Caitlin Marriott is a CUTTER

Look at her LEFT FOREARM

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close up:

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she is a special snowflake and wants to be famous.....OBLIGE HER

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Girls who cut are memes.

This is learned behaviour, not a psychological outlet for anxiety.

WTF is up with her hands, they look huge.

And I care why?

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my ex gf used to cut herself. horrible thing, really
thank god I broke up with her
I'd still smash tho

Remember children:

I wonder where she will cut herself next...?

what about the very first person that cut themselves?

How did they "learn" it?

She was probably cutting some fruit in the kitchen and felt alive for the first time in their lives.


All the better to collect your taxes, (as a socialist liberal)

At least tell us who the fuck she is for fuck sake.

here ya go, professor:

CAITLIN MARRIOTT liberal "CUTTER" and special snowflake yells F*%# YOU at TRUMP in the Capitol Building (Sen. Maggie Hassan's Intern)

>outer forearm
>short and shallow
>round circumference not down length

Like getting a tattoo.

Does anyone have tips on getting rid of the scars? My gf has them and it embarrasses her terribly. It doesn't bother me a bit, but it would still be better if they were gone.

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She should try sandpaper....that, or visit a dermatologist.

I'll look up sand paper in case you are meming me. I guess once we have a some cash a dermatologist would be the way to go. Thank you user.

I was joking about the sandpaper dude.
dont do it.

..what i really meant to say was: GASOLINE-OPERATED BELT SANDER

If she has this many cuts on her forearm, her thigh/leg must be full of cuts also.

t. ex-gf was a borderline white girl

Maybe a Tattoo. I know Tattoos are degenerate but this is the only thing that comes to my mind.
Obviously i dont know how bad her scares really are.

border line white girl!!!!! LOL!

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uh haha?
Tattoo? Covering up scars with another permanent scar. Is it worth it to keep dating this girl user...

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the "S" and "E" are mis-printed in that pic. Hahah

Abuse, brainiac.