Civil War 2

59% say the Democrats are going to be violent
31% say we will hit back this time in a civil war
Are you ready for this? If you are white and donated to a candidate, you've already taken a side. If your a PoC, I'm afraid your side will be assumed - and with good cause.

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oh boy

I’m ready to slaughter any onions that come in my way, in self defense of course.

what's sad is, I am in a liberal part of the country. so when war strikes, shit will get interesting

gotta pump those numbers up those are rookie numbers

>people with tons of guns VS people that don't know which bathroom they have to use
I wonder what will happen

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I see the media framing up some false flags against the right. Good thing they never work.

If your in a state where party affiliation is a matter of public record, you're probably a target
If you donated to a political candidate, like Trump, you're a target.
The Democrats have been calling for war since November 2016 they just hope we don't fight back so they didn't call it a war.
Lynch = blood in the streets
Kane = Fight in the streets.
Sanders = Fight (and shoot up Republicans in Congress)
Antifa = violence against "Fascist" (anyone they don't like) is good
Waters = Attack Trump supporters where ever they are in public
How can this not lead to war? Even fat, entertained vested people will take up arms to defend themselves. Good jobs and vested in the system doesn't mean squat if your life is physically threatened

Any Washington conservatives wanna organize against this liberal threat?

>fear violence from Trump haters
Pretty sure they fear what they're going to have to do to them no what they will do.

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Honestly not excited for civil war. I'd be nice to purge all the leftys but the U.S. doesn't exist in a vacume and I don't want other countries involved.

yeah, it might start WWIII

How are democrats gonna fight a war without weapons though?

Like always, right-wingers are delusional. If anything, the Republicans will get violent when their God-Emperor gets impeached.

I'm sure the people calling for violence never thought that the people they are attacking will fight back.
Remember Yellow Hat man? The Trump haters were trying to drag him to their beat down line for trying to listen to a gay, Jewish speaker who supported Trump.
Yellow Hat man gut shot one of them and they scattered like rats. They never thought that there would be resistance. They cried in outrage that someone would defend themselves against their violence.

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They bring a bike lock.
You bring a Glock
No one ever accused Democrats of being rational, user.

No, there will be no civil war. A few lefties might chimp out now and then, but their base is melting away. We are winning, people are finally waking up, albeit slowly.

For example there is this:
>The crowd at the Minnesota rally was 60% Democrat and Independent.
Normies are finally seeing the rot and hatred that has infused the left.

Self defense? Are you a faggot?

Take offense for once for fucks sake...

Offense is the only defense. Take the noose to the niggers house, no fear just fury

the law-abiding people with guns versus a bunch of whiny suicidal crybullies on twitter who cannot handle you using the wrong pronouns, and a few Soros-funded domestic terrorists who will be smashed the instant a civil war breaks out and Trump can freeze and seize the bank accounts of terrorist financiers like Soros, Bloomberg

>people with tons of guns that obsess over obeying laws against people who are insane and willing to break laws to get what they want

Guns are usless unless youre willing to pull the trigger. The time to shoot was the day Obama got elected.

I'm a descendant of a legal Mexican immigrant who came here before 1965 with nothing but the clothes on his back and the skill of his trade. I'm 5'9 (smol) but am castizo as is my family. What will happen to us in the race war?

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I want revenge for 6-14-17.

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Didn’t democrats lose the first civil war over literally wanting to keep cheap labor? When will they learn!

Link to story?

>making a martyr out of him
Are you fucking retarded?

There won't be a race war. It's liberty vs tyranny. This is America.
Stop thinking like it's 1965. Start thinking like it's 1765.

It won’t, it will be very fast. No top general is an anti trumper. The only way it would get bad is if security Mattis turned to the resistance.


The last thing democrats should want is a civil war, they all would be wiped out rather quickly

come vandalize my business in a chimp out (((protest))) and we'll see how fast the trigger gets pulled son.

Stating the obvious but civil war is a good thing. It'll fuck over the cities I.E. liberal commie kikes and non-whites the hardest while leaving the based rural White Americans to rebuild the country.
reed seej

>Civil War
Nothing to see here folks.

Just the usual agents of people like George Soros trying to divide and destroy our nation

>Weak bugmen and pink haired lesbians
>Mostly conservative military, police force, and big gun owning population who are conservatives

no, im talking about russia and china invading whoever due to lack of possible american intervention, then nato members supporting whichever side, whist also having to dean with russia and china

Indeed, good luck fren.

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Most millennials dont have the balls to ask for a raise what makes you think they will wage civil war

I'm still wearing my Trump 2020 tshirt once a week and so far the only thing that happens is the occasional niglet will say "fuck trump" after they walk by me. Even most of that has dried up as of late.

Will post if further war-like encounters arise.

I don't know. I don't know what's right anymore either. But odd are, anyone who looks Mexican will be assumed to be one of the Violent Democrats who made Trump supporters their enemy. There is no justice in war. They will just consider any suporters lost as collateral damage - death of innocents that couldn't be avoided.
People aren't going to wait around to be flailed with a bike lock or shot on the baseball field to figure out which side you're on. That's not how civil wars work.

>Civil War 2
Boring gay
>Civil War 2 : Electric Boogaloo

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Make a martyr out him, his mother and his children.

Grow balls, they come in handy.

Lots of big shot reporters who instigate shit, they walk alone, and if they have security its shit tier. And if you cant get to them, they have families, nice cushy sjws just waiting to be culled like the dogs they are.

Playing defense is what got the white man where he is today.

Look at what happened with Zimmerman, he legit defended himself, still fucked after.

If your enemy doesnt follow the rules, you are put at disadvantage doing so yourself.

If it was a long war this could happen, but it will be a short war. Name me a top general like lee that is an anti trumper. Lee was a great general and could had won the civil war if the north was not so brutal.

((liberals)) will do everything in their power to make it a racewar

Were the power levels this lopsided in 1920's Germany? Are we experiencing the same feelings of nationalism that beat down Germans had growing under their skin? Is it actually possible that we could have a mass extermination of Marxists?

It would be so fucking awesome.

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What is sad is that I will have to gun down many white Americans. O well a communist is a communist:

And again, leave the iniciative to the enemy...

This is why no one respects whites anymore, so predictable.

Patterns that never change

its a sammy meme you dipp
This was at the University of Washington.
This was at the University I attended.
They call the area, "Red Square", but not for the red brick - but because of the communist influence at the University.

I don't have a video because I used up all my views at the Seattle Times.

Fuck off FBI. The left are shit at fighting so we can afford to let them throw a dozen punches before the right counters them and knocks them on the ground in one hit. That way we get to use the lefts favorite quote "history is on our side!" I fully doubt there would ever be a civil war again, but it's clear AND documented that the Jewish left (and Jewish establishment altogether) are the ones pushing for this. We're winning either way and there is nothing the kikes at the top can do about it.

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Maybe George Soros conned 30% of the people. That doesn't mean it won't come to war. If people perceive that it is open season on Trump supporter, there will be war.

My mom snapped a picture of me, something I had asked her not to do, because she's retarded about her Facebook page. I didn't want her to put it up, but she did. I thought about it, and decided it was kind of funny, so I asked her how did people react to my MAGA hat. She said she had my dad shop out the letters before she posted it. I got kinda' mad about it and asked her why she did it. She said she "didn't want me to get into any trouble." So, yeah, some people are afraid over all of this media garbage.

I don’t know what that means but I’ll yane your word for it.


uh uh uh uh uh

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>leaving the based rural White Americans to rebuild the country.

they'll be too busy smoking meth and fucking their sisters.

I’m ready

that is the nignogs you're talking about

The link I found was at the Seattle Times Newspaper website.
I can't check the link because Seattle Times is a pay site that gives you a limited number of free looks.
Search "Milo Seattle shot". I didn't get a video out of that.

Stay mad, salty kike

>they'll be too busy smoking meth and fucking their sisters.
Hey! I don't smoke meth!

You got your jew nose from centuries of sister fucking. Schlmomo always projecting.

Don't worry. We have your IP. We will remember which side you took. We will find you.

Independs are coming further to the right everyday. Our mission should be to cater to them.

Lol, I remember this now. Gosh time flies especially in this time line.

yes, that is a good idea


Ok, keep taking it like bitches, would want the gods of the media to tell people that youre a monster for not letting antifa fist your anus, that would be the end of the world!

Nobody respects a pacifist, absolutely no one. Self defense is a term that just screams "cuck".

All your guns will be ransacked by niggers who are willimg to use them before the starve out from lack of gibs

“It’s the economy stupid” This is how we get them.

WWE Raw has more convincing fights than Antifa

we should send this message to /b/. if we get them on our side, we will be set

Why would anyone listen to a nigger like you? There is a time and a place for everything, something an impulsive nigger like you is clearly incapable of understanding.

You have no idea how useless and random the average nog is or what their actual distribution rates are across the country.

Why do foreign retards talk like they know shit?

This is what I think the elites/CIA/secret societies/NWO are trying to do:
>start a civil war to divide the country
>this probably means having trump killed before or after to instigate it/control it
>when the war is over they will bring in their new govt (that's how it always happens)
I think Trump is genuine in that he wants to help the US people, but (((they))) have him on a leash somehow (probably Ivanka/Kushner or the stuff they took from his lawyer when the Mueller probe unconstitutionally raided his office). That happened right after he announced he would leave Syria soon (OY FUCKING VEY!)They wanted Hillary to win in 2016 but even though she didn't they are still going on full speed ahead with their NWO agenda.

Look at how the media is acting now, they are getting people ready for a civil war. I hope I can come down and shoot some fags/nogs with you guys when it happens.

>What will happen to us in the race war?
You'll put on your maga hat and chase out the illegals with your fellow countrymen

lol no. b is fucking worthless now, just a bunch of redditards fapping to trannies. it's not what it was like 8 years ago.

/b/ is filled with closet and open fags now

I fucking hate you Southerncucks. All talk, the worst trait the American possesses.

In the war against Persia, the Ancient Greeks abandoned Athens! They made the decision to strategically retreat then hit the bastards with everything they had on a favourable battlefield.

The Southerncucks mind can't think past his porch & shotgun.

Communists are not human.

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thanks for the history lesson

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We just need some cia/nsa niggers on our side so we can properaly vet the officers and troops to make sure they are loyal to America and the cause.

confused babble of voices

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I can't wait until you faggots get run over with a fucking truck

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what would either sides' war goals even be?

I hope we are all preparing for the watering. Myself included.

Trips of Truth.

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The Trump folks will just want to be safe from violence, but who knows what leader will step up and set their goals.
If they want to be free, there will have to be some constitutional changes.
A civil war is like heart surgery... You don't know the outcome if it happens, but you're know you're dead if you don't have it.

>Enemy Controls the Media
> Media Controls the Normies
> Media portrays you as violent and dangerous
> Be violent and dangerous in front of media

Good thinking pedro, give the media what it wants.

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You have to do it like the USSR. Over a dozen countries were created from that dissolution.

Make a country where this doesn't happen and I will move there.


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>The far Left
>The moderate left/right
Defending their communities and minorities against violence from rampaging marxists (very few), niggers (very many), and the radical right (few). Possibly divided ideologically after disagreements, or possibly realizing how important conservatives are in this situation. Almost certainly going to submit to the government authority whenever it appears.
>The far right
Unless shit is really bad there won't be support for such a movement. We honestly are winning too much, makes me think that Trump could actually be a release valve to delay their plans until it's too late, whether Trump knows it or not. Those who aren't LARPing or being edgelords will be disappointed, might stick to their own communities, or might support the local police/military forces. There will also be rednecks unironically trying to kill all of the niggers/kikes.
This is the most plausible situation at this point. Unless states start getting more far leftists in their government there won't be state against state warfare to keep a real civil war going. It will just be localized chimpouts where leftists get BTFO and limited action is taken. Most will probably submit to the martial law afterward, but leftists will start living out their fantasies of rebelling under occupied territory. Hard to say exactly what that means in the long term. Maybe leftists will actually just get themselves all killed. Wouldn't that be lovely.

>Domishitnigger education
[Image: A Good Domishitnigger]

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Our fedoras and Chinese made MAGA will protect of from violence and bike locks.
Would a weak man sleep with a pillow that has a female cartoon character printed on it? I think not.

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>sporadic, nonviolent direct action in response to a sudden, drastic changes to the status quo

Conservatism is a mental disorder.

It's worse than that. Conservatives grow food while they grow brain-melting drugs. They wouldn't last a weekend.