Is Trump, full of shit?

Is Trump, full of shit?

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>Americans killed by refugees from banned countries: 0
How is this a bad thing?
>Americans killed by Americans by guns: 22,558
If we get rid of our Nigger problem, that number will fade away

>Americans killed by Refugees from banned countries: 0

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>no previous record to compare
You make no fucking sense.

22.5k IS IT?!?!
I swear 20k nogs in chicago alone have offed themselves in the last year and a half.

Fuck off kike

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Mostly dindus killed. God bless 2A.

The stupid hurts.

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leftard lies again. It's appalling that they keep pushing the same bullshit over and over again. That number includes suicides, which are irrelevant. When you only include homicides, that number is about 60% smaller

It seems like the bann is actually working lmao

Daily reminder that libs utterly abhor anything that leads to something other than complete dependence of government gibs. That includes guns, the tool and symbol of self-ownership.

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So trump is doing his job. I thought the gun death was 32k a year? I guess that dropped as well. Great!

>Americans killed by refugees from banned countries: 0
Wow, Trump has reduced it to 0!


Stfu Lee Wow
Foresight is not something you possess.

Those numbers count SUICIDES idiot.

And that 60% is mostly nigs killin nigs

Wasn't the average like 30k or some shit?

Travel Ban was bullshit because it ignored some of the countries we're the most at odds with. It was some kind of AotD shit with Saudi Arabia.

But Trump's the greatest president in any of our lifetimes. He's a politician and a real estate tycoon from Manhattan. Of course he's a bullshit artist. But I truly believe his heart is the most in the right place of anyone we've had since Kennedy.

We're still turd-polishing, though. Frank Reynolds said it best.
"You gotta be a real piece of shit to get into politics."

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>Americans killed by refugees from banned countries: 0

Whoa Trump is doing a great job!

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Sub-OP is right, no-one was killed by refugees from banned countries, because they're not getting in.

> minus suicides
> minus chimp outs
> minus democrats
Like 4 people killed.