I'm really, really struggling to find a reason to keep myself alive. Nihilism is slowly winning the war in my heart

I'm really, really struggling to find a reason to keep myself alive. Nihilism is slowly winning the war in my heart.

Besides, I know this guy wants to take us to Mars and establish a long-term civilization there. I don't believe that to be possible. The reason it can't be is simply Darwinism.

We didn't evolve for Mars. We live because of a symbiotic relationship with Earth's biosphere.

The stimulation - We live for the plants and they live for us. We live for the sky, its beautiful blue color, for the mountains, for the rivers, beaches, the sunrise, the sunset. For the birds in the morning. Their chipping. For the food we eat, the fish, fruits, etc, the taste that we seek but also all the nutrients that made us who we are. For our own mobility; gravity - the amount due to Earth's relatively small size allows us to jump, to run with relative ease. The distance from the sun. The forgiving heat. All of these things I consider to be the *right stimulus*, without these components, your body and mind enter a state of stress, and you should keep yourself there for too long you become depressed, eventually suicidal. As they say, a walk everyday is the best way to keep depression away.


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Other urls found in this thread:


But it also goes far deeper than just stimulus. It's also our involuntary mechanisms, the building blocks of your body. And by that I mean, stuff like the Circadian rhythm, finely tuned over million of years of evolution to Earth's rotation speed around the sun. Your vestibular system (inner-ear) tuned with Earth's gravity. You might think these are small things, but just the lack of a proper day/night cycle absolutely wrecks Astronauts in space, a buildup of intracranial pressure which fucks up their vision, their cognitive ability, etc. All those tissues, such as your eyes, are tuned to the environment on Earth. And there's so much more than that, like the radiation from the sun. The atmosphere blocking most of it, but also filtering enough of it, at just the right distance from the sun. I could go on for quite a while on what I know about these effects.

Sure you could perhaps attempt to create a suit to bypass every single of these problems, but you'd have to live in a suit for the rest of your life without ever getting depressed and suicidal. And then you'd have to reproduce and hope that within a couple of generations, all those problems magically go away through mutations which allow you to live by. A complete rewrite of the human body.

I just don't see why Elon Musk wants us to go there, and I don't see how it can be done for the long-term.

Tldr but thanks for reminding me to get out in nature more

Elon Musk is a CIA welfare queen

God is the answer

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Tldr to much whining faggotry. We can colonise the entire system by applying advanced technologies and developing new ones. You think you can sww the future but you are blas blind with stupidity as a lamb. At the beginning of the 20th century who would think that 100 years later we would be flying in the sky like birds and talking instantly to people 10000km away, or even have the amount of food and daily resources available.

We go to mars because there are resources in the system that aren't utilised. Human civilisation will continue to expand to consume any available resources. We are an advanced parasitic organism. Our fate is sealed and its in the stars.

Sounds like you need jesus.

Or maybe just a job.

you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

What good would come of me believing in God? What God are we even talking about here? A benevolent God? Please enlighten me.

pretty retarded thb. whats the point of suicide if you dont believe in anything?

MKULTRA thread

God - The god of everything. Just believe selfishly, undeniably and you shall receive.

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Don't give up now faggot

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>whats the point of suicide if you dont believe in anything?

I'm not sure I understand your question, I do believe in the harsh nature of reality, unlike most people who make a fantasy out of their lives. I'm not suicidal, just pointing out that I'd wish there was something *more* for me to live for, that goes beyond making a fantasy out of my life just like most people.

It seems like this life is only for those who decide to give into the illusion. The human nature is ironically to imagine things that break the rules of the Universe, to deny its harsh truth. And it's ironic because the very thing that keeps you alive in this Universe is to deny it.

At least do something good like kill a pedo or kebab or something. Just killing yourself is lame.

>I just don't see why Elon Musk wants us to go there, and I don't see how it can be done for the long-term.

Because he's basically a paid circus performer, hired by the government to jump up and down and squak for the plebes entertainment.

There is absolutely no way in living hell a human will ever step foot on mars, let alone build a self-sustaining colony.

>It seems like this life is only for those who decide to give into the illusion. The human nature is ironically to imagine things that break the rules of the Universe, to deny its harsh truth. And it's ironic because the very thing that keeps you alive in this Universe is to deny it.

Wise words, mi amigo. Well said. So many examples of that - literally everywhere you look.

i was also nihilistic, but then i got addicted to winning, it feels good user, try winning once.

but start with small wins first.


We can genetically engineer humans to be suitable for mars.

>Nihilism is slowly winning the war in my heart.
>We didn't evolve for Mars.
>I just don't see why Elon Musk wants us to go there, and I don't see how it can be done for the long-term.

you haven't been paying attention. he is a transhumanist..... he knows the body and mind of man must be altered to keep up with our ambitions.

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Have you tried getting a coke habit?

I should say I don't doubt he fully believes in what he's doing - as do his fans and the people who hired him.

See the 2nd part of this post:

his family is pretty spooky

stranger danger. beware the demons.

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>At the beginning of the 20th century who would think that 100 years later
this isn't even an argument, as its essentially the equivalent of a no limits fallacy. No amount of optimism can surpass the cosmic speed limit or the mass dysgenic trends happening as we speak.

Read this website user and tell me what you think.

>And it's ironic because the very thing that keeps you alive in this Universe is to deny it.

So many brutal paradoxes that most people simply can't handle mentally. So they do whatever they can to avoid thinking about it, and stay blissfully ignorant.

Interesting read, fitness, financial security and social stimulus (friends) are more than enough for most people to keep them intrigued in life. I wish I was that way.

>he knows the body and mind of man must be altered to keep up with our ambitions.

We barely know anything about the human body. Like I mean seriously little. We don't even know how the brain works. And then you're gonna come along and tell me Elon is gonna reverse engineer DNA to find out exactly what allows you to happily live on Mars? As I already wrote in OP, there's a billion things that are finely tuned for Earth, and then meddling with your DNA in hopes that it solves these billion things is like trying to find a grain of sand in an ocean.

Sorry to sound unpleasant, but things are much worse than most who have suicidal ideations know.

Elon is a con man by the way. Bullshit through and through.

Yup, PT Barnum for the new age.

But that's the kind of malinvestment of capital you get after the Great clusterfuck of 2008

>Sorry to sound unpleasant, but things are much worse than most who have suicidal ideations know.

Worse in what way?

I've already done a couple of drugs, that's how it dawned on me how conciousness is so closely tied to matter. That your beliefs and subjective understanding of reality don't matter.

To be honest at this point I just want to be happy despite all the bullshit going in this world, so perhaps drugging myself to no end is the only way.

Bro the problem isn't feels it's the fact that cosmic radiation is far more intense in space that it is on Earth and absolutely hate fucks any biological thing put in space for a long period of time.

We're either going to have to develop miracle radiation shielding or go full metahuman before we can even start in space.

You have schizophrenia. Nevertheless you shouldn't kill yourself user.

relax there is no mars it's just Greenland... he'll just fly people over the ice wall to a new narrative being created that's all

Sounds like the wrong type of drugs, you ain't sounding like you need any more introspection.

Coke & Hookers, give your brain a rest.

dont you want to be there to witness the fall of civilization?
it will all be so interesting!

He's not a schizo. Everything he's saying is logical, coherent, and true.

He's focused on the psychological issues of space, but they're nothing compared to the raw physical barriers space travel presents. Being bathed in unsurvivable amounts of radiation is the problem, not depression and sexual angst. Humans are more resilient than that.

life's just a long dream, don't take it so seriously

you're stuck thinking beyond yourself, trying to look at the universe to fill you with meaning, only to have it ignore you

you believe you're stuck in world that has no meaning, when it's really only you that has no meaning

stop thinking about space, Mars, or anything beyond yourself, it seems to me you're living a mundane life and so you look to the stars to find meaning only to find out that it likely lies beyond all of us (at least as it appears right now).

stay alive to shidposd and mock idiot muttardos and beady eye bongs..
>its what leafs n aus-bros are meant to do.. to keep the azzholes honest...
>life is whT you make it leaf-bro...just focus on remaing on right side of history and expose the subversive cancer threatening hoomanity and our only home(erf)
good luck leaf-bro

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how hot does a metal object get in space in direct sun radiation without the earth's atmosphere to protect it?

You don't understand nihilism means there's an absence of objective value and meaning, subjective value and meaning still exist. If you can't find a purpose it means you don't have one, right? Wrong. Meaning and purpose come from within. If you lack meaning, find some; if you lack purpose make one.

Don't worry about Mars user. Genetic modification will advance significantly in the coming decades.

this is why trump-tard is parsdent anf threatening hoomanity....

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Space is really fookin cold what with the lack of density.

quit being a faggot, the nihilism and depression you're suffering from is by jewish design. we are living in the most pivotal time of human history and are up against one of the most powerful elites in all of history. fight for yourself, start a family and fight for your children, fight for our race, and a traditional future. or at the very least, stick around to see the day the jews who ruined our lives come face to face with what they did to us

surrounded by the cold void of space ? not extremely hot.

if you have a car with air in the tyres and you put it in a vacuum what happens to the air and the tyres?


Even NASA themselves admit this in their question and answer session at question 3:

Heat travels through a vacuum by infrared radiation. The Sun (and anything warm) is constantly emitting infrared, and the Earth absorbs it and turns the energy into atomic and molecular motion, or heat.

wake up sheeple haha

The gods, or providence if you're some atheist fag, whatever, gave us dominion over consciousness and the earth. As of yet we are uniquely endowed in that regard. Aryans are uniquely endowed representatives of man. Asthetically the beauty standard of the world. The scientific and philisophical wellspring. The perfect balance of spirituaity, physicality, and intellectual capacity, and our race holds both the credit for most progress thus far and bears the duty to catapult ourselves beyond what was given to us, spiritually and physically. The faustian spirit of seeking which exists almost exclusively in european decended peoples will either culmanate in an interplanetary imperium or stagnate and die on this little rock.
Live. Lift. Read. Procreate. Write. Raise children.
Don't be a fag and off yourself my dude. The endless string of ancestors which led to you and i includes millions of fathers who struggled through frozen ice age winters, bloody wars, hellish plagues, endless toil, existential despair and lord knows what else. Let them smile on you when you go to meet them in the next life. Be a fucking man.

You need nofap bro. Become a fapstronaut.

You are worrying about shit that doesn’t matter. Humanity is at war against the GPE’s Globalalist Psychopathic Elite. These are externally difficult times for sensitive people like yourself. Please try to understand this user and see and embrace these reasons to fight. Giving up, surrender, depression, are the affects of the GPE destroying the family/love/nature centric society. Everyone is going made on both sides of the political spectrum bc of this. Please fight user.

I suggest you get out more and/or get sone different experiences and meet new people. I promise you if you do this enough you will come to realize the world you live in now is a very narrow world and there are many more possibilities out there that you are currently unaware of.

I love you user. Take my advice, I have lived it.

>Bro the problem isn't feels it's the fact that cosmic radiation is far more intense in space that it is on Earth and absolutely hate fucks any biological thing put in space for a long period of time.

Absolutely, and not just biological. Anything that doesn't live under Earth's grateful atmosphere gets hate-fucked, you, or the chair you're sitting on, or the desk you're typing on. That's what people don't understand, we're not gods, far from it. Going on Mars would absolutely wreck us.

>you believe you're stuck in world that has no meaning, when it's really only you that has no meaning

You're right, I just can't seem to find any meaning when I realize what I ((myself)) am. Just a bunch of electrified stardust meant to achieve absolutely nothing in this gigantic universe. There's no grand goal for me to accomplish, or grand theory for me to discover. Every possible particle interaction has already been achieved, or will be. Like Nietzsche Eternal Recurrence. A cycle that just loops over and over.

And so, what other meaning than to give into the illusion. Perhaps find some friends, find a job, find a girlfriend, start a family. Only to have my kids face the same exact questions later in their lives. I'd know deep-down that by doing these things I'd just be avoiding the harsh truth.

Or perhaps just do drugs and keep my chemistry stable enough so that I never fall too deep into depression and stab myself.

How many of you guys are actually depressed and disillusioned with how your life is panning out?

You gotta be kidding right. Shits interesting as fuck right now.

Mass delusions all over the place.
Degeneracy like never before.
A reality star in the shite house.
Russia BTFO the axis of evil in Syria.
The rise of nationalism.

The pots boiling and it's not going to be long before we all get burned.

Can't wait.

Interesting is an understatement for sure. Though I question how people are dealing with reality lately, there seems to be a lot of existential crises popping up on here.

>friends, job, girlfriend, a family
you've realized you're living in an illusion and yet you're still trying to draw on that illusion to give you meaning
you can only ever find your meaning from within yourself, you're the universe and at the same time the universe is yourself, if you were to die the universe as you know it dies as well and believing otherwise is just as illusory as the illusion you are purported to be so antagonized against
I like to see life as a play or a dream orchestrated for me, none of it really matters, perhaps it's all illusory, but when I die perhaps I'll have something to wake up and laugh about
or perhaps not, but either way, why get so caught up in it all, just go out and look for a way to enjoy the ride

This is such pseudo science bullshit it hurts. A body in space emits infrared as well as capturing it from the sun. Highly reflective materials with low emissivity are used in order to reflect radiation and dissipate gathered heat quickly, pair that with the endless vacuum of space being near absolute Kelvin and its quite obvious that these objects are losing a lot of energy even as they gain some.
t. Mechanical Engineer (Thermofluids specialization)

> you can only ever find your meaning from within yourself

> It is a purposeful distortion of facts to blame the age of [classical] liberalism for an alleged materialism. The nineteenth century was not only a century of unprecedented improvement in technical methods of production and in the material well-being of the masses. It did much more than extend the average length of human life. Its scientific and artistic accomplishments are imperishable. It was an age of immortal musicians, writers, poets, painters, and sculptors; it revolutionized philosophy, economics, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. And, for the first time in history, it made the great works and the great thought accessible to the common man.
.t Mises
> For if we rationally pursue our happiness, and if we respect our desire for both material and nonmaterial goods and our preferences between them, then having an abundance of money and other material goods will give us greater freedom and greater inclination to pursue nonmaterial goods.
Sorry to hijack with some Capitalism defense but I can't help but agree with you
> I like to see life as a play or a dream orchestrated for me, none of it really matters, perhaps it's all illusory, but when I die perhaps I'll have something to wake up and laugh about

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Have you read Jordan Peterson's book?

Don't die. If you finally reach a breaking point and decide to an hero, instead sell your stuff, get some woodsy outdoors stuff. (Crossbow, hatchet, flint, whetstone, skinning knife, metal grill top) and then just start walking north. And then you just keep going north, until civilization falls away. Hunt, fish, forage. Build a log cabin. To the rest of the world, it will be as though you are dead, but you'll still be alive. Alone, and free.

>I'm really, really struggling to find a reason to keep myself alive. Nihilism is slowly winning the war in my heart.
How does this conclude with
>I just don't see why Elon Musk wants us to go there, and I don't see how it can be done for the long-term.
wait I think I get it
>We live for the plants and they live for us. We live for the sky, its beautiful blue color, for the mountains, for the rivers, beaches, the sunrise, the sunset. For the birds in the morning. Their chipping. For the food we eat, the fish, fruits, etc, the taste that we seek but also all the nutrients that made us who we are. For our own mobility; gravity - the amount due to Earth's relatively small size allows us to jump, to run with relative ease. The distance from the sun. The forgiving heat. All of these things I consider to be the *right stimulus*, without these components, your body and mind enter a state of stress, and you should keep yourself there for too long you become depressed, eventually suicidal. As they say, a walk everyday is the best way to keep depression away.
.t guy who spends all day on a computer and smartphone.

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This sort of thing. It seems to me that when you get to the end of it, then there's nothing stopping you from changing everything. Just pretend that you did kill yourself and start over. It's a symbolic killing, if you will. Just change lives. Be the opposite of who you were. You need a shock to the system.

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Do what I do, become a social retard and devote yourself to something you believe in.
I'm moving mountains to achieve my goal of getting a nice place in academia in some STEM area that I'd rather not talk about, but yeah, it's hard, lost many people on the way because they couldn't understand or keep up with my drive, so here we are.

this is the single most retarded thing i've ever read

God is energy and everything is energy.
We are a single being experiencing itself subjectively.
You are here to experience life as only you can, it's an important job and only you can do it.
Good luck and bless.

Fuckin' nigger we didn't evolve for houses or cities or automobiles or jet planes either did we? Yet we get by on them just fine. We can adapt the environment to our needs, which is faster than the natural process of evolution adapting ourselves to fit the environment - this advantage has granted humans status of absolute dominion over Earth.

People live underground, and in the desert, and in polar research camps. The colonists will have to be the sturdiest men (And women, since it's a colony) we can find. But there is no reason it cannot work. We have done dozens of experiments that demonstrate it is possible.

clean your room