Fact check: No, Democrats don't want "open borders"

Fact check: No, Democrats don't want "open borders"


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>don't believe those guys

t. (((ny times)))

They're basically globalists that want to turn the US into Saul Alinsky's wet dream, and mass immigration is one of his rules

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One needs to understand that when Jews debunk a "right wing conspiracy" they are not debunking their stated desires or agenda but the semantics of the claim. So while under leftist rule we would have completely unenforced border laws and a decommissioned ICE, because no Democrat senator or politician ever made a move to vote on a bill explicitly worded with "open borders". ipso facto the Democrats do not support open borders.

Why would anyone believe any of the lies coming out of the Jew York Times?

>refuse to deport spics
>refuse to build a wall
>not open borders

>The (((Jew York Slimes)))

You forgot:
>abolish ICE

This, they do the exact same thing with Brexit

>No no goy, we don't want to reverse Brexit, we just want a ~~~~soft~~~~ Brexit
"Soft" meaning remaining in every possible EU institution such that nothing actually changes and leaving takes place entirely in name only. What's even more pathetic is that they think that this is a terribly clever tactic that nobody can see through. In their mind, if you do something but call it something else, you're not really doing that thing at all.

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