Death of Center

The center is an dying position. The Left is pushing for more "progressive" candidates (read: nonwhite or antiwhite socialists), meanwhile the Neocons and Boomercons are getting attacked by the right, and both sides hate centrists.

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Paul Nehlen could have done this
>but subtlety and subversion is for for da joos

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28 and she already looks like 38
Holy fuck latinas age like milk

I was flipping channels this morning and saw an interview she had and all I heard before changing the channel was rolling back tax cuts. I don't get how people are retarded enough to vote for that unless the district is full of niggers wanting gibs.

One thing her and I can agree on though:
>Ocasio-Cortez has criticized Israel's foreign policy, calling the killing of Palestinian protesters on the Gaza border on May 14, 2018 a "massacre"

Fence sitters never get anything but a shallow grave.

>unless the district is full of niggers wanting gibs
It's 50% beans

I think this will increase far-left entryism
Into the Democrats.

Whats the difference between niggers and illegals? They both leech off whitey. Increased taxes just hurts middle class the most since upper class will take advantage of every loophole.

Trump is moderate though

I was just gonna post it too. No wonder she won:
New York's 14th congressional district
18.41% White
11.39% Black
16.24% Asian
49.80% Hispanic
0.45% Native American
3.71% other

If you guys don't do anything, communism is going to rule your country in a few decades.

Fucking DO something! Fuck!

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Wtf is it with Latinas and socialism. they all fucking retarded or something

It is funny to see how fast browns/blacks will turn on their White Leftist Leaders, they don't care if a White Lib has been there for 10 terms, if he has white skin and he is running against a girl with brown skin and the name Cortez, they will flush his "experience and knowledge" down the toilet in an instant just to vote for the brown skin bartender

What's going to happen after his eight years, though?
How about your guns?

Think long-term. Think about your children.

She's 28 and she worked Ted Kennedy, who died 10 years ago?

She's another CIA created politician.

This is how we get our race war.

Brazil 2.0

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I just hope they misgauge public perception and push a little too far


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If we don't elect another Republican, that's when shit hits the fan. I'm still holding out hope.

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You guys realize this is the preparation of a civil war right ?
The center is always the first position to collapse before a conflict.


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My body is ready
It needs to come in our lifetime

the Next Civil War: TEAM RED PILL vs. TEAM RED HEN

If you're white and a Democrat, you're either a psychopath or suicidal. Hopefully the ruthless tribalism practiced by non-whites wakes a few of these wayward crackers up to their impending extinction

ding ding ding

too bad the sheltered liberal arts students and bleeding-heart Gen Xers won't see the knife their little pets have aimed at their spines. South Africa to the max is what these people are pushing us towards

White liberals still won't get it. I'm sure the guy who lost genuinely considered himself a friend to minorities who supports policies that benefit them. And that's most likely true.

But at the end of the day it doesn't matter. He is a white male and he must go. Her campaign rhetoric was openly anti white and anti male. I guarantee you that white liberals other than this guy will cheer on her success.

They will continue to cheer until they are next, and then wonder why they wouldn't spare a woke whitey.

Check out all of molymemes interviews in regards to Venezuela, they're enlightening.

Sounds interesting, link?

Fund it

Sooner rather than later. While I'm still young and healthy.

Lmao no, its one far lefty getting removed by a brown far lefty
If anything its the end of leftist whites, and good riddance

>"Powerful sycophant of kikes get BTFO by a POC"
Tbh,I believe this is a good thing,democrats will realise they are also getting replaced in political positions and wont be able to control their senators and conrgress man with the white guilt and nazi meme

White Libs will never get it, and if at some point they finally actually do get it - it will be far too late

These white libs have no idea they are digging their own grave, the Browns/Blacks coming up have no intention ever of being neutral public servants in matters of race/glass, the Browns only care about themselves, the next step is for them to abolish ICE, flood the country with more of their Brown relatives and put them on the Voter Lists, and while all of this is happening, our Nursing Homes nationwide are packed full of old white people from age 75-90 who already have one foot in the grave, the demographic change over the next 20 years will be shocking and sudden

whitey is the leech dude, most of these latinos and people of color do the jobs you would never do, and support the things that make your life luxurious.

be latina female. come to this country for a better life. Vote liberal democrat to make this country more like the shithole you came from

They're only jobs white people won't do because mass immigration of these illegals has driven the wages of those jobs into the gutter. In reality, Mexicans are lazy and dishonest workers only hired on because they accept pennies and have zero bargaining power because of their illegal status

>Whitey creates literally the entire societal infrastructure that minorities use

>Everyone is desperately trying to get into white countries to use the fruits of whiteys labor

>but whitey is clearly the parasite

Absolute retardation

Honestly I wouldn’t mind Russian involvement in excnage for some land after the war

Ok my dude. What other lies are you wanting to peddle today?

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watching them being eaten by their pets is quite fun.

remember, you kill traitors, first.

>implying the majority of spics or blacks work honest labor
>implying minorities are at all responsible for the American economy
>being proud of being a slave caste
>being proud of being a walking wage-suppressor
I'm tired of this fucking meme

take your subhuman spawn and fuck off to your native countries if you're such """hard workers"""

>an dying
Learn how to write proper English before shill/bait posting, VPNfag.

I used to think the whole 'civil war' thing was a meme until I thought about it

These evil fucks laugh at our children getting raped by niggers, they are LITERALLY trying to turn the whole world into Zimbabwe. This is something I would definitely die for. And no, fbiniggers. I don't plan on doing something ridiculously sperggy. All I am saying is if something kicks off, I am willing to die for it. I'm no stupid radical, and I am completely mentally stable. I don't even own any firearms.

But if you think this whole thing arising, the division, is just a bunch of pissed off neo-nazi morons. You're very, very wrong. This knockout game, where I see a video everyday on liveleak of some entitled nigger EXECUTING white elderly for no reason. They call it a 'game'. I can go on, there is millions of examples. You let these things go on. And when we try to speak out about how our communities being attacked in everyday possible way(opioid epidemic too, obama's desegregation program) , we get called nazi's and deplatformed. And then expect people not to become furious, you teach me in school that my grandfather deserves to die because he's an 'evil white man' and has privilege. I am LITERALLY being taught in school that blacks are superior to me in every way. Have you ever thought about the definition of 'white privilege'? It's legitimately black supremacy. I won't let my kids grow up in this. I am not going to end up like South Africa where we all have to baby-sit these baboons until they finally decide to kill us.(that has happened in several different places over the last few decades)

i won't fucking let it happen, I care for too many people here.

>minority majority

This is the faggiest god damned thing that I've read this week.

I may to return to America with humanitarian aid if it ever comes to that.

it's just hard to care when even conservative white people in America are such shitheads. it's not much better here in Russia, but I'd probably fuck off if there was a civil war here, too.

https www youtube com/playlist?list=PLMNj_r5bccUyqEA9gxYHCh7V-bJ_qHKjB

There is a large segment of rich, highly successful whites who vote Democrat because in their mind it’s giving back. This is where the majority of the DNCs funds come from. Once they’re genuinely under threat, just as middle America is, they’ll move to the right and bankroll the GOP even more than the Koch brothers do.

The whites biggest strength and weakness is a much higher level of empathy than other races. Once self-preservation overrides that minority activists are fucked.

The white is both the kindest and most ruthless of all races. Now that even far left whites are under threat it’ll be fascinating to watch them turn and become even more ruthless in destroying the threat compared to those who saw it earlier.

The media is acting shocked that a “10 term” congressman was unseated as if the retarded beaners who voted for this chick even knew the guys name.

They saw a Hispanic name and checked the box.

This is the future of the Democratic Party.

Honestly foreign involvement would be the best way to deal with a potential civil war depending on how bad it got
I’d rather be ruled by Russians than the American left

If she dies, civil war starts.

"Centrism" is a myth to begin with. What centrism really means is surrendering your political power to the rich and powerful. It's giving up on trying to take power away from them and letting them continue to do whatever they want. "Centrism" is what got us multiculturalism and feminism.

There is also a huge portion of White people over the age of 55 who are dependent on Public Pensions and vote Dem..

I know a woman around the age of 70, her husband was a janitor in the city's school system, and they now receive a Government pension , her daughter married a guy who is a firefighter and he is about to retire at age 45 (after 20 years with the fire department) and he is about to start getting a pension, and her family needs those government pensions to continue to survive. She goes to church almost daily, she is a social conservative - she gets upset and is offended when she is flipping through the TV channels and sees reruns of "Two and a Half Men", but her family's sole income is coming from the government, and she often votes Democrat.

>If you guys don't do anything, communism is going to rule your country in a few decades.
No it wont. The marxist movement is being run first and foremost by California. California's economy will tank when the tech market collapses and it WILL collapse. It's a massive bubble to begin with and China/Vietnam/India will start to take a bigger and bigger chunk of that market. As soon as California loses their cushy tech industry the retarded marxists will lose all their funding.

They're gonna get everything they deserve. FeelsApatheticMan

100% Correct

Brown skin, name of "Cortez", that is the only thing candidates will need in the new America we live in

that is why things are so F'ed up in Central and South America, they vote just for skin color or name

Honestly foreign involvement would be the best way to deal with a potential civil war depending on how bad it got
if there is a civil war, there WILL be foreign involvement. China, the EU, and Russia for sure. probably some other smaller powers trying to get what influence and piece of the pie that they can, too. desu I'm afraid to get involved, afraid that Russian "humanitarian aid" might backfire.

>I’d rather be ruled by Russians than the American left
hm I dunno. currently, yes. Putin does a good job, but things might go to hell again once he's gone.

this is definitely the case in New England and the Upper Midwest. the old white Dems in Appalachia are dying out, too.

the problem is the country is being constantly brainwashed. ever heard of Yuri Bezmenov? on the bright side, like he said, these idiot leftists will be among the first to be lined up against the wall and shot.

>the problem is the country is being constantly brainwashed.
The country AKA the west coast and New York. There are many LEFTISTS outside of those areas but not many MARXISTS. Key distinction. Marxism is a regional thing and will die as soon as those regions economies start to take a hit.

do not fall for the division of good versus evil. The ones at the top know they can't win, so they play dirty and try to manufacture a civil war. Do not fall for it. Defend yourself but do not engage.

If you can't tell the difference between social Democrats and socialists you are low IQ. A socialist would not work for the DNC

Social Democrats are not socialists. But it's still a blow to you incel dweebs so I'll take the W.

Lmao suck it nerds

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Oh please, just keep making up dumb names for yourselves, we all know you're socialists.

Gee it's not like western colonialism via Capitalism ruined south America and the carribean.

This post is a great example of how sheltered Jow Forums teens are

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Yes because South America was such a great civilized advanced civilization before we came...

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This is glorious news. Now the nut wing left will destroy the Democrats. Trump 2020

I am a socialist.

DSA's are barely socialists and still center left. This person was mentored by the Kennedy's and I believe Bernie Sanders.

Not a socialist/libertarian socialist.

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I want my fucking NEETBUX, UBI and Free Healthcare NOW.

You normies are gonna fucking pay. It will happen eventually and I'll sit back and relax while you wagies go to work everyday, pay your taxes for my NEETBUX.

Can't wait.

It didn't matter if it was civilized" in the sense of modern western organization dummy. It was a self sustained society that lived and thrived via agrian/ tribal rule.

No one asked for you to fuck it all up lmao

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>posting more images he got off of Facebook

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you're wrong. I'm from Texas. it's absolutely pervasive. everyone is infected by it, to at least some degree. even I am. I've been brainwashed to not use ethnic slurs, for example. I feel like that guy from A Clockwork Orange.

probably the only major group of people that manage to avoid this are the Amish. everyone else is a feminist to some degree, or a victim of communist brainwashing in some other capacity.

try traveling to somewhere outside of Western Europe/developed Asia and you'll see what I mean.

Eh, memes are memes lad.

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Oh sorry they're not true socialists

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South America has demonstrably improved in every way since we "colonized" it

>it'll be fascinating to watch them turn and become even more ruthless in destroying the threat compared to those who saw it earlier.

This. These hyper-confirming Puritan type Leftists, once the pendulum has swung they will be the most outrageously exto-genocidal people in the pro-White movement.

White Democrats really are the real racists

The difference between them and us, is they think they can control their pet minorities

It absolutely wasn't. Or do you just ignore whole sale slaughter and removal of indigenous culture "improvement".

Trick question Of course you do. Disrupting the balance of a natural society and their local resources is unacceptable.

Forcing alternative sociatal structures on people doesn't work and is why we have the immigration crisis now.

Feels good actually. I've been a centrist faggot who didn't pick a side until I voted for Trump. It's good to finally pick a side.

Quality of life improved in South America drastically. Electricity, internet, plumbing, all creations of the white man that they would never have without us. If you think people are better off living in the mud, why are you sitting there on a computer?

All of which could have been introduced without colonialism.

This isn't a racial argument. It's a social one. It's objectively true that colonialism disrupted the natural order of these societies long term.

The white man didn't help anyone by slaughtering entire cultures.

Bolshevism -> Fascism -> War

Why do I care

Furthermore, I wasn't born into that culture. I am Cuban for that matter.

However people born and raised into tribal society do just fine without interference. It's totally subjective whether or not you agree with alternative structures.

we kill commies... remember that. NO COMMIES in CONGRESS - EVER.

>I live in Texas
I believe there is a city in Texas that has a ton of Californian immigration. That's what I'm talking about dude. It's all Californians.

Because complaints about the modern refugee crisis is highly hypocritical. It's obviously not your fault on an individual level but it is your governments fault historically that many of these nation's are impoverished in the first place.

Check out the edge on this kid. Pick up a book man.

i will actively bring back black bagging commies.

There is no natural order, there is only what is and isn't. We improved South America in basically every way you can measure.

OK let's get your subjective opinion, would you rather live in a primitive culture with murder and rape rates far above ours, with no electricity, no plumbing, and no computer that you're typing on right now?

>What's going to happen after his eight years, though?
>How about your guns?
we wil use them if we see a commie takeover. trust that

French revolution soon

Imagine being this historically illiterate.

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The chinks and niggers are more ruthless. White ruthlessness is overrated. They can take care of business but the class divide is pissing me off badly. We can't solve this until they've sacrificed poorer whites? Yeah, that's nothing to celebrate.

wow even fucking maryland

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