WW3 will be globalists vs nationalists

US, UK, Italy, Japan, Russia (Nationalists) vs Germany, Mexico, China, France and other small irrelevant EU ‘countries’ (globalists). Who wins?

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>not the most cucked country in Europe

the actual major alliances are
China + USA vs EU + Middle East

See this video:

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>poland caliphate
>uk based
user you should talk to your doctor, im worried


lel, im pretty sure we're going to be the ones that will start WW3 to divert from brexit alone


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But you're part of the parcel club

>It would actually be the most kino heel turn in history

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Yes, and Israel will win.

this retarded, no shit it's a
>1 post

all fields, friends

How about you actually leave the EU before you start declaring any wars, faggot.

I mean the "nat" side has effective global control. The biggest real threat in that is china and they would be completely encircled AND unable to cause real damage at least to US and RU.

What a overly-simplistic, brainlet perspective of things.

USA should just nuke all of the UK and Yurop (except Bavaria & Rome), MENA and Chyna and preempt any war

why would we be between white and aryan nations when we aren't whites?

Whichever side Australia is on cunt

no eastern european country is siding with the globalists pal

are you the same guy i have seen in italian threads all day long?

as if anyone of you fucking onions Boys would have enough testosterone for a real fucking war

>hh-hey we're with russia you guys XDD
>t. jews that keep trying to push europe to fight russia
I hate you fuckers so much
Honestly, if that story about Putin planting underwater nukes all around the US is true, I hope you actually do drown in a radioactive tsunami you anglo filth
I spit on you

not even close that would be Sweden.

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>cuckold central of the planet
>nigger presidents
>calling anyone else a cuck
delusional amerifat

this is the most uneducated and wrong picture ive ever seen and it’s absolutely delicious coming from a brit


London alone literally has 200.000 more niggers than all of sweden combined

hello chang is that you again?

Goodbye Britain.
You will be missed...


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>Russian in based
>UK in based
>Japan in based (just because of retarded weebs mind you)
>Poland not in based
Nu-uh sweetie.

Has Austria ever even won a war? I don’t care about your opinion because you can’t fight.

>>cuckold central of the planet
dumb empty insult with nothing to back it up.
>>nigger presidents
keep leaching onto the past
>delusional amerifat
Our future is looking 10x brighter than Sweden. I really don't see how that's hard to see.

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Poland is the biggest fan of white genocide in Europe

The Austrian Empire was so great and influential in Europe, that you pathetic pushoevers had to leave and go bully some shitskins in the bumfuck nowhere end of the planet.
THEN you imported them back home too.
Oh wait, we're talking about wars? Yeah we could shit on your stupid pakistani face, whenever the fuck we want.

>be utterly irrelevant discount Germany
>Think your opinion matters whatsoever
Let the adults talk sweetie and go back to your toys.

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Are you even allowed to say that m8?

>be little foodstamping nigger
>"hey y-you!"

Yea he's a renown shill, probably romanian trying to shit up our threads

They lost every time they sided with britain
thats a nice Little factoid

Keyword, faggot. Youre absolutely fucking nothing now. If we count countries that -were- something, then we'd invite mongolian niggers to the table.

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better than Discount Canada

what are "you" now? a bordeline turd world shithole where you can't drink tap-water?
wipe those tears with a foodstamp and scooter the fuck on, fatass

They are favourable to EU as long as they get gibs and can migrate here freely, they do not want nogs or arabs in their countries

Self hatred, Jew, or proxy, btfo nigger.

>w-well youre probably on foodstamps


A country with a burgeoning economy thats taking names and kicking ass, arnold. Whatre you? fucking. Nothing.

Where is China and why isn't NZ allied with them

hör auf, der kriegt sonst noch Bluthochdruck

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>Who wins?
Jews and good goyim like me. Anti-Semites will be hanged first.

as an american, you're most likely obese, on foodstamps, in debt, not white, living in a government housing cuckshed, ugly, no gf virgin
feel free to prove me wrong, but your compadres speak for themselves

NATO and globalists are weak fags. Their armies would be mercenaries and s o y boy liberal faggots.

>Y-youre fat!
Lmao, literally all this austria-nigger has-been of ages past can say. Nothing will changwe how irrelavant you are. Nothing will change that America shapes the world, where you are a forgotten relic. Remember that.

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I'm a guy who's life is THAT good, that I don't need to whip out "economics stats" to try and prove some "point", because I live in fucking austria THE best country in the world bar none
Your nigger "life" is literally 20 times worse than mine
feel free to prove me wrong, as usual, but Ima go watch tv with my hot gf and play with her tits a bissi
ciao servas, you genetic mistake

> “if you kill your enemies they win”

You can't put Slav and based in the same sentence, much less a Polak.


As a member of a small irrelevant EU country, I am happy to be on China's & Germany's side. We would win, because China will get to AI first. America is ahead for now, but as Putin said, whoever gets to AI first, wins everything. The whole planet. And China is quickly catching up to the US and if the trend continues, they will get there first. Globalism will win. Nationalism is a hiccup, a hysterical episode. Nation-states are irrelevant. The real states of today & the future are Tencent, Alibaba, Google, Amazon...

Youre the guy from an irrelevant country so triggered by American dominance you cant help but give me Yous and cry 'YOURE FAT' lmao. Stop pretending youre anything but a shit stain on the worlds ass.

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china doesnt support open boarders and wont be caught dead on mexicos side. also japan wont be on americas side

you put to much faith into photo ops. they mean nothing. bush and putin shacked hands. america admitted to spreading aids in russia in short time after that

PS the leaf wins

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Have fun watching your family get raped to death by Muslims. Enjoy the Caliphate..

Answer the question. Have you ever won a war?

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I don't understand what you mean. I am not for open borders and I'm anti-Islam.

Another factoid: Germany has never beaten Britain in a war

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Are blacks based for living on welfare? No.

Neither are Poles.

>Kai-Fu Lee, the former head of Google China, argues that A.I. is shifting from a U.S.-led Age of Discovery to an Age of Implementation in which China enjoys significant “structural advantages.” The main drivers? Data, computing power, and competent engineers—all of which favor the world’s most populous nation.

Since China will get to AI first, whoever is on China's side will win. I hope EU is always on China's side. The 21st century will be Chinese. The Dragon is Awakening.

‘Has-been’ implies relevance in the past. Austria has literally never been relevant. They even had to gang up with Hungary to be a country because they were so small lmao

You're either from Portugal or from Gibraltar, so basically Iberian with identity politics, which isn't something to be ashamed of.

Nope. Very small Slavic country

But you’re a part of the EU. Purhaps it’d help to know which one but the majority of the EU are bending over and taking it in the ass from Merkel and her army of “asian youths”. The only future for the EU is that of Islam and civil war.

except for the war of spanish succession and the Austrian war of succession
get your Facts straight

who gives fuck if they're based or not, they are anti-groids and anti-muzzie and that's enough for now

Fuck off bong.

You need a licence for a toothbrush apparently.

the eternal slovenian strikes again

Austria was at one time extremely relevant... that was the period when it was completely run by Jews.

But this was just an episode of EU history
It's already changing, even Germany said they would kick them out
Italy rejecting boats etc

Hahaha mi hai scoperto

Just like the US


I don't get why you have to hide your flag? Makes no sense. Anyway, Slovenia?

Leave us out of this.

You wouldn't want to get rid of the Eternal Jude once and for all?

>V4 countries= caliphate
What delusional Anglo made this?

Of course, but wars didn't do us any good. I'm in favor for a sneaky approach.

Slavs are ashamed of themselves.

How come like half of you guys can speak italian to some degree? it's not like many slovenians migrate here, is it just picked up via geographical proximity?

Italian diaspora probably.

OP is in fantasy land.
The globalists have already won.
They already have a financial one-world order.
They already have all their supra-national institutions in play.

> also publicly listed powerful MNCs.

The last step is to bring some errant nations to heel like a dog.
-Russia needs to be brought in line hard and fast.
-China is needs to settle the fuck down.
-North Korea needs to shut the fuck up.
-UK needs to tell its population they are subjects to be ruled over a
-Syria needs it's resources privatized and a new central bank established.
-Israel should expand into Syria and part of Eqypt and become a superstate.

That's it then it's over.
Nations will just be a vassal of the supranational organisations as opposed to a sovereign vessel
Zionists or Neocons whatever you want to call them have won.

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Now that's what I'm talking about. Meditteraneans (non Slavic ones) are based as fuck. Glad huge chunk of my ancestry comprises of it.

Glad to read that user, I'm also proud of my people, infact let's say that I'm in love with my country and it's people.

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Sweden isn't cucked at all. They stole cities from Denmark, then filled the cities up with refugees to prevent Denmark from getting back the area. It's basically scorched earth tactics.

Germany, listening to the public? That rich.. it’s for show, they’re still going to stick to that immigration plan and import those millions of Muslims. Good for Italy but as far as I’m aware the media is fear mongering them so they’re still frowned upon by the EU for doing it. Merkel’s plan is to replace you all, crushing any possible opposition. The nations that are opposed to this replacement are going to wake with the inferno at they’re doorstep and the countries that are consenting aren’t going to wake up at all. Enjoy the civil war..

Germans are castrated, they can't do anything.

hey man what about european non-EU countries

As you and anybody should be. It's a shame that many Meds are ashamed of themselves because of colorism and hate they get from the Eternal Anglo and Slavs for not being "White enough". This is coming from a Mestizo who can speak for many of my people that we enjoy what you, the Iberians, and the Greeks have done.

>This is coming from a Mestizo



I guess the Greeks can be said to be insecure of their whiteness but I assure you that Italians, including me, do not care for that silly stuff. We are Italians first, you will never see Italians dying over "whiteness" instead of their country. I really appreciate your post user, posts like yours are rare and wonderful. I wish you and your family well. Also beware of the germans too, they are our most hated enemies, anglos may redeem themselves, and most slavs I met are cool people, even if a little eccentric.

Aren't southern italians rather insecure of their whiteness?

I'm one and most of them aren't, the ones posting in this board may be, but really, most do not care.