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William Thompson
Austin Fisher
he is referencing something gen x and millenials dont know at all and boomers know little
charles henry carey is the key
ive informed you pol many times about the american school of economics
ill tell you something else. Kennedy resigning is due to the Scalia assasination. Expect Ginsberg to be out by end of 4 years
the foreign interests will do everything in their power to trigger civil or race wars to avoid a super majority supreme court
now you see it happening
the fire rises
Bentley Gray
Tariffs will destroy the jewish power structure more than a thousand holocausts
Support trump and you will live to see a white, powerful america
Bentley Butler
we cant pay for our military with only the 2.2% of the gdp
Carson Barnes
Sales tax, which tariffs kinda are because the prices of goods get bumped for the consumer, are a regressive tax that affects poor people the most, especially for basic commodities.
Nolan Perez
This is have the fedgov made it money befor the income tax.
Juan Murphy
All taxes are passed on to the consumer.
That's where the money to pay taxes comes from.
Jackson Carter
We can if our military only focuses on us
Israel would be forced to learn to live with their neighbors if they didn't have us to come crying to. Might do them well to have a taste of self reliance
Mason Ramirez
when we stop defending europe, we will
Jacob Lopez
Holy shit is he going to get rid of income tax?
If he does that the Jews will no doubt kill him.