His smile and optimism... gone

His smile and optimism... gone.

Attached: Capture.jpg (776x589, 47K)

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>Using the DOW as a barometer of economic health

shut the fuck up

Nice ID faggot. Even the board thinks you're a cuck.

It's been up and down for a few months there's nothing really new here.

Attached: 1529984463648.png (1876x1200, 80K)

Attached: Rake.jpg (355x355, 9K)

>t. no idea how to read a chart
that's a very healthy and stable looking growth


Attached: canada ball bad post.jpg (585x560, 55K)

Of course it's a fucking leaf

why is VNQ still so fucking down? rents are up everywhere, no shortages of renters. theres no fucking way a largely nominal increase in fed lending rates cause this shit

Attached: 3795.jpg (1500x883, 141K)