People are literally killing themselves Anthony Kennedy. You did this. IT WAS HER TURN
People are literally killing themselves Anthony Kennedy. You did this. IT WAS HER TURN
That's sad.
>making a reddit account to act like a retarded liberal to take a screenshot of your post to post on Jow Forums to make fun of liberals
Reddit is a botnet its not real peopel
one less liberal is never a bad thing
Yeah, because finding Liberals that sound like driveling, brainwashed morons is sooooo hard.
This only proves that the power communists have in this country lies in the court system where they can legislate from the bench. Look at their reaction.
Also take note that approximately 5,000 Federal judges have yet to be appointed and are held up by Democrats. There is a reason.
Then stop supporting feminism faggot
>deep in debt
Sort your financial management
>living with my parevnts
Then move out faggot
>paying job
Quit your job then and find a better one
>watch my country took over by evangelicals
Conservatism would probably solve your single and childess problem. Stop supporting feminism if you don't want vapid whores.
Politics should be the least of his worries. Classic case of "you are nazi because your life is shit". Only now the roles are reversed.