Who's up for another episode of "Q is LARP fam"?

Peter Strzok is/was just on Capital Hill in a closed-door session with a congressional committee to be grilled about those texts. Here you can see Q already has some of the transcript.
>inb4 LARP/Mossad/Corsi/shitty gifs

Attached: qgotstrzokcloseddoor.png (425x525, 42K)

Q predicted this



Q literally predicted this
>tfw a LARP is correct all the time

who could have this already to leak it? who all was in the room?

lol this guy is toast

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if this comes out verbatim, i would say Q certainly is the real deal!!

All the Q threads here get deleted or moved to Jow Forums nowadays.
I have better discussions on reddit/r/greatawakening or on 8/qresearch/

even 8/pol/ is toast.


If he wants america to regime change Iran he is a cuckservative trying to manipulate us, plain and simple, end of discussion


>wanting to remove the largest sponsor of Islamic terrorism on the planet is a bad thing


do you suppose that was gowdy asking the questions?


Fence sitting sceptics eat shit.


Q is real!

Are the responses to Strzok by Q or a congresscritter? Either way, Strzok came out looking much stronger.

Q was a mistake.

Q is as real as Russian hacking.

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>Iran is the biggest sponsor of terror
>Poor and using nuclear energy to not be oil dependant.
>while Qatar buys anything, like the Paris St Germain football team just for funzies
>Saudi Arabs parade their million dollar cars they brought by plane, in the city of londonistan
>Saudi war with Yemen
>Saudi this, Saudi that
>Saudis directly control price of petrol and therefore the "Petro-dollar" most important and basic market index in the world

bUt mUh iRaNiAnS aRe wOrSE tHaN tHe sAuDis

Fuck off brainlet.
Go read about Wahabism
Go read about how 9/11 by Osama Bin Laden was motivated by, paid for açd organised by the saudis

>never forget
Looks like you forgot about 9/11
>he forgot
Hang this man by the neck.

It's not like there were recently released documents incriminating the Saudi leadership through diplomats, being linked to the attack directly, getting these terrorists all the permits and visas they need.

>The Eternal MuttBrainlet Strikes again!

Viva the chill iranians.
Fuck the wahabbism cucks.

and fuck ignorant pieces of shit like this idiot

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as if anyone can believe strzok! he was not even under oath, he's a fucking liar!

Fuck off, Q is a Mossad larp.

Never many jews getting caught in the revolving door

I've been on Jow Forums since it was /new/...
The fact that no one can even find it in themselves to appreciate Qanon even *ironically* really says how shit this board is now.

I'm only here for Vocano threads at this point.


You can read the questions in Trey Gowdy's voice exactly! God I love that man.

>largest sponsor of Islamic terrorism on the planet
Oh, we're removing Israel? Sign me up.


bump. pol wins again


one more bump, ignore shills

bump, if the transcript mathes this then Q is definitively not a LARP?

Bump too

And I remember Q, but could I have a TLDR, because the "Q is LARP" is something that was also there since the beggining.
I'm lost in the LARP, who dis boi and what info he feeds, again?

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I really think that the majority of posters here these days are shills or bots or something like that. That's the only way to explain how things got so bad so fast.
I've been here for a while too and most real polacks would have fun shitposting about Q and talking about his drops without taking it too seriously.
We've been infected with a poison.

Thanks m8
Saved for later, but yeah, I remebered only part of it.

Really nice of you.
Have a great day

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Ever since the election Jow Forums got too famous and now it's full of faggots and shills

Yeah, but you notice anything? The lack of shills in this post. Normally anything Q-related is just overrun by shills. But this is hard, undeniable evidence that Q is legit.

They're afraid.

Q is on the hill

who knew, i thought he was a white house fag

The White House would have someone there to report back to POTUS with any important information, so it could still be WH user.

Gee, why would we be against a country that chants DEATH TO AMERICA, THE GREAT SATAN! while making ICBMs capable of deliving nuclear warheads?

Holy shit. I think the left is dogfood by now. You're dogfood.

quite the scoop

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Q breaks the shills

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>Shia detected

Again fuck off Ahmed
Toppling ANY Muslim Theocracy is fine with me ESPECIALLY Iran

Not really.
Pollacks are diversified, since the election.
No more ops.

But really, there's a mix of truth, that there are shills (not many bots tho)

Mostly, Jow Forums has always been counter culture.
So leftie / apolitical before Obama. And with the rise of politics in culture, thanks to the identity politics bs, both sides are guilty.
Get out of the US vd THEM , get out of the 2 party system

People voting for 3rd parties is major reason trump won in the first place.

Jow Forums doesn't need to become democrats, but they change.
Both the people here change and also are coming in and out.

Me for example.
Am libertarian left.
No beef with most pollacks, just the authoritarians piss me off. Nat soc, commies or any too - nationalist..
I'm civic nationalist.
I don't tolerate any race related shit in politics, but I love race jokes, ethnicity and culture analysis, anthropology.
I'm here for discussion.

Call me a shill because I don't align with you?
Though I'm an ally to Jow Forums' most extreme, trying to protect your speech, my speech, OUR speech.

Individual liberties are most important.
Authoritarians using anonymous boards are simply hypocritical, since they vote for anti-anonymity politicians (very simplified here)

Talk a lot, no tldr, sorry not sorry, fag.

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Based black man

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The incompetent fbi lackeys hang with their seditious masters if they ally themselves aganist Gods chosen elect to deliver the administration of biblical justice via revelationary warfare and poetic karma. Kikes and kangs utterly btfo.

Q is most assuredly the realest of real deals.

Nice blog faggot

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>who could have this already to leak it? who all was in the room?
someone dumb brought their phone. this was gleaned by Q from it. ...it was a dem's phone

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the mods are all kikes and shills.
Q made this very clear.

more of /us/ need to apply as janitors next time round.

or nunes

you are a jidf faggot


always pray during captcha

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that poison is called kikery.
they are insidious monsters.

we slay them every single day. their presence doesn't vex me...instead it's the censorship, the banning of autists for arbitrary reasons and the constriction of the conversation.

their activities here (and elsewhere) only serve to fan the flames. not only are we winning, we're on the cusp of MASSIVE victory. their antagonisms will only exacerbate the severity of the backlash now mustering force.

no, Q is WH all the way. POTUS can declassify anything...and i'm sure he's getting the testimony transcripts as soon as they're typed.

saudis are proxies for the kikes.
we now know this for certain. house of (((saud))) is crypto, too. we have a DIA declassified document stating as much.

time to start house hunting in haifa, hymie.

nice VPN, btw.

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no one can beat the good guys this time around.

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this information was passed 4 hrs ago by infowars
Q aslo talking about it proves nothing.

no it wasnt

Lol ok cnn.

You can’t possibly believe what you just said

That information didn't EXIST four hours ago, moron.


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The only people saying Q is a LARP are subhuman IQ retards, trolls, and paid shills. Wake up

This. They scream “boomer” and “larp” when it’s something too complex for them to understand. They are the two signal words for “low IQ”

the smart shills wont post itt

Seriously. Has ANYONE see a Q-related post this low in shill activity? Something has changed.

they must be in observe and report mode

q1603 from a couple of hours ago

Attached: 1603.png (438x767, 350K)

bump cuz fuck the shills

bless your heart kind stranger

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Sounds more like Jim Jordan

here's Q posting a trump tweet that pertains to the OP image

froma couple hours ago . q1606

Attached: 1606.png (456x342, 194K)

I can give the Dems points for getting some stooges arrested, but not much more than that.

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stop having anime


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check out this portion of the official report on that nimitz tic tac ufo

Attached: asess.png (1059x558, 254K)

a description of the object.

Attached: descrip.png (895x393, 185K)

the reason i mentioned that tic tac ufo is this:

Trump controls it now.

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Can you imagine the fun he's having, tweeting out demands for more transparency, while secretly knowing that through Q, he's making that possible? Trump must be a genius not to crack and give off a lot more hints than he is.

Checked and bumped.
Hey is anyone else's captcha replaced by a giant "secured connection"?


and here's the best part: despite being able to know what happened, trump probably used his guys to glean from a DEM's phone the information posted through Q. the dem cant say anything without admitting to a crime, they cant out themselves as bringing their device in. it's beautiful

earlier today captcha told me that it detected automated requests coming from my ip.

Only redditors are appointed as jannies, when you apply they ask for your usernames on other forums, if (like me) you don't have any then you're fucked

chek'd, but I highly doubt that. If Q is showing us anything, it's the diabolical and meticulous way that Trump is overthrowing the cabal through entirely legal means. That's the best part: the way he's doing this, they can't cry foul. He's following the law to a T and is employing people who know the law backwards and forwards. Even when the whole story is told, they won't be able to say "WELL HE STILL BROKE THE LAW".

>No, he didn't. He beat you all, and he did it without having to be the criminal scum we know you to be.

i'm talking about the leaked stuff in the op image. but yea i agree, he's beating them legally.

Chrome domes are often morally inverted and corrupt to the core as hollow earth brainlets are serving the 666 pedocracy overlords wielding the surveillance states eye of sauron.

Checked these digits.

yeah just avoid all those Q proofs, of which there is now like 80 of. nothing to see here rite?

This is nonsense and Q is proven a larp from the beginning (hillary & podesta areested) (they weren't). Also proven wrong most days. most recently:
>TRUST horowitz
>IG report released, underwhelming to Qnigger hype
>RR edited, redacted it! y-y-you'll see, theres 3 copies!
>Qniggers: watch horowitz testimony!
>Horowitz testimony: "Report was not edited or made weaker"

Sure is awfully 1post in here.

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Of which there are 0.

Sorry about your narrative, Qlet.

try again
try harder

One of Trump's great strengths is his patience. Things moved very slowly in 2017 but notice how much is getting done now. He takes the time to arrange everything so that victory is assured.
Imagine what kind of schemes he has planned that we don't know about. It gives me the tingles! The tingles, user!

>Q is proven a larp from the beginning (hillary & podesta areested) (they weren't)
Q never said they were. Q said Huma and Podesta were indicted. As there remain tens of thousands of sealed indictments, we have yet to know whether what Q claimed was true.

you're incompetent. you shouldnt be working anymore. id fire you

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