umm.. he's right you know?
Umm.. he's right you know?
Benjamin Ward
Ryder Ross
the jewish coup draws near. It's going to be either 1917 Russia or 1919 Germany, it's your choice americans and how fast you can react
Connor Ward
america is a playground for gay jews
Jaxon Bell
Jaxon Watson
>America under siege
Just like the Krassensteins' assets!
Asher Davis
>Innocent until proven guilty
Could some femanon #metoo the Krassensteins?
Nathaniel Perez
Elijah Morris
So they went in a single tweet of a compromised president to a comprised GOP.
The goal post constantly being moved. There is no reasoning with the left.
Lincoln Anderson
Germany. The right has all the guns.
Andrew Wright
do these faggots unironically still believe russia has "compromised" trump in some way?