Redpill me on the Wire

Redpill me on the Wire

Is it an accurate depiction, or Liberal brainwashing?

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sheeeeeit you learn the plural of "pussy" so it's not half bad

im from baltimore...its probably not far off.

accurate if you read between the lines

It was so accurate that during the time it was on television the blacks I knew from Maryland hated it because they felt it furthered a negative stigma towards blacks.

redpile yourself on CIA niggers.

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stop name fagging

read the books you low iq idiot

The best TV show iv ever seen. Its red pilled and shows nigger cities to be corrupt shit holes.

>everyone's drink or high
>pointless deaths that can only be attributed to absolute niggerdom
>as a rule politicians are useless and corrupt
>Italians, Irish and Russians are niggers too
>the one soft hearted white cop wants to help so he becomes a teacher and gets completely BTFO

There is a little bit of 'liberal' stuff here and there, but by and large you are hard pressed to find a better or more intense portrayal of the hood in general. And a portrayal that is sympathetic to the plight of blacks but pulls no punches and does not shy away from placing the blame on them.

The blacks are spared no blame in the show for their own problems. It tackles systemic issues and deals in the racism present in those. But it also shows how to black community can and do eat their own.

The drug trade, drug addiction, educational issues, govt issues, politics, police brutality, police compassion, progressive solutions, conservative solutions, welfare, community organizing, zoning, etc etc most everything one could bring up is brought up.

The main point ends up being that no one has clean hands, black or white.

It's not really liberal brainwashing, it depicts the dysfunctionality of Baltimore more or less accurately. David Simon was a journalist before he was a writer and he was basically just documenting the civic decline of his city. You can't point to anything terribly brainwashy about it except for maybe Omar being gay.

the fact that Maurice Levy is a character in the show and portrayed the way he is is enough to convince you that the show is red pilled on some level

I wouldn't say Omar being gay is 'brainwashing' or even 'liberal'.

Whatever 'diversity quotas' HBO wanted I think they subverted them with Omar. He never 'acts' gay (as in limp-wristed, lisping fag; feminine) outside of showing him intimate with men. Nor does he really bring it up.

He's a fantastical character anyways, a 'street avenger' that sums up many fears within the psyche of the gangbangers. His homosexuality reminds them both of prison rape/sex and their own insecurities of manhood.

The real Avon Barksdale said they "never had that problem" and that they just "never had it" which I think implied that they just killed people like that and there was no "Robin Hood" aspect to life on the street.

What about Rawls trawlling gay nightclubs?

A little something interesting on the creator (((David Simon))) and "The Wire"

The show draws heavily from his book, "Homicide, A Year on the Killing Streets" Published in 1989. In the book, (((Simon))) followed a squad of Baltimore Homicide detectives for a year. Many of the cases and even names of characters in the The Wire are from the book.

Here comes the kicker, In the book (((Simon))) watches detectives on their toughest case that year. The murder of a little 11 year old black girl found in an alley with her heart removed. The case would come to be known as the "Angel of Reservoir Hill" see pic related and remains unsolved to this day.

Some interesting things to consider:
>The murder happened in February (satanic murders)
>Baltimore is home of the Finders Cult
>Season Two of The Wire was all about human trafficking.

Would you put past a kike to weasel his way into following a detective squad, have his buddies do some satanic shit, then watch how it's investigated?

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t. retard

Dude ... how can that be liberal brainwashing? That show was a literal depiction of Baltimore in the early 2000's. Even down to the Martin O'Malley stand-in for mayor. The town had to be shamed into tearing down those towers.

Baltimore is still like that. Talk to any member of the Baltimore PD. Fucking place is corrupt AF. And criminals run the place. FBI can go after low level dudes ... but the Jews running the show ... providing the drugs and the humans smuggled into Baltimore are left untouched.

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Yeah, that why it seems to me Omar is the culmination of everything that is a threat to the gangsters. Street as hell, dominate yet gay, breaks and ignores the 'rules of the game', better at violence, etc. Reminds me of the 'man with no name' character trope; fantastical and an 'ideal'

It's ok, but the writing isn't anything great. The writer basically inserts himself into the character every episode and straight up says what he wants everyone to understand even if it's painfully obvious and something that the character would never say. Sopranos is by far the best HBO show.

Im going to start a new series but am torn between The Sopranos or The Wire? Any help would be appreciated

Sopranos is the best TV show ever made

The Sopranos is the greatest television show of all time. The Wire is great but it's not on the same level.

Watch The Wire first because The Sopranos will ruin your perception of TV forever.

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I shall give it a try then!

How so?


watch Mad Men

Pretty based. Would never get made today.

Kinda surprising considering David Simon is a huge libcuck.

just a heads up that S1 is good but the tone of the series is way different the rest of the show

It had some really excellent characters but I thought it got a little formulaic

I mean how many times did we get:
>wacky new character shows up at the start of the season
>he starts to threaten Tony's business interests/family
>Season finale rolls around and Tony kills him

>A little something interesting on the creator (((David Simon))) and "The Wire"
>The show draws heavily from his book, "Homicide, A Year on the Killing Streets" Published in 1989. In the book, (((Simon))) followed a squad of Baltimore Homicide detectives for a year. Many of the cases and even names of characters in the The Wire are from the book.
>Here comes the kicker, In the book (((Simon))) watches detectives on their toughest case that year. The murder of a little 11 year old black girl found in an alley with her heart removed. The case would come to be known as the "Angel of Reservoir Hill" see pic related and remains unsolved to this day.
>Some interesting things to consider:
>>The murder happened in February (satanic murders)
>>Baltimore is home of the Finders Cult
>>Season Two of The Wire was all about human trafficking.
>Would you put past a kike to weasel his way into following a detective squad, have his buddies do some satanic shit, then watch how it's investigated?

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just the pilot really, and that's to be expected

It'd be like having sex before ever masturbating for the first time.

Pretty much

two times I think

Mad Men, The Wire, and the Sopranos are all good but for different reasons.

Golden Era of TV right there. Everything else is trash.

ayooo pennsy and gold nigga

>Everything else is trash.
AMC has been having a pretty good run. Did you watch the Terror?

This post sums it up nicely. Basically, it's the only show to really capture the decay of American society in a post-9/11 world.

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Haven't had cable since 2014 but I'd consider checking it out.

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The Wire is a cross-section of an American city that was once a gleaming beacon of American success turned into a fucking concrete stain by democrats and niggers. There aren't any "good" or "bad" characters - only those serving their own interests. Watching The Wire feels like reading an interesting book.

Rawls was a piece of fucking shit detestable character. Maybe the most irredeemable fucking pig in the entire series. That split second shot of him in the gay club just drove home what a fucking turd he was. No pun intended.

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This is true.

I had heard so much about The Wire for years, and when I finally watched it, the writing was pretty bad and the editing sucked, too.


average careerist faggot (literally) with absolutely no convictions

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>beating HOORS intensifies

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Educate us then, faggot. Why, objectively, does the editing/writing suck?

Funniest bit in the wire is when Omar dies:

>He had been limping the entire season
>Walks normally into convenience store and gets shot

No one noticed.

>ywn be loyale to your capo

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>tfw she was a beautiful innocent creature

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Who can forget Clay Davis?


>t. offended nigger

this. they couldn't come right out and say "inner city democrats are funded by gang / drug money"
but they sure as fuck hinted at it.

It's a great show, but for some reason it doesn't feel as real as the sopranos.
It just feels a bit too spoon fed with what it wants to say, and it's just not dark enough. Sopranos felt more random, and the wire comes off as softer.

I really love the show tho

It doesn't suck, it's just insultingly obvious sometimes. A whole lot of tell not show.
see: (6:55)

Also a lot of side plots that nobody gives a fuck about, especially in the later seasons.

Also the scumbag (((lawyer))).

>Fuck fuck fuckity fuck

Shakespearean dialogue right there

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this scene was somewhat accurate

The Sopranos is a cable sitcom if you put it on HBO.
The Wire is a novel if you put it on HBO.

Lifelong Baltimoron here.

It's actually 100 times worse. I can't even go get the mail anymore without being shot a few times, stabbed once or twice, and being run over by a pack of feral negroes on stolen dirt bikes.

Thank God for Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Mad Men ran out of ideas at the end of Season 2.


Sopranos 1000%
greatest, funniest quip too:
"He's a fa-ag!"

It is a detail that made the show unique. They gave Rawls a hidden dimension that was never developed, and that was done purposefully .

But the show, iirc, doesn't have any other elements that fantastical. It strives for realism everywhere else. Which means Omar would be more realistic if he were straight, because as another user said, the real Avon Barksdale would've killed any street avenging sissy after their first hit.

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Top 5 shows of all time in no particular order:
1) Sopranos
2) The Wire
3) Oz
4) Rome
5) Breaking Bad

but he wouldn't have killed him if he was straight?

Im not sure I understand your reasoning

>Breaking Bad

Reddit is that way, kid -->

Lol its been years since I've watched it. I was thinking when I wrote that if it was pozzed or not. Cant remember tbqh

That show was a giant blue ball. The only character you really like is Sterling and a lot of times the plot was cliche while adopting a veneer of depth.

My wife and I are going through the Sopranos now and I must say it’s quite good. You want the characters to do good despite knowing they are bad to the bone.

Twin Peaks was pretty good too imo.

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Breaking Bad is fine but it isn't top tier at all. That's like a 4/5 show. The Wire is like a 5/5 show and the Sopranos is like a 6/5 show.

Replace Breaking Bad with Deadwood and I would agree. Maybe replace Oz with Twin Peaks.

She was a whu-ah Tone!

breaking bad was pretty good. If only the faggot who played Jesse Pinkman wasn’t such a bleeding liberal it would be even better.

Yeah, I'll agree with that. Breaking bad was the only one I hesitated before I wrote, couldnt really think of anything else and remembered liking that one when it first came out.

>5) Breaking Bad
you're not even trying

1. Mad Men
2. The Sopranos
3. Band of Brothers
4. The Wire
5. Six Feet Under

>Band of Brothers
This. Forgot all about it. Replace Breaking Bad with that in a heartbeat.

Walter Whites character arc and Bryan Cranston was the entire reason that show is regarded at all, it's all muh cliffhanger bullshit and the end of the show was dismal and boring.

More like you quit watching because you couldn't into the Peggy storyline. I know your type. You think everything should be about the "cool, fun" characters. Anything that slows down or is subtle is dismissed by you. You probably tried to watch the show on Netflix, didn't you? Ah yes, the ability to "scroll ahead" is very useful for the average television viewer. After all, he doesn't want to get bored as he sits slackjawed in front of a screen.
I enjoyed the later seasons as they aired, with a period-correct drink in my hand. The series finale was of such inspired genius that I did not believe topping it would ever be possible, and to this day I haven't watched another television show.
No doubt you're filling your empty nights with the newest "Must See TV" sitcom. I pity you.

I can't imagine being so insecure that I can't separate the political beliefs of actors from their craft.

Is this how retarded SJWs feel?

>>Be me
>>Meet QT online via
>>*Titties Shown*
>>She asks me to visit her in Maryland
>>Never been that far south on the East Coast
>>Why Not?
>>Ticket to Baltimore
>>Visit and bang her senseless during the trip
>>She takes me to Fells Point telling me how fun it is
>>Go to diner and have breakfast
>>Vagrant Black man comes in and sits next to me at counter
>>Asks me if he could eat some of my food
>>I look at the waitress, she just looks at me like I need to do it
>>I say, no fucking way get away from me
>>He persists, the Waitress asks him to come to the end of the diner bar and gives him a plate of food
>>Leave and go walking around, not impressed
>>Everyone jaywalks everywhere
>>Get back home and watch the Wire years later
>>MFW I realize I was visiting during the filming of season one

Never going back, ever.

She had the word Slut tattooed on her lower lip, and she was.

Rawls was not irredeemable. He was a careerist fuck, and an absolute snake, with absolutely no sincere drive to actually implement effective policy, but to cater to politicians to make his career better.

But, if you remember during Season 1, after Kima gets shot, he consoles McNulty. He could have ignored him, he could have told him it was his fault. He could have put McNulty to work. Instead, the cop in him, the human in him, came out for a moment, even just a single moment, and he consoled him. He told him it was't his fault. As much as I hated Rawls, he wasn't the worst. Not by far.

Not necessarily. Apparently Avon Barksdale and his gang killed faggots, so make of that what you will, leaf.

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literal faggot

The drinking part is real life.

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Your not wrong. It was the phenomenal character arch that really came to mind, nothing else really comes back to me about the show, outside the odd random scene.

He wouldn't necessarily have killed the man who was openly robbing him?

Is that what you're saying?

Heavily implied, but given there was no development it's possible he was just experimenting, or bisexual. He was married, and had kids.

you mean arc

lol, nah I mean a literal arch bro.

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>Where's my arc?

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Omar killed a lot of people, that's where he gots his reputation, you pedantic leaf cocksucker.

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How is that in any way related to the question that I asked you?

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Get right, you will all become Baltimores soon

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