Welcome to the absolute 6-3 majority bois

welcome to the absolute 6-3 majority bois

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7-2 when queen kike keels over.

>time to rename country Trumpistan
That sounds racist.

>Nate aluminuim foil

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Is this about the Supreme Court judges? Rundown pls? All I know is that one said he was going to retire and another might die. Did both of these things happen??

One just announced he's retiring.

kek demands 9-0

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O japierdole

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Now if they would only come clean about Ginsberg being dead

Wouldn't that make the 6-3? I assumed the death of the goblin was implied.

Replacing "Coin-Flip" Kennedy with a reliable conservative judge only makes it 5-4. Three fucking decades of four honest judges, four full-time activist traitors, and one man who loved playing philosopher king and setting the law according to his whim whenever there was a conflict between them...

The 8-1 it's going to be by 2024 is ideal. The token libshit is for comedic purposes.

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Can Trump nominate himself?

Yes, he’ll reserve the spot to 2024. Then after his two terms he’ll take the position

Nah, he'll nominate Don Jr.

people who disagree with you are not traitors. if there were fewer people who talk and think the way you do and more people invested in actual discourse, the world would be a substantially less shitty place to exist.

fuck off commie, get gassed

Nate Carbon Molecule

I'm not a commie, and excluding insults you clearly have nothing to say or a position to argue.

I’m hoping for the buy one dead liberal commie, get one free special. Breyer will die before 2024, God willing

This is almost as good as election night!

Ginsberg is an ancient Jew. It’s only a matter of time before she keels over.

Can somone make me a meme?

One of those who would win types.

One side a million rabid crying screaming lefitst, and the other side of laughing Trump who is the "6-3majorityboi"