How long until she passes onm
Ginsberg is 85
about a month
ask kek
Have you seen recent videos of her? She is already out of it and not fit to serve.
what does the black lace glove she's wearing signify?
july 4th
One day, she will fall asleep like that and die of positional asphyxia
666 the number of the beast
one dragon punch to the throat fixes everything
24 hours
It is irresponsible for her to be judging. She is old and senile
Dems are murdering a lot of illegals right now for blood transfusions to keep it alive.
Checked 88 days
4th of July
she checking her phone or her pulse?
>Justice Ginsburg explained in an e-mailed statement, “Justice (Sandra Day) O’Connor said when I was having chemotherapy after colon cancer, ‘You are vulnerable now, and you’re going to receptions and shaking hands with lots of people, so you should at least wear gloves.’ This was in 1999. So, I wore gloves and liked them so much, I decided to keep wearing them.”
It hides her adrenochrome port.
Trump will get to pick 3 justices
TFW her diaper is full and the wind shifts
Her or Stan Lee.
Look up some US actuarial tables.
In NZ a (((white))) female has around a 30% chance of dying each year once they hit 85.
If she has enough smuggled Palestinian baby blood transfusions like the rest of the Jewish elite she will probably make 110 easily.
Ok. Check these digits that say the date in days.
She's survived cancer twice.
They don't even bother to prop up this living cadaver.
She already died, she's been replaced by a robot made by boston dynamics and google.
I sh al l give you the time an d th e da te
if you s ee it
January 4th, 2019
She won't pi ck up
th e cer emony come s at a tim e when nob ody ca res
As Isr ael is at acked
It might not be this year, but she won't last through Trump's term. I kinda hope she just falls asleep during a daily meeting and doesn't wake up
She honestly looks closer to 100. Breyer is only a few years younger I think. Ginsburg just looks like she's about to die any day now. But she's looked like that for a while so who knows
that's august 25th in american..
let's see what happens.
Right now
shes already dead. They're pulling a weekend at bernies
next week
By that look id give her 8 months
>yfw she knows she's gonna die soon, so she let Kennedy retire first
In 88 days. So 9/23/2018.
Death is unpleasant. She won’t die, but will resign. Soon.
we can do this if we pray hard enough
They will keep her hooked up to machines 24/7 to make sure she doesn't die or retire. I bet she sleeps in a cryochamber with a steady drip of child blood being pumped into her veins.
She will die in her sleep on July 21 of this year.
she really isn't and hasn't for at least 5 years. it's disturbing (and embarrassing) we allow these senile judges to hang out. she looks half dead
We can't keep having these threads with digits!!!
She's not alive her clerks are
4th of July
i dont understand why your system allows people to be elected for life with real checks or balances and they answer to no one in authority on their decisions.
A devotion to the music of Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, naturally. Or maybe she just wanted to dress like Madonna on the cover of 'Holiday'
for someone of her age, all it takes is a bad cold
lifetime appointment is lifetime appointment. changing that would set a bad precedent.
You don't say. How does that work, exactly?
She is a dangerous progressive liberal and a living constitution advocate, but she is not senile or stupid.
It's good leverage for ripping off foreskins of bad goys
This kind of reminds of the pelican brief were one of the judges basically becomes bitter and senile and his aides do pretty much all of his work. Lifetime appointments no matter what are stupid and there should be some checks
Right before the 2020 presidential debates.
i pray for her safe passage
Fourth of July.
Sometime in the next month. Check 'em!
Somebody send her a jumpscare gif over twitter, the old geezer will croak.
i imagine all the justices despise each other
honestly scariest outcome would be if she dies but they keep her heart beating and keep her on a ventilator for years, basically a pulsing sack of flesh until democrats retake the presidency
pray for a death that they can't prolong indefinitely
oy vey!
She's actually pretty healthy I wouldn't be surprised if she lived another 10 years.
16 years, she’ll be the first 101 year old on the court
She's not gonna make it boys. Libs are fucked. They will go fucking NUTZO when she passes. Absolute APESHIT.
Are they keeping her alive artificially? I thought Jews were prone to many diseases and especially Alzheimers. How can this 86-year-old make clear, concise, intelligent decisions for our country when she is 86 and cannot even keep her eyes open during an hour long speech? Seriously, there should be a law that Supremes have to retire by a certain age.
7/21/18 my birthday!
712 days
She is already dead. They are doing a weekend at Bernie's with her till trump is out of office
Watch her survive past Trump's second term.
Jew goblin lol
If she's incapacitated then that's a vacancy too. Wouldn't save the seat.
By the power of KEK in Jow Forums invested. I am here, as the silent lurker, to manifest. And with this word, recently written, show and call upon the great reign of Jesus Christ, whom will not come back in our life time. And prove with those the KEK, the manifestation of the pure good of intent from autism. She will be dead, and in hell: by July 4th
If she passed on this week the only sound you would hear across America for the next 3 days would be liberal heads literally exploding. I just jizzed thinking about it.
she isn't asleep. she's praying to satan to hurry up and take her back to the firy synagogue
She's going to live forever like John McCain's mom who is 106 and still kickin'.
Its too good to be true. Her time is short, but I don't know if it's that short.
This is the only correct answer
kek at the random obese nigger
>worst. Present. EVER.
Highly doubtful, especially now that Kennedy is retiring. Shes beaten cancer twice and is WAY too vindictive to allow trump to appoint another justice
What's with the Michael Jackson glove
Not long. Drumft will get two empty slots to try to fill. Any future you predict is wrong.
Telling us that she’s about to pull a Michael
>Shes beaten cancer twice and is WAY too vindictive to allow trump to appoint another justice
Death comes for us all, brother... Even the bitter old cunts.
>How long until she passes onm
Digits and she passes on within a month.
Diabeto-Mayor is going first and the shock will kill Ginsberg.
She has a total transfusion of sacrificed goy infant's blood weekly to stay fresh.
She's not going anywhere soon.
Totally agree, and I hope it does to all the bitter old cunts sooner rather than later... but I was responding to an user who said she'll retire before she dies... doubtful
how many foreskins do they feed her a day to keep her going?
I mean I know it sounds fucked up but Jews do eat foreskins, I didnt believe it eiher, but its fucking true!
wtf is that thing around her neck disrespecting her position in office, what is she a fucking clown?