Thoughts on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Thoughts on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Attached: Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez1.jpg (449x449, 63K)

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Pretty hot.

any more pics?

brown gf material

Sure. Look in the archives because we’ve had this thread twenty times.

Anus and feet or GTFO

Attached: DBfZCrbXgAA9TJH.jpg (640x427, 31K)

That is a god damn tranny

>20 times
Try 200 times.
Hfs so tired of seeing this stupid antiwhite cunt.

10/10 would bang and use my cock to turn her into qt brown conservative gf

Literaly communist. If you want American to be Venezuela, this is who you vote for.

Attached: rented.jpg (410x583, 64K)