Where all the handsome Germans?

I was watching the Germany SK football match today and noticed that all German men were ugly as fuck, also many shots of ugly Germans watching the game in Germany. This is the opposite when looking at German videos of the 1930s and 1940s. Did Hitler hand pick all the handsome Germans in his armies and got them killed?

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Continentals are all so fucking gay

Germany died in 1945

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>Did Hitler hand pick all the handsome Germans in his armies and got them killed?
The Russians genocided the men and raped the women, the americans basically did the same thing on a smaller scale. Stalin and Eisenhower 56%ed Aryan germans

read about the rape campaigns in germany after world war 2. the [[[[[winners]]]]]] of the war planned to exterminate the german people by poisoning their ethnic makeup by rape and immigration - the final insult to the injury of having lost the war and having their nation razed.

“In the German race there is nothing but evil. Use force and break the racial pride of these German women. Take them as your lawful war booty. Kill!” — Ilya Ehrenberg, Jewish propagandist in the Stalin regime

all of europe did, but germany died the worst death of all of them.
why did it have to be this way?


Eastern Germans did get raped, but how many of those resulted in pregnancies and actual babies being born? Almost none, right? Either the women aborted them or they just killed themselves. That's what I was told. I was also told that the Slavic blood that is in eastern Germans naturally happened because they lived close to Germans. That makes sense.

I heard around 500.000 German women had children with American soldiers, but didn't they all move to America or something?

Did the racial make-up of Germans pre-1945 and after really change all that much or even at all?

Most people are just ugly if they are not Chads

>they lived close to SLAVS. Correction

Amerimutts + Russians + Abused German Women = Untermensch

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whether the babies were born or not, or whether the woman committed suicide still either perverts the genes or removes them from the gene pool altogether having the same ultimate result. i would wager that many of the babies were indeed born.