Is Trump full of shit?
Is Trump full of shit?
>Counting nigger gang violence
You realize that attacking Trump for over 2 years with no success doesn't mean that you should still keep attacking him. At this point people who attack Trump aren't Americans. They're traitors.
Maybe the Muslims can't kill anyone because they're banned?
>Americans killed by refugees from banned countries: 0
Looks like it's working
I’m fine with accepting young Syrian refugee women. All the other niggers can drown in the Mediterranean
oh god, ban duh guns
>0 kills by refugees from banned countries
So, that means ban is working. We are supposed to be upset?
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
And? Why doesn't he try to stop that instead?
sure enough
she came in second
0 killed from something he can control. Sounds like he is doing a good job.
We aren’t allowed to speak on issues regarding minorities. Wouldn’t want our privilege get in the way. Fix it yourself, Mumia.
This. Breeding age white passing syrians that wish to assimilate are welcome.
No, but your source is. Look up Otto warmbier. Killed by North Korea.
A fair comparison would be how many people were killed per capita in banned the countries.
>We banned refugees and now all of a sudden, nobody is being killed by refugees
Gee, it's almost like there's a cause and effect.
>that figure includes: criminal on criminal use, cop shootings, suicides
Fuck off with your gun death statistics. It is not even 1% of gunowners in the country. There is more than 300 million KOWN firearms in private hands in the US, and yet the gun death number hovers 30,000~ a year.
without nigger gun violence that number is ridiculously small
I specifically remember a stabing at a mall in St cloud Mn by A subhuman Somali
Are all of the gun-related deaths truly caused by American citizens though? Or are they throwing illegals in with that statistic to make it look better?
Also, 10% of the Muslim world being banned from entering the US hardly seems like it's targeted toward Muslims in general. If Trump's goal was to only ban Muslims from entering the US with his travel ban then he's been doing a really bad job.
>When in Heaven, the man stood before God and asked, “I put all of my faith in You. Why didn’t You come and save me?”
>And God said, “Son, I sent you a warning. I sent you a police. I sent you western values. I sent you gentrification. I sent you a jobs. What more were you looking for?”
>1 post
Sure kid
I can't believe that the Democratic Party reduced their selves to running on feels .I mean c'mon man, The truth always overrides feels . You stupid motherfuckers.
>he responded
pic related you petty shill
suckerpunch lol tough
22k of dead !? Wtf is wrong with muricans?
92% of worldwide ragheads still allowed in. Muslim ban tho, right libtard?
It’s all niggers shooting each other and suicides. Liberals have shit for brains.
Can't they see that by banning Muslims Trump is keeping them safe by not allowing them to come in contact with the toxic white male populace with guns?
I don't get it.
Isn't making that number 0 the point?
Trump is a Zionist.
Every deal Trump makes benefits Israel and the Jews.
Think about it.