It's in the recent documentary about her. Is this really a good idea for an 85 year old? To be put on weights??
They must really want to keep that seat eh?
It's in the recent documentary about her. Is this really a good idea for an 85 year old? To be put on weights??
They must really want to keep that seat eh?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, weights are fine, it's cardio that kills you. If you're one of those morons who runs every morning, remember that your ancestors chased down buffalo the same way -- and then died before age 35.
Imagine a supreme gilf with ass like these
Not saying you're a moron, rhetorical only**
Imagine being this fucking stupid
>ass like these
>he dosen't know about fake ass padding used by 99% of instgram slags
>Imagine being this fucking stupid
it's not stupid though
A virgin in its natural habitat
Nuh uhh
They're going to exhaust her to death