the drive home from work won't even touch his faculties, and that should be taken into consideration.

unaustralian/10 drink driving is F U N

Do the same thing dad's use to do to their kid they caught smoking when they made then smoke the whole pack.

Make the driver drink a whole bottle/case and make them drive up/down a mountain.

I never driven drunk before. I’ve drove on around 6 or 7 beers before. I also drove very short distances on 9. But it wasn’t like I was impaired to the point I was a danger because I was by myself and able to focus on my driving very easily. Once I was fairly drunk and behind me I heard cop sirens, and I was like “oh shit, I’m mega ultra fucked” but then the cop was actually coming for the car directly next from me. It was the sweetest feeling of relief ever

no harm no foul

different people have different reactions to different amounts and if nothing bad happens who cares

but if something DOES happen, throw the book at them

All drunk drivers should be jailed for 12 months on their first offense, and then hanged on a second offense. If the first offense incurred any bodily harm or vehicle damage, the drunk driver should be hanged.

you won't get honest answers here because Jow Forums has lots of alcoholic degenerates that drive drunk

Not worth discussing

fuck off drunk

I did this in colorado
1L of cheap vodka and a trip up mount evans
I'm an alcoholic and have been drinking amounts in excess of 1L per day.
The worst part to be honest is getting to the top and walking around but once you're back down most of the way everything's fine again.

When you're drinking to feel normal, it's more dangerous to drive sober. first time I tried to get clean I had to take a taxi because the dizziness and nausea were too much

>party it up as kids
>pass Stalinist drunk driving laws in the 90s and 00s to destroy the social lives of young people who aren't rich enough to Uber around (and they passed these laws pre-Uber)

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You might as well drink and drive, there's nothing worse than getting in a crash when you're sober.

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>arent rich enough to uber around
ubers are literally cheaper than taxis

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If they only hurt themselves or have a BAC >.05, send them to work camp for a year. If they hurt or kill someone innocent, they should be charged with murder or attempted murder.

I'm a degenerate drinker but i still have enough self control to take transit or use Uber when i've been drinking. Being an alcoholic isn't as excuse and it's such an easily avoidable tragedy. Those who drive drunk are passively suicidal, or dangerously stupid, and everyone else on the road has to pay the price. There's not an alternative to driving in most parts of the country and that's why it should be punished much more harshly.


About a year in prison or a heafty ticket (your choice) and about 10 year ban to operate any vehicle on public roads and when the ban lifts a drivers test before you’re allowed to drive again.
Of course all modifiable depending on the severity of the incident.
Point is that the card should be the thing that you threaten, their freedom to move around so they think twice, hopefully.

Party pooper.

Death. Call a cab, use ride share, or here's a thought take some responsibility and not drink until failure before driving.

victimless crime unless the drunk driver causes an accident/hurts someone



>victimless crime
so let's say i put one bullet in a revolver, spin the chamber, put it up to a stranger's head and pull the trigger 3 times. There's a 50% chance it'll be a victimless crime so I should be allowed to do that legally?

>Crash and kill themselves


>Crash and kill innos

Not based.

Threatening someone with death via pointing a gun at their head, is not a victimless crime

Honestly, there is no need for a drunk driving charge. Same with speeding.

If a guy drives from NY to CA shitfaced at 200mph, and does so safely, he has done no wrong. However, if a sober person going 20mph hits a kid, theyve done wrong. Existing laws for things like property damage and bodily harm are sufficient punishment for the individuals that commit them while drunk and in a vehicle. Still, being drunk behind a wheel is not inherently wrong, just risky.

and recklessly driving a 2-ton automobile isn't the same...?

Well neither is driving dangerously drunk. I was exaggerating but it's a numbers game in both situations. You can drive drunk and it might be "victimless" a couple times, but it's not truly victimless because you don't know when you're going to crash and kill someone. even if you don't kill someone that particular time.


white men can handle driving drunk


Yeah you were totally impaired retard, do everyone else a favor and kill yourself.
>muh alcoholism
You are a weak faggot and a delusional one. If you think you are better at driving when you drink you are a serious addict and should kill yourself. Or go to rehab if you are too selfish to everyone a favor.


Did they hurt anyone or destroy anyone's property? If not, where's the crime? If they did, then the punishment should be for that. Kill someone while driving drunk, its murder so you get punished for commiting murder. Run over someone's mailbox, then you are responsible for reparations for their damaged property. Its simple.

That's really not the worst part. Even with strict laws, no cop who serves his community wants to ruin a young person's life over a mistake.

BUT the baby boomers were retarded enough to flood our countries with third worlders and allow the media to go totally radical leftist and now anti-cop rhetoric and violent immigrants has made cops on edge and forced them to turn into jackboot thugs

tfw pulled over on my fixie and got a DUI

how is that threatening someone with death? So driving recklessly is he equivalent of a DUI to you?

By this logic we should have a new law called "Too drunk at home, cops come and bash your dome"

Exile to Australia.

If one kills my family member they're dead.
Don't care what the laws say either way- don't kill my senpai and we'll be just fine.

You sound like an alcoholic in denial. Kill yourself before you kill an innocent person who's a far greater asset to society than you are.

what if ur casually just drinking at ur place and wanted to get food across the street. But drive through is the only thing open..... asking for a friend


roll up in a shipping cart. I've done it.

Clean and sober, kiddo.

Keep sucking that pig dick though, It's a good look for you

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Best solution

how is it USA? Every show or movie they show u can drink glass of whiskey or beers and then hop in your car without second thoughts. You people do so many weird shit i just might believe it to be true

>What punishment do they deserve?

Hart-Cellar and the 1990 Immigration Act were put into place by their parents, in fairness. They did nothing to protest the changes they saw however. They were more focused on their retirement portfolios than whether their children would be comfortable growing up in multi-racial schools and being fiercely competed against in an inundated job market.

They didn't put the policies in place, but they were there to stop it. The Boomers are the largest voting bloc and largest age cohort in Congress from the 90s through to today. Look at all they had the chance to turn around and didn't. They were more captivated by quasi-religious pop culture happenings, like muh O.J. trial, muh Monica Lewinsky, muh Paris Hilton.

And I really love how they chickened out of Vietnam and then send Gen X into Iraq to die in mindless anti-Muslim blood rage. Then back to my previous point, sex, drugs, and rock & roll, and then they raised coddled, weak children in padded rooms without proper exercise, socialization. It was the Boomers who normalized "fat kids" in the 90s/00s because they couldn't be bothered to cook real food for their children. They were more focused on getting laid, vacationing, having affairs, TV, tabloid magazines. They really are the worst of all time.

the town drunk who had like 5 fucking duis already killed my dad on his motorcycle. he shouldve been executed by the third time. none the less i shouldve been allowed to execute him after identifying my dads body.

Have them T-boned by a Semi for every DUI they get. If they happen to die oh well.

>mfw faggot boomers and cat ladies passed draconian drunk driving laws in the 80's

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Zero tolerance

>instantly lose licence (must reapply and go thru entire procees)
If there were any damages they are to be treated as though performed with malicious intent (ie 1st degree murder if someone dies)

>I never driven drunk before
>except the various times I have
>destroy the social lives of young people
Oh yes, it is so hard to not drink when you need to drive later. It is completely impossible to not drink when you are not somewhere you can stay until you're sober or if you don't have someone to drive you. No one could ever do such a thing.

If you injure someone 20 to 30. If you kill someone 40 to life. If you get out you can't ever be allowed to drive again.

>don't live in the third world
>can use public transit, even night buses without fear of being murdered or being surrounded by filthy junkies
>get drunk
>no need to drive
I pity people who depend on their cars

I think drinking culture here is probably messed up because kids never are taught to learn their limits or drink responsibly. They just drink illicitly starting in their late teens or so and wind up with a habit of binge drinking.

Irresponsible and degenerate. Hopefully, when they inevitably crash one day, they hit a tree rather than another driver and only kill themselves.

Arena car battles for all DUI offenders.


It really depends on the quality of the driver desu.
There's sober people who should never be allowed behind the wheel.

this sounds good to me

To get home as long as they don't hit anybody.

My mother was killed by a drunk driver 3 years ago. I live in the San Fernando valley, in LA county. There have been 2 fatal hit and runs committed by illegal immigrants in the past year, less than a block away from my house. Drunk drivers should be executed. At least that’s the law in some Asian countries like Malaysia I believe.


>i was personally affected by drunk driving and want to write laws based around my emotions

your post

Exactly. If you can’t find a way home or stay where you are when drinking...don’t fucking drink? Some of these posts... lots of self justification from alcoholics.

Drinking more than a couple beers Does impair your judgment and slows down you're time reaction, I thought I could handle drinking and driving until I got into a crash, It wasn't even my fault, but I know I could have easily avoid it I weren't a little bit tipsy.

Condolences user.

Drunk driving should be a serious, serious penalty and IMO alcohol should be illegal and weed completely legal. Including while drivng. Weed makes you a BETTER driver:

Wrong link

I have a DUI. I don't think it's that big of a deal, it's not like I was pissed drunk and weaving in and out of lanes, just kinda buzzed. Sure, people do get killed by drunk drivers and it sucks, but the people who think you should get the chair for having had a couple of beers before taking your car are hysterical post-menopausal women and rebbit s*yboys. I don't think it should be a criminal offense unless you were endangering the lives of others.

Try driving while you have the flu
then try driving when you feel normal

getting in a car while under the influence is in itself endangering other peoples lives you dumb cunt, how retarded do you have to be to not realise this?

My mother gets shitfaced every night and drives home. She's only killed 3/5ths of a person in 10 years.

depends if you live in a city or not
if you live in the middle of nowhere then who cares really
just don't crash

You're not endangering anyone just because you have booze in your system until you do shit like driving onto oncoming traffic, stop being a hysterical bitch. All these retarded harsh laws were pushed in the last decades by spinsters from organizations like MADD who make it look like drunk driving is anuddah Shoah. Also a lot of people killed by drunk driving are the offenders themselves or dumbasses who willingly got into the car with them.

One porch monkey? All you fags need to relax I say unless you cause any damages to person or property you should be able to drive in any state, but if you fuck up you go straight to a work camp for life or till the damage is replayed

>You're not endangering anyone just because you have booze in your system until you do shit like driving onto oncoming traffic, stop being a hysterical bitch
incorrect, theres already enough evidence that alcohol impairs basic functions needed for driving


Unless they kill niggers. Then they get community service.

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electric chair

This is the problem. Pigs go after DUIers like they are public enemy #1, but hey if you manslaughter someone with your car then you get let off after a couple years-no big deal

What it should be: Free to DUI but if you kill someone then their family gets to kill you

Suspension of your licence for 5 years and 6 months jail for the first offence

Permenant supsension and 2 years impriosnment on your second offence

Any deaths caused by driving under the influence should be treated as a premeditated murder case. You recklessly put others lives in danger and should be treated as a murderer when you hit someone.

I had a relative who got cut in half by a drunk driving incident and died. The judge let the driver off and said "The shame she has experienced from this trial and will continue to feel is punishment enough"

Same thread with different drug. Trying to cause more division. Kike? NSA? Glo nigger? Tavistock? Definitely psyop and you fuckers are falling for it. Here, why do you hate women, goy? Why do you hate children, goy? Why do you hate niggers, goy?

Attached: polsopinionpsyop.png (733x597, 271K)

the "statistics" and "facts" about drunk driving are always wrong, because they never calculate the times a drunk driver didn't get caught or crashed, they couldn't possibly know about all the times he just got home safe, which is what happens most of the time.

as a matter of fact many people, myself included, drive better when a little inebriated.

If they don't hurt anyone and cause no harm, nothing. If they crash or cause a problem, 40 years.

Ban them for both drinking and driving for life. Once they're caught trying to purchase alcohol, drive a car or drinking any alcohol, they get thrown in jail for life.

i always drive drunk when i use the motorcycle. Otherwise i'd be too much of a pussy too use it.
Fun as hell tho

Fuck that, if they kill niggers they deserve a nice medal.

>rich enough to drink and then drive
>not rich enough for a 5 dollar uber ride from the bar back home

my buddy passed the field sobriety test and was totally good to drive. blew just over the limit and they nailed him with a DUI. Whoever thought .08 was considered drunk is a lightweight nancy boy

IIRC drinking a bit has similar effects to losing several hours of sleep before driving.

In most states you can get a DUI thrown out if you pass the field sobriety test

circle of shame

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with sound for full effect

I can get behind this

Drunk driving is predominantly a wetback thing, so I support strict laws against it.