Rhodesia on Forgotten Weapons


This guy disabled the comments but the report button still works so let's have some fun.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What would we even report this communist on? Inciting political crap or what?

Fuck off fag

those look like machine guns aren't those illegal? we should get this fucking Nazi locked up

Fairly sure he's been deleting comments, considering there were a few Rhodesians never die memes 20 minutes after upload and now they're gone.

Fuck Ian he is a communist sympathizer and part of Antifa group and has claimed there are no genocide on whites nor discrimination of whites in Afrika.

>This guy

You ignorant fuck. That's Gun Jesus.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

one can only dream

Attached: rhodesia.webm (650x276, 2.89M)

pick up a book trumptard communism is the majority now

Fuck off, you intrepid sperg, Jow Forums isn't your personal army.

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Here is the thread that they are defending Ian

whats wrong

Yeah, how dare they defend a content creator they like from a brain damaged autist with a petty vendetta?

Attached: rhodesianpilot.webm (1000x432, 2.66M)

Attached: rhodesianairforce.webm (1000x432, 2.91M)

Why would I report Ian?

Attached: rhodesianmineclearing.webm (800x600, 2.91M)

Its a Rhodesian Pilot but its not Rhodesian. It from the Congo

That South-West Africa, you can tell that its the SADF.

>also I made all these webms user.

My love is carbine... pew pew pew

most people cant be arsed to label the files when they download them so it's hard to tell at times

Whole thread seems bogus, as if we don't already know about Ian. Seems like a fake raid.

No problem user, why I was more of "thats from the congo" and so on.

These three are from Africa Addio

From the documentary "war on the border" by Al J Venter

I made them over on tv. I married a white african from Rhodesia/Zimbabwe who lived in south africa for a while, so I have all sorts of random stuff from that era.

Attached: War on the Border Operations.webm (800x600, 2.97M)

He's deleting comments because he doesn't want his video to be struck down by youtube because a bunch of retards are sperging out about Rhodesia. Also he isn't a communist.

>inb4 "hurr durr rhodesia was great
I'm not denying that

Nice try Pol is a Naz Bol board now boomer commie

Attached: russiaball.png (1050x735, 785K)

>Plx guiz I swear he's your enemy he's a jew too go report him guiz!!!
They're actually so stupid that they assume we're as dumb as they are and that would work.

Attached: War on the Border Going to school.webm (800x600, 2.54M)

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Source on this lads?

Attached: screen-shot-2017-10-28-at-10-07-29-pm.png (788x121, 17K)

Africa Addio

Attached: Africa Addio Killing Floppies.webm (1000x432, 2.87M)

I don't understand these memes that always imply poland is going to buttfuck russia

seriously, if russia wanted to take poland then wtf could poland even do besides cry and beg for help?

Attached: 1524118625124.jpg (300x300, 35K)

Attached: Africa Addio - More combat.webm (1000x432, 2.97M)

Poland is Nato So it would be a NATO conflict.

Attached: Africa Addio Action hero Merc.webm (1000x432, 2.8M)

i own a k98 that was handled by gun jesus in one of his videos. its the very gun from the k98f1 video

can still comment loser.

fucking bad ass

IV8888, (((Hikock45))), and now Gun Jesus?

Is the urge to cuck really that fucking strong? I had hoped pic related was photoshopped, but maybe not.

Attached: Ljm8ic3.png (1080x1920, 431K)

i guess they haven't heard of sights.

Well, at least Ian's done a good job at destigmatizing firearms in the eyes of normalfags.

Fucking sage this shit. Just another transparent attempt to get more gun related vids removed from youtube.

>this guy is totally a commie Jow Forums don't you hate commies? You should brigade his channel
>SALON: Alt-right Racist Trump supporters turn on themselves (and that's a good thing)

Attached: 1529212956684.jpg (1080x1056, 631K)

>Reddit Screenshot

Gas yourself frog nigger

We don't support communists period nor those that would deny that there is white rasism but wont deny that there is black racism.

Fuck Ian he can go to hell with the rest of his Antifa fuck buddies.

the gun in that video is a m1919 i tried looking through the comments and i dont see that one unless it was deleted.


what source do you have that kickock is a kike?


Niceflag. It’s his official reddit account so it most reflect his feelings

Somebody please tell me this guy is full of baloney! Ian can't be a commie!

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wait, what happened to hickok?

He not a commie,


Attached: Gun BeJebus youre dumb.jpg (1024x963, 255K)

Its a fake user.

Does anyone have the YT comment where he says what's happening in South Africa is propaganda?

being huwite

Fudds don't know he advocated a bumpstock ban "because no one needs them". Fuck him.

Oh fuck! Kek just confirmed it too!?

Attached: 1519443553446.gif (363x489, 762K)

Don't fuck with Ian. Jackass.

Attached: 4D7B6DE700000578-5882201-Ironically_Andrew_was_very_rarely_single_and_was_popular_with_wo-a-11_15300 (962x1445, 77K)

Overdose on drugs shill.

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what happened to IV8888 and Hikock45?

Ian isn't left-wing.

Attached: 1519378682582.png (1001x513, 58K)

>wtf could poland even do
*teleports behind you*

Attached: the-pl-01-stealth-tank-is-as-absurdly-cool-as-a-lamborghini-video-93482_1.jpg (1913x982, 368K)

He called them toys, not that they should be banned.


Checked, eat shit and fuck your mother's cunt faggot, if that's a fake the youtube comment of him claiming everything's fine in regards to the white massacres in South Africa is still real.

>what source do you have that kickock is a kike?

>Greg (((Kinman)))
>states in multiple videos he is a member of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

At first I thought he was just a Boomer Israel firster but I strongly suspect he is at least part Hebe

Fucking Shariablue cum guzzlers got btfo

that is very disturbing. I looked up Kinman it says its German not necessarily Jewish but...that would be disappointing. At the same time hes created a whole new generation of firearms owners

user, please show us this youtube comment - a actual link, not some photoshoppped image.

>being this butthurt

As fucking awesome as that tank is. Stealth is not going to stop a Russian zerg rush.

Well thats disappointing

Attached: 390217412347662.jpg (643x948, 670K)

Iv8888 went to shot after barry died. The fat fuck is openly a paid shill who (((reviews))) and does (((product placement))) depending on how much you pay him.
Hicock went full fudd and supported the bumpstock ban because someone used an actual machine gun in Vegas
Bullshit, he called them "toys" to explain why no one should care if they ban them. People like him are the reason a previously legal to own product was made illegal and declared contraband in Florida.

Attached: 1510528928345.jpg (1224x792, 277K)

except you already knew this, faggot.

Show where he said they should be banned - anons have already posted where he states that he did not, that he called them toys.

i really didnt take him for a jew... i dont get it... they allegedly only account for 1.7% of the population but every way you turn there is a fucking kike...i feel like its gotta be more like 17%...or more... its ridiculous... all the crypto-kikes too

>seriously, if russia wanted to take poland then wtf could poland even do besides cry and beg for help?

making more film like "the unconquered"

LMAO earlier today I commented on the video
>in before he disables comments
You can guarantee Ian will disable comments on anything related to Rhodesia.

>communsists would never lie nor do damage control you guys! He's totally not a communist because he said he isn't!

I just commented on it.

I actually find it funny that there's someone who is actually trying to shill against Ian. Forgottenweapons is almost completely apolitical, it's less biased than any news outlet I've ever seen even. Ian talks about politics occasionally, but only insofar as it's related to the circumstances of the design or production of the gun he's showcasing. His only real political stances taken in any of his videos are that he supports the US Constitution. The end.

It's strange that something so innocuous has actually provoked a shill campaign against him. This isn't the first thread trying to make out like he's some commie antifag, it's been a persistent slander for going on 2 years now. There's been dozens of threads on Jow Forums and on Jow Forums trying to defame him, when his channel is the firearms version of the History channel.

Russia literally blew up a plane with a ton of their politicians on it, including their president and they did nothing because they know they'd get btfo.

So Neil is a kike subversive now?

>let's have some fun

How about you go fuck yourself, kike.


The South African merc dude who flew Hind's as a merc in many African conflicts including Sierra Leone said implicitly that he was always trying to have his employers fuck him on pay. He would demand at least half up front (He charged a high fee) and he would use the Hind to make money in other ways as well that he wasn't at liberty to discuss (smuggling weapons to friendly militias, smuggling people, drugs over borders, etc)
Dude thankfully fled SA for Lesotho, and has a plan to GTFO if South Africa goes full kill the Boer (because it surrounds Lesotho and whites will flee there - meaning SA might violate its territorial integrity)

Fairly sure he's been deleting comments.

>Well, I suppose I'll pick up a few extra "haters" about this, as well as people who think I'm supporting the NRA ONLY because they support us.
Even though John has not totally agreed with me this week, I've been making the comment all week how crazy it is that something most serious shooters couldn't care less about is such a point of focus, being used to demonize all gun owners. I'm assuming the NRA gave this issue very serious consideration, and like me, decided that these bump stocks, which did not even exist ten years ago, are not something worth "falling on our swords" over.

He said this in response to the NRA stating they would not fight a bumpstock ban and asking the ATF to review their legality. He's a fucking fudd who gets paid to play with full auto and supressors but doesn't think you should have a "dangerous" item like a bumpstock - even though this "you dont need" argument is the used by gungrabbers.

Tldr: not one more inch faggot

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Engineers are almost never communists sharebule. Liberal Arts faggots and social scientist are commies.

>not attacking a communist because that communist name is Ian

Go be a fucking commie somewhere else

>arming far leftists
how is this a good thing?

He advocated a bump stock ban, like a fucking republicuck boomer would. He's somewhat redeemed himself by stating he's against the Hughes Amendment, but that isn't the point - the NFA and Hughes is still here, the Bump ban isn't - and the bump ban is going to ban Binaries as well and make it all the harder to ever get NFA reform

How is he a commie? He support gun right's...

He didn't advocate it, he simply didn't care. And he's right to not care, because a bump stock ban is totally irrelevant in any real sense, since they're easy to make which in turn means the law is not enforceable.

Will you niggers leave him alone he never fucking talks politics unless its firearm related. This needing to project your politics on someone who inherently avoids politics wins you no allies and does you no favors you fucking rhodieboos.

Attached: 1493592126169.png (646x704, 400K)

>The right to bear arms
>has yet to do a video on trophy hunting
Ian is such a two faced liar.

Ian's a center leftist. I think he may have larped with the John Brown Gun Club, but he isn't a super far left commie.

Conversely super far authoritarian left commies don't give a fuck about minorities, the modus operandi for actual communists was to put minorities in their own segregated communities - but soft segregation - the country is closed and you need travel permits, like for example the USSR had SSR's. Kazakhs from the Kazakh SSR weren't generally getting the papers to travel into the Russian SSR. Look at how the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in Pacific Russia and look at the Uighur areas in western China.

That's besides the point, he your garden variety Libertarian Leftist, at worst sympathetic to Ancom's - which means he's deluded about race just like the center left is

Reminder that Matt is the only one who never let us down.
>multiple children
>owns his own buisness
>Has his shit together