Gibs. Now

Gibs. Now.

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They do this at least once a year

>We have all of the debt and vote straight blue, we want in
no thanks

fuck off we are full

Just let them keep the same status as our other islands. In fact I don't even think Hawaii or Alaska should be states. They should be Federal Territories.


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Let us split California and we will consider it.


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We already have Miami. No thx.

I have a better idea. Grant them full independence. They are a net loss for the US.

Only if we also get Jefferson.

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You’re a shit negotiator and should stay in your lane.

open your hearts and your wallets Jow Forums

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This. I remember the Styx video from a year ago where he said it would be a great idea because if you let them in they'll totally vote republican out of gratitude.

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Without a libshit city in each partition.

Dang, Kirstie Alley is looking rough

id rather have guam as the 51st state

beat me to it yah cunt

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you mean Chris Farley?

Goys, her name is literally colon, its no wonder that bullshit flies out her mouth.

lol. tax dollars. now.

She aged quickly...

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It would be the opposite should they become a state. They'd have to join the clan of angry taxpayers.
That being said, if Puerto Rico voted on it, with Trump in office, he might go ahead and allow it.

>gibs pls senor, pls pay off our debts ese
Island niggers better not fuck up our perfect 50-state flag.

Fuck that. They should leave the us and become their own country.

I really didn't care either way until the hurricane and that stupid idiot mayor "we have no food and water!!! FUCK TRUMP!!!" while she's standing in front of food and water.

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We should let them in. Because "Accelerationism". I just want it to collapse already. There's no saving this system it must all burn to the ground.

If you want to see it burn to the ground within your lifetime you better consider accelerating it.

That's why I regret voting for Trump. I realized I only slowed it down. I was naive. I realize now it needs to freefall as fast as possible.

What if two blue states were condensed into one if we allowed Puerto Rico in?
>Connecticut or Massachusetts + Rhode Island
>Maryland + Delaware

I would tell them once you have proven that you are not a welfare state, then sure, until then fuck off, and so it will never ever happen

I went full spectrum, from leftist --> libertarian --> civ nationalism --> white nationalism, to now "ironically" voting for the most destructive shit (far left policies) just to watch this shit collapse.
If they vote to legalize pedophilia, vote open borders, vote white genocide, I'm voting for all of it just so we collapse quicker. Hitler is my hero, sometimes I wonder, would he understand? Would he think I'm doing the right thing in this situation?

Gibs? You do know if they became a state they’d have to pay federal income taxes right? They currently don’t:

Traitors die first. (((you)))

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I have mixed feelings about this, my best friend is Puerto rican and Puerto rican woman start blowing me about 5 minutes after I first meet them but they do turn neighborhoods into shit.
you know it's true faggots

Or maybe stop sperging out and vote GOP so we can at least build the wall.

This is a smart move. We’d lose bankruptcy protection.

This didnt happen


Two questions

> why is Chris Farley in the pic?
> when did Chris Farley become a woman?

Meh, PR's hate gays anyway so its someone OK?

libetarian spiderman best spiderman

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Chris Farley was resurrected and brainwashed into a tranny

what the fuck

Fuck giving them statehood. We should give them independence already, or return them to Spain.

The stupid cunts have more gibs by not being a state. None of those shitskins pay any income tax. When a disaster occurs they get free shit anyway.

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I'm not a traitor I think I'm playing 5D chess helping us by accelerating unstable leftist policies to make people hate them more. Or, I'm an idiot.

>Or maybe stop sperging out and vote GOP so we can at least build the wall.
The wall objectively won't help anything. It's like a smokescreen.

Pls no

I can dig it. At least they'll have more infrastructure funding.

is this your first day concern trolling?

What the fuck, no way do we need these whining brownies. Just more shit to bring down the US while we try to build MAGA. So sick of these beggars.

Puerto Rican's are mostly gay.

Why do they want to be a state?
They have a pretty sweet setup right now. They get most of the benefits of being a state, without the drawbacks. Why would they want to change that?

>PR brings this up and votes it down themselves once a year because becoming a state would require them to not continue being a shithole

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lol, spent all their money on a (((socialist paradise))) and now they want to pretend nothing happened.

You made your bed idiots, live in it.

You're retarded. Acceleniggers are retarded.
The situation has changed. There is no "collapse."
What is happening now is completely different than what has happened before in terms of solutions, technology has made complete slavery a viable solution, and giving up to the commies because you think it will somehow end up with freedom is delusion at best.

Watch/read 1984

They've done this before, and they voted it down before.


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They don't meet enough of the conditions for statehood yet. And they keep voting against making the effort to.