Left wing jews vs. Right wing jews

I have a small idea of what the big difference is between them, but can somebody give me a proper rundown of what the ultimate goal of both is?

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Left wing Jews want whites to dies off, right wing Jews can actually pull off being fellow white people.

two sides of the same shekel goy

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Left wing Jews want to hide in nations. Diversity helps them camouflage where diverse ideas and diverse people have no reason to hate them.

Right wing Jews want to control nations. Diversity helps them by culling the IQ average. A people too stupid for financial responsibility helps their banking cartel thrive.

Yinon plan
Ya'alon stratergy

Read them. They all advocate policies detrimental to us for their benifit.

>the big difference is between them

There isn't one.

T. Moshe

So ben shapiro is our friend then ?+?!?

>based nationalist conservative Jews am I right magapedes? xD

Your ilk will hang first.


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>right wing Jews can actually pull off being fellow white people.
Right-wing Jews don't exist, user. Never mistake a Neocon RINO for a conservative.

Making a better America user

>not posting the highrez

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Wasserman Shultz is a democrat therefore by default she is under investigation. Levin is just a radio host that liberal start threads about due to PBS funding.

I love these.
Also jews always play both sides.

Internationalism vs Civic Nationalism

In WWE wrestling there are "enemies" but ultimately they are all on the take from the same orginization and it's all a show.

Why do I need to explain this to thinking people?

Right wing Jews want a conservative society that they secretly puppet master from the shadows.

Left wing jews want a multicultural communal orgy pit that they secretly puppet master from the shadows.

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No big differences here, both live off goys who think their side of the spectrum is magically going to solve every problem. They do a good job at keeping you asleep.

/thread. they both get ovens


Ultimate goal of both sides is wiping white ppl off the Earth and making Israel the JWO capital of the world.

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There is no big difference. They both call anyone to their right, or anyone that is a threat to Israel, not sees or fascists. The job of the Jewish right is to get the evangelicals and other Christians to support Israel and "human rights" (ironic, I know). The job of the Jewish left is to destroy all forms of identity from within. Both are equally as evil.

Nobody despises left wing jews more than right wing jews. I would kill them all myself if I had the chance.

t.right wing jew

They both want to rule the world and destroy whites. In other words, no difference

Mark Levin is based AF and sounds like master shake

Left wing Jew: control everything so don't get killed.

Right wing Jew: be useful to the majority so don't get killed.

And now I know! Thanks anons.

Anyone got the infograph of how Jews control the top positions in the top companies?
I need to convince someone of the imbalance

Left = bad, right = good. Jew's are biologically the same as whites you goon

Play both sides
Always profit
Have you learned nothing

I listened to Mark Levin during the Bush era. He's a neocon who sucked Bush's cock and promoted the Iraq and Afghan wars.

>nazi memeflag
>defends jews
Whatcha doin Rabbi?

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Good Jew = unicorn

can a jewish girl be right wing? asking for a friend

the populate both sides of the coin in order to have control over the nation

they are one in the same

both want the US to serve as an exploitable slave society for Israel

both need to be gassed

Guys like Savage, Levine make right leaning people more unhinged by goading them into an angry disposition which removes their critical thinking skills

He's pretty good and on point generally, I listen to his show through podcasts sometimes. I just hate his callers, 90% of the time they suck his dick and just regurgitate what he says.

Left wing jews want to subvert west from inside and ultimately are antinomian creatures of destruction. They are not fully conscious of their nature, they are usually hyperintellectual to the point that they become quite detached from what many consider basic features of reality.

Right wing jews are mostly like right wing anything. They despise muslims because muslims threaten their homeland. However their treatment of muslims can strike many outsiders as needlessly cruel, though they themselves view it as justified. I have no particular opinion on the matter, seeing as in a sane world a dispute between israel and Islam should not be our business

OK Racemix flag

Right wing jews argue bitterly with left wing jews - about how to most successfully jew the goyim. They both agree that jewing the goyim is both necessary and morally good, the only thing they disagree on is HOW to jew the goyim most effectively. THERE ARE NO GOOD JEWS.

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There is practically no difference

Left-wing Jews: subversion of the domestic element of their hosts.
Right-wing Jews: subversion of the foreign element of their hosts.

I'm going to kill your family. Soon.

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Outside of his Israel shilling levin makes a lot of good points

They play both sides, user ....you got worked

I don't disagree. He is awful on anything forign policy related. And of course he is a isreal shill but he is great on literally everything else. Genuinely intelligent guy who knows his stuff unlike hannity. Read any of his books, plunder and deceit especially

Zionism vs Global Communism

Advocating for zionism on American soil, is treason. And it's all the more disgusting when they wrap themselves up in MY flag to do it. Not to mention he was rabid in his opposition of Trump, and didn't endorse him until September or October. Now, he's Trump's biggest fan. I wonder why...

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They're both just Jews that give off the illusion of 2 options that are actually two sides of the same coin. The "right" ones run the GOP which borrows money from you know who to spend on the military to fight wars for Israel. Borrowing that money means paying it back plus interest (usury) and they pass tax cuts that make the debt mount to exorbitant levels without the revenue to pay it back so we all stay perpetually indebted. The "left" ones run the Democrats who use tax and spend which directly takes people's money to spend it in ways that may benefit some people such as healthcare for the obese gluttons, gibs for niggers, promoting faux feminism, etc.at your expense when people like you don't really benefit. The difference is that either way white men are getting Jewed out of living as well as you could be.

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it's just show, man.

politics is like football for the a bit more intelligent people.

bread and games, bread and games

basically this


And that's exactly why Jews push (((democracy))) so hard and why it's so flawed.

this is basically the crux of democracy since the second world war