Someone explain this shit... Central Banking

Why are AynCap kikes like Peter Schiff against the central bank if it gives the jewish Bolsheviks centralized power like (((Marx))) wanted

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Is he a Russian jew?


And why tf did Proudhon support "Bank of The People", another centrally planned bank for (((them)))!!!

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Yeah him and all the (((AnCaps))) like Ayn Rand and Rothbard and Mises

Slav genetics seems to override the jew.

>Why are AynCap kikes like Peter Schiff against the central bank if it gives the jewish Bolsheviks centralized power like (((Marx))) wanted
Because NAKALT (?)

I like Peter. And Friedman. And van Mises.


Jow Forums = Russian psy-ops

Jow Forums incites in service to the Russian-Syrian-Chinese-NK-Iranian alliance

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Jow Forums serves nations whose political class work hard to keep their citizens in a state of ignorance and servitude; while in the west, hard right wing cranks can run for office and propagandize on-line, and a 28 yo self-proclaied democratic socialist & Israel-critic just won a primary

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in their service, Jow Forums, every day, uses hypersexual imagery as bait

Jow Forums imagines itself to be hip and edgy, a courageous seeker of that which lies "behind the curtain"


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pic based on

I think Russian jews can remain in the white ethnostate. I think Russian dna literally does subdue the jew.

peter schiff on multiple occasions said he welcomes people to discriminate against him because he is a jew and because of their bitter history he has no problem with it. he is truly a free market guy without double standards.
as for bolsheviks, well, they worship the opposite of freedom, whatever that manifests itself to be.

Free banking is the way to go lads. Hayek predicted crypto in the late 70's and claimed that a return to the gold standard would be politically utopian.

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i agree but mudslime should also die
no, all of you, not just you and your gay friend.

Take your meds Hillary.

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Everything would have been fine if our nation-state actually protected our lives and protected our jobs. First, they mercilessly destroyed our job market by selling it off to overseas third world plantations and then they casually allowed neighboring third-worlders to come here and make our lives a living hell. Of course we abandoned our (((government))) for the opposition. We were abandoned first. Start giving fuck about white America and course-correct this disaster or else people will keep supporting its downfall.

Central banks are ways for lazy rich guys to get richer. They also take away farmers land.

>He doesn't know the biggest scam of all: The Banking Scam
Poor child.

Banks are an unfortunate necessity because it's favorable to not having banks.

I'm not saying banks are not necessary. I'm saying it's a scam in our modern day

Not central banks tho. The FED basically uses keynsian economics for monetary policy, it dossnt work in the long run

Please explain Tork :)

>Ancaps/Libertarians against central banking
>Bolsheviks/commies/authoritarians for central banking

What is it that you don't understnad?

marx wanted centralized power? what?

Oh yeah.
I mean, they still serve some practical utility. Like, how come your house isn't being constantly broken into? Because it's not all that profitable. All your money is stored in a bank.

But yes.

The fact that jews control both

> used to be an AnCap
The only people that aren't Ancaps are those that think they can make a pencil, the greatest symbol of freedom and cooperation to date.

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I'm no longer an AnCap cuz I don't want fucking muzzies ruining the beautiful west. I left the shithole of Iran that used to have an amazing culture before the POS Khomeini gang

AnCaps want open borders and no immigration control

Russian jews are advocates for a decentralized banking system, I wouldn't say they control it. That would be the point of decentralizing anyway - avoiding singular control.

No we want decentralized and private, voluntary segregtation through private property, abolishing the welfare state and not funding regime change wars in the ME that cause refugee floods for lefties to sook about.
> I don't want fucking muzzies ruining the beautiful west
They're breeding, they're growing and they plan on a global caliphate. What better way to cull some numbers early than to let them come to the porcupine US of A where every bush has an armed citizen in it, so we can kill them off in self-defense? Or would you rather wait until our economy crashes and they take over the rest of the world?

A free society without a welfare state with a strong armed citizenry and property rights has nothing to fear of subhuman low IQ mongrel monkeys.

But they're also hardcore Zionists who take America, Canada, UK and France to wars for Israel

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"muh end the welfare state and open borders won't be an issue" they're already passing laws in UK and Canada to criminalize insulting Islam, and they vote left wing always! Any right wingers are Christian Lebanese, Armenians or secular Persians and Kurds. All others want the caliphate

It's a complicated matter but basically, all important banks in the world are private, this includes central banks and international banks such as World Bank or Bank for International Settlements. All of the important banks are owned by the couple of extremely powerful family which are most of them are sub-family of Rothschild family. This is the backbone of Illuminati. They create money from thin air and charge it others via interest. This is bad enough itself, but with fractional banking, it's got far worse. Basically, all of the economic crises are bullshit because there is no free international market, the all is controlled. They create artificial economic crises to achieve their agendas. They always get richer via these economic crises because they create it and do their plans according to it. And even without economic crises rich gets richer and poor gets poorer, because they steal our money via inflation which mainly caused by interest rates. People are dead wrong about that this economy is based on money. No, it's based on control because they don't need money, they own it. I can write a book on this subject but I think you get the main idea.

> "muh end the welfare state and open borders won't be an issue"
You young naive dickhead, don't start with the straw man. I said property rights and an armed citizenry, which means private segregation and exclusion of undesirables and the ability to wipe out any prick that wants to disturb our peaceful prosperous society.
> they're already passing laws in UK and Canada to criminalize insulting Islam
Good thing we don't want a state then hey? Join us mate, we have to take power away from the state so it can't prevent us from protecting eachother and our families, so it can't force us to interact with people we despise and so it can't drain us of our resources to prop up an ideology that wants our destruction.

Walk softly but carry a big stick. They would have no chance if we weren't handicapped by the grubs in government.

We won the war, we can beat the sand niggers easy and then fix our birth rates by not subsidizing divorce, single-motherhood etc with the welfare state.

I wouldn't mind higher quality personal and communal defense systems that can wipe out or disable boats and trucks with ease. Turrets in shopping centers whatever it takes. The government is too slow and inflexible to meet the demand of defense against terrorism.

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If only the South Africans had the freedom to defend themselves.

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>not recognising kike/kike shill controlled opposition

Dare I say, lurk more?

Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

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Yeah I'm asking for explanation. I'm recognizing controlled opposition. Jones is anti fed but pro Israel. Explain I'm not saying I'm that informed about zionist control and lies

I don't disagree that the state needs to be smaller, but immigration from the third world without a merit based system, is a government program for leftists and it needs to be stopped

He is defending Trump and Israel. Do you really need to know more?

Which is fair enough. My main concern is taking back the freedoms they've stolen, and fixing the damn economy so we can still function and eat long-term. I don't necessarily trust the state with the border but even then visa based systems are okay for now, it's the illegal and refugee stuff you guys hate most isn't it?

I don't think the conflict is avoidable, they really want us goneskies from our countries so preparing for that rather than starving through another great depression while being disarmed just sounds like suicide to me.

I have a strange feeling banning all immigration and then tyring to let "whites" in from Europe and South Africa when they flee will just be politically impossible.

But we can have those systems where people have to pay, they have to be economic migrants for example and the whites from those countries will better afford it than some ISIS member from Syria posing as an Afghani or whatever they've been doing, while we prepare.

Step 1 though has got to be, stop funding terrorists in Syria that cause these sympathetic refugee floods they use as a trojan horse, that's beyond ridiculous to me, gotta get a handle on the CIA's deep state corruption. Fuck abolish most of it if we have to.

...I know he's controlled opposition. I'm asking why jews simultaneously support and appose central banking

I'm not for stopping immigration. I came from a shithole place and I fled islam. Also christian refugees and anti zionist and non commie Kurds will vote right wing, so bring those refugees in. You need a merit based system though, or else welfare parasites will pour in and vote to take away more rights (not that white leftists and neocons don't already do that)

When do they get the right to vote or are you referring to ghost voting for Hillary from dead people and illegals?

so your saying, by speaking my opinion on a cambodian basket weaving website, i am a nazi?

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Because Jews are not a literal hive mind with the exact same policy ideas, especially when autism kicks in (which libertarianism is prone to). They don't even want to do away with central banking because of sovereignty concerns, but only because of muh economy.

Compare when the discussion turns out to something that is unambiguously linked to ethnic interests, like Israel, and watch them defend it like rabid dogs.

What’s that now?

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Because it might shock you but Jews are not a thing in the real power structure. Jews you saw are in high places are not Orthodox Jews most of the time. It's just their name Jewish. That's where Holocaust deniers gets wrong. They think Jews control everything and they'll never let their fellow brethren get killed by Nazis. Actually, so-called Jews planned the Holocaust. Of course 6 gorillion Jews is exaggerated but it is certain that several hundred thousand Jews were killed. Their root came from a different origin. They're Talmudic Jews, Babylonian Jews you might call them. They why Satanic Child Abuse thing is so rampant in US and Britain. Jewishness is just a facade. They'll completely to be thrown to aside when they finish their Greater Israel Project.

Pizzagate pegasus museum thread

We’re building a team of researchers like a the good ol days on pol

Get the fuck in here if you are an autist

→ #


Legal immigrants, not illegals

The talmud is big on raping kids, so no. Also, I'm not a holocaust denier, I'm wondering if ur a genocide denier tho. Armenian, Greek, Assyrian and whatnot

In a nutshell, ancap jews are not even comparable to marxist jews because while both want to get rich, ancaps realize that a goy having money doesn't make the jew poorer.

shill's first day on pol
you showed em!!

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They are based Jews, Rothbard was buddies with Buchanan and David Duke

Mises isn't. Don't know about the others

Hoppe? Ron Paul? The guy who invented Austrian economics?

What Has the Government Done with our Monies is a better read.

But yes, the Fed is evil, especially combined with fractional reserve banking.

I want a link to this. Sounds funny

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Yeah AnCaps have a lot of positives, but I'm not big on the lack of state immigration control they want. Ron Paul was constantly called an anti semite too, and his son was attacked for proposing cutting foreign aid to Israel, and for NOT CLAPPING HARD ENOUGH FOR NETANYAHU!

You can't help who your parents are. They aren't Jewish religiously

Absolutely. Bloom's based af rant in front of the EU

>less agency

christ you mongoloid, have you looked at your society lately? Can you call those degenerate dregs "full of agency"? Kek. What actually happened is that around gamergate the right wing guys from ironmarch and stormfront, perhaps a few other places decided to join it.

What we have now here is mostly thanks to genuine natsoc influence of educated ranks.

So what if they're secular jews? If anything, non Talmud following orthodox jews are the most based. Anti zionist. But secular jews are also the worst ones and I'm an atheist. Look at Soros and the commies... All secular jews


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Not all of them do. Not even Rothbard was pro open borders.
He's right though, we should close the borders until then, but once the welfare state is gone I don't think we need closed borders

"right wing"... Ffs national socialism is not right wing...

I agree. I'm only against it cuz of voting power of muzzies and welfare migrants

>Also, I'm not a holocaust denier,
muh 6 gorillion!

thats a new kike psyops again you retard.

Mises was a total jew but he was cool like rothbard.
Hoppe is the most based thou

haha don't know how I missed that.

Obviously not all athesit Jews are based, but there are some that are ok. Moldbug is another one that isn't an ancap.

None of them are...

Monarchy is the way to go

Hoppe is just German.

Schiff isn't a Jew loyalist from what I can tell.

I'm totally joking guys I fucking love right wing jews. If we cut all foreign aid to Israel, I'd even be a zionist. I was LARPING to see what "ALL THE JEWS HATE WHITESSSS" morons would say. I'm actually a closed border libertarian. Ofcourse Mises and Schiff are based af. Neocons that arent anti white, like Horowitz are also cool even tho he's a zionist.

Correct. If you haven't, check out Eustace Mullins.

So the Chinese government could buy up as much land as they want and then build some cities and then bring a bunch of chinese people over to live in them? Nice.

Can legal immigrants vote before gaining citizenship?

Perhaps your stereotype of Jews is just wrong? People always bitch about how the Jews are behind communism, yet Jews are also some of the best critics of communism. It seems to me that Jews are just prolific.

>schiff against central bank
>schiff helped create central bank

by pretending to by against it and offering a few bone-head points they DISTRACT from the JEWISH aspect of the whole thing.

exactly and if you don't think peter Schiff and Jacob Schiff are related you are naïve