ATF to Force Confiscation of Bump Stocks
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Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), Department of Justice.

Docket Number ATF 2017R-22

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Yeah, I don't think this threatened confiscation is going to turn out well...

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It makes me so mad that they pretend this is a “clarification” when they are in fact directly contradicting numerous previous decisions due to pressure from Trump and the public.

People are getting too complacent under Trump, and don't realize he's another neocon gun-control bomb waiting to happen just like Reagan. People were ready to go to civil war when Obama was trying to pass an AWB, and it's 4d chess when Trump caves in after 2 seconds. Still better than a killary Federal AWB, but people underestimate this former Jew York democrat.

We need to remind him that his base are ONE ISSUE VOTERS.

You need to read that shit. ATF may ban any rate increasing after market triggers.
Imagine all AR15 triggers not stock, instantly banned.

I smell a happening brewing.
One can only hope

Kennedy on his way out
he's been good to us on guns
Ginsburg when?

Except people that vote republican are only like 10-20% one-issue "muh guns" voters. There are a fuckload of old retarded fudds in this party that would be fine with an AWB.

Still, any major gun control will be a death blow to his reelection.

No self respecting marksman or enthusiast wants anything to do with bump stocks. They appeal to the sort of people who put zombie response team stickers on their cars and buy lime green Bowie knives; people who just want to "tear shit up". Bump stock owners are classless twits with poor taste that need to go find a different hobby. They clearly violate the NFA. If you want to repeal the NFA, fine, I don't care but that's a different argument.
Bump stocks are lame.

this should be fun to watch. I don't personally own any but if they start going door to door confiscating plastic parts, people are gonna die.

if anything the retarded bump stocks at vegas saved lives. but yes, lets ban them. rip 2a

This is bait fellas. don't fall for it. He gets off on (You)'s

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>everything I don't like is bait
no you just suck and you're dumb

Social media is also lame. Doesn't mean it should be restricted. If you dont like protecting your rights I've heard suicide is fun

Its REALLY fuckin bad

>don't own a bump stock
>will never experience the satisfaction of braining an ATF agent that tries to take a fucking stock away from me
I doubt they'll try.

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>open a comment period
>don't take any of the comments into consideration

>elect a guy to defend gun rights
>actively shits on gun rights
>conservitards actually vote for this guy and defend him, vehemently

Article from the end of March.
Old news. Nothing's happened or probably will.

Civil war confirmed by TRIPS

" Specifically, these devices convert an otherwise semiautomatic firearm into a machinegun by functioning as a self-acting or self-regulating mechanism that harnesses the recoil energy of the semiautomatic firearm in a manner that allows the trigger to reset and continue firing without additional physical manipulation of the trigger by the shooter. "

That's clearly not what's written in the proposed rule.

Unironically end your life

oy vey

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To be fair, I support full auto weapons being legal more than bump stocks. At least full autos have a valid use if you were fighting a tyrannical government or a foreign invader. Because bump stocks drastically reduce your accuracy, their only real practical purposes is shooting into crowds, like the sick fuck out in Vegas.

Ban them I say.

on the internet, nobody can tell that you're a thinly veiled shill

As a former Trump supporter, I gotta say this shit wouldn't be happening with Hillary. His presidency has gone from a laughable joke to a full blown fascist nightmare.


>i mean, i support the 2nd amendment as much as anybody BUT...
Yea, no, you're pretty transparent.

shareblue, git.

What are you even talking about?

Are you gonna actually refute me?

Bump stocks have no legal and practical purpose other than fun, and they're ideal for crowdshooting.

I get being a 2a absolutist, but fuck man.

Every enthusiast shooter does shooting for fun with what ever guns and accessories to choose because they're fun. A device doesn't need an application to be legal or fun or anything. Anything is ideal for crowd shooting and despite having a bump stock and shooting some 1100 rounds, he only killed what? 60 people? Timothy Mcveigh killed tons more without the use of guns at all.

You're a fucking fudd trying to reason with the unreasonable.

I think what I'm trying to say is Republicans would be unified in standing against gun control if Hillary were president instead of pussyfooting around while trump rolls over to pressure from the left.

The former could actually lead to better outcomes for gun rights.

Nah git out.

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>trust me guys, im one of you and totally voted R BUT...
It's pretty much the same argument, just with words substituted.

>no legal purpose
>practical purpose

How the fuck big of a caliber do I have to use before it gets through your thick skull?
There is n o r e a s o n whatsoever to encourage a ban on firearms and firearms accessories. Ever.

I meant he's. I don't normally bother to play devils advocate like this

Nice spacing of your words retard. Go back to the shit hole you came from.

i un-ironically agree
bump-stocks are stupid and shouldn't exist...
BECAUSE full auto should be full legal
bump stocks shouldn't need to exist, they should have never been invented and if full auto wasn't illegal it wouldn't have been invented

but did you see Trump gets to appoint at least one more justice
when the fuck is Ginsburg gonna quit/die?

maybe then we can actually take 2A cases and repeal the NFA
>honestly, i'd be happy with just the huges amendment going away

if i had the power i would attach a repealation of the huges amendment to every bill
poison pill the fuck out of every democratic policy

And who would she have appointed and be about to appoint to the supreme court?

>when the fuck is Ginsburg gonna quit/die?
They're basically feeding her liquefied embryos to keep her alive these days.

>Only the deadliest mass shooting in our lifetimes

Legalize full autos, suppressors, explosives, I don't care, I'm all for it. But you have to be clinically retarded to not realize why practical weapons that could be used in a war, or self defense should be legal, and impractical weapons that are only dangerous to concentrated crowds should be restricted.

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I don't think that's what he was implying. No retards who care about their precious (R) would go along with Hillary's bullshit but, because of that letter next to Trump's name, they will.

Who cares how deadly a mass shooting was, they're rare as fuck and are statistically irrelevant

>impractical weapons abloobloobloo
Why do you hate capitalism so much?
Why can't you just let the free market sort itself out?
Why do you instantly resort to regulation whenever something you don't like shows up?

You've been poisoned.

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Shariah blue is hot a
Nd heavy

Now you're keeping it 100000

I'll agree with you there, but that being said, I still have no qualms restricting bumpstocks because they have no good potential benefit. I won't sacrifice liberty for security, but I will sacrifice retarded redneck fun every now and then.

>Vote for Hillary
Fuck off shareblue.

>I won't sacrifice liberty for security,
Except you are, dipshit. Kill yourself.

>impractical weapons that are only dangerous to concentrated crowds should be restricted.
Bump stock is not a weapon.
It's a mechanical device.
If you ban the mechanical device, do you see how easy it is to get another mechanical device banned?
First it's bump stocks. No one gives a shit about them, they're shit, and no one uses them. Then it's two-stage triggers. Then it's fucking foregrips. Then it's sights.
Fuck, dude, how are you so dense? You don't give up anything because you're not getting anything in return. Fucking Jow Forumsing the comic about the gun rights and the cake.

>Who cares how deadly a mass shooting was
You should, because its all anti-gunners have to lure moderates, because they dont care about inner city crime. Get rid of mass shootings (or atleast drastically reduce them) and the anti-gunner movement is dead.

Those are some spicy assumptions there friend. I voted Johnson, and next election I'm voting Trump because lolbertarian turbospergs like you give the ideology a bad name.

>spicy assumptions
Clearly I'm not assuming anything, because your statist ass wants to ban [a product], [because you don't like it] and for literally no other reason.

>everyone who disagrees is a retarded redneck
banning bump stocks is basically useless anyway since building one yourself is comically easy and you can bump fire without one anyway. it's a feel-good measure pushed by people who want to look like they're being "tough on crime" without doing anything. the only thing it would do is confuse the definition of machinegun and piss off gun owners.

>Get rid of mass shootings
Easy peasy. Remove the undesirables that make our society non-homegenous and more importantly. Persecute drug companies that cover up the anti depressant statistics that every "mass shooting" has had.
And then execute the drug company CEOs for their treasonous behaviors.

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>unconstitutional federal agencies full of unelected kikes and welfare niggers actually caring about the opinions of us little people

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>That's clearly not what's written in the proposed rule.
because that's stopped them before

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I guess I should have phrased that differently. I'm willing to sacrifice MY redneck fun for security.

This is the only good argument so far this thread. I would contend that bump firing from a bipod prone like the Vegas shooter did would be impossible without the sliding stock however.

Ok except now present a solution thats realistic.

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Stop immortalizing copycat criminals in the media.

Weapons are for killing

weapons are for killing..not fun.

weapons are needed so that in the event that this government or some other government attempts to take my rights...I can have the option to make them think twice.

Plain and simple.

fun is a bi-product.

The 2ndA is not about FUN

Every problem is a people problem.

Create social programs designed to make people aware of the value of actually communicating with one another.
If you go out of your way to tell a person you don't like what you don't like about them, and how they can change for the better, maybe they fuckin' will.
The same social programs should attempt to reduce the stigma of visiting mental health professionals.

The Second Amendment is about a person's individual right to self preservation using weapons, not about the weapons themselves. A weapon that doesn't have a defensive purpose in literally any scenario has no protections as far as I'm concerned. The right of the people to defend themselves against threats foreign and domestic is unaffected by a ban on bump stocks.

It's like you don't actually care about self preservation, and you're just a sith that deals in absolutes.

Except that bump stocks are the most useless anti government weapon ever, and they happen to be useful for shooting into crowds.

Imagine being such a grabber that when .0000001% of a population is effected by something you ban it.
What's next, pistol grips? HIGH CAPACITY MAGAZINES?
MUZZLE DEVICES? Those sounds scary, right and you dont need them for your huntan' raffle right?
Lets just make semi automatic rifles(87%+ of the owned weapons in the us) illegal! SURELY WE CAN literally STRIP PEOPLE OF THEIR RIGHTS.

Still not fooling any shariablue

Yeah, scopes don't have any defensive purpose. They should have no protection as far as I'm concerned. Also we should ban ammunition, I mean who uses small metal casing filled with gunpowder to protect themselves right?! Let's ban those too!
Your statement is inherently flawed considering you say individuals have a right to self preservation using weapons, not the weapons themselves. But if you ban the weapons, how does the individual have the means to protect themselves using said weapons?

I work in a pawn shop, and I can assure you that semi auto rifles are 20% of the rifles owned, at best. There's a ridiculous number of Remington 788s and Savage Axis out there.

>sith that deals in absolutes
libshit detected

Anyways for the fun of it, let's ignore that for a second
>a weapon that doesn't have a defensive purpose in literally any scenario has no protections
You best back that shit up in writing. "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". You have no ground to stand on.

Your feelings account for nothing in the face of the law, and are in fact illogical and unreasonable when applied to other fields.

Hoverboards were not banned (and even then only on airlines) until they were found to catch on fire. They are an objectively inferior method of transport and merely clog pedestrian walkways. And yet they still exist. Are you going to ban these too?

The reality is that your autistic rambling amounts to nothing more than you wanting to exert control over a facet of people's life like a psychopath.

But I am in charge of protecting my neighbors dairy farm? And we live in an area with wolves coyotes foxes and coydogs who constantly harass them?
Sometimes I shoot them from 250m and sometimes I have to scare off a pack of 15 out of nowhere.

Scopes are practical because they allow me to shoot invaders or tyrants from a further distance more easily.

Name me one scenario where a bumpstock is better than a Mossberg 500 or a standard AR and I'll be on your side.

>i work at a pawn shop and semi autos are 20%
And I live a life where people own rifles and pistols. Almost all of them being semi automatic.
Please don't apply your trash tier experience with cousins trading in their family members huntan' rifles with the majority.

Hoverboards lack the capacity to kill 60 people (on purpose). Unless you took one on a plane I guess...

It's almost like there's reasons some things are regulated.

I've seen more guns this month than you have in the last decade. My shop is the hub for every local transfer, meaning every time someone orders an AR from Palmetto, I see it. Even among TRANSFERS, which are disproportionately semi auto rifles, they're still only 20% at best.

>lack the capacity to kill 60 people
So you're admitting that a bumpstock is an effective accessory to a weapon.
And in any case, so fucking what? Why the fuck can't you just let the free market sort itself out? Retarded ideas will die on their own. The only reason bump stocks exists is because statists like you want to exert power over others.

This fucks annoying but you absolutely can bump fire prone without a bump stock.

They're effective at crowdshooting, like I've said all along. Crowdshooting has no practical purpose, even in the event of a foreign invasion or a government tyranny.

>.0000000000000001% of people use them to harm others
>better ban them
Sup faggot.

remember the bump stock thing is connected to vegas

demand answers on vegas, remind everyone you know, every day if possible

Yeah, I'm going to believe the armchair general as to what is effective in a foreign invasion or tyranny.

Let me just make a point here and tell you that "there are zero laws in regards to the tactical efficacy of any product"

>What is an armed patrol

I stand corrected.

You're gonna bumpfire at a small group and actually hope to accomplish more than you would by aiming?

Fully automatic fire works wonders at suppressing enemy you weebo faggot

You're gonna set up a machinegun in a position to set up a final protective line and fire sporadically such that the enemy never leaves their cover?
A bumpfire weapon is obviously inferior to a machinegun but if it's what you have then it's what you have. And it's proven to work. Fuck off.

user how fucking DELUSIONAL are you. When the fuck has anyone ever been a one-man ambush.
God damn you got told off by like 3 people and now you cant even help yourself but respond.
You're mentally disabled or something.

As does semi-auto fire, or aiming even. Snipers are the scariest suppression you can get, they tie up whole platoons.

You're just as guilty as them for not taking the matter into the hands of those with a duty to protect those rights: yourself.
You'll sit by and let them take it when the time comes.

You and your friends are all going to bumpfire at a small group and hope to hit something?

Are you retarded, or Icelandic?


>armchair generals gonna armchair general
>armchair generals want to make pointless laws setting up disastrous precedents based on his totally tested, trialed, and proven armchair general tactics

have neither of you ever shot a gun or thought for 2 seconds about military tactics or is this a 'le progressive rebbit raid xd'?