Dems put RBG on health regime and lifting weights

It's in the recent documentary about her. Is this really a good idea for an 85 year old? To be put on weights??

They must really want to keep that seat eh?

Attached: rbg.jpg (1376x818, 190K)

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No, weights are fine, it's cardio that kills you. If you're one of those morons who runs every morning, remember that your ancestors chased down buffalo the same way -- and then died before age 35.

Imagine a supreme gilf with ass like these

Attached: 93C6BBD6-CB3A-4462-B018-AAAF8245EA1A.jpg (640x1138, 84K)

Not saying you're a moron, rhetorical only**

Imagine being this fucking stupid

>ass like these


>he dosen't know about fake ass padding used by 99% of instgram slags

Attached: 1451842101301.jpg (600x600, 41K)

>Imagine being this fucking stupid

it's not stupid though

A virgin in its natural habitat

Nuh uhh

Attached: A111E2E8-F99C-4C5C-890D-39F5BABD2064.gif (444x250, 3.61M)

They're going to exhaust her to death