What are your thoughts on the Holocaust?

Was it real? A Hoax? Or just exaggerated?

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thoughts on what?

Yeah, what is this holocaust you speak of?


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the hall of costs? it's a jew trick.


Hall and Oates was good.

The holocaust never happened, but it should have and will.

Balfour Declaration in 1917

Jews don't wanna move to the Desert

Zionist Jews commit the Holocaust against other Jews during WW2

Scare jews in Europe to move to Israel

Problem solved.

A gorrilian jooz won fabulous prizes at the lolocaust

Happened, but probably not the way we are told. Chances are it was mostly a convenient occurrence to take advantage of in order to discredit nazi ideology. The majority of dead jews probably died from starvation allowed to happen because of german indifference and restricted supplies near the end of the war. The idea of genocide camps just feels highly inefficient. You could easily just march them into the woods, dig a big hole and bury alive thousands of them at a time.

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I love that skin tone on the girl

Light brown is perfect

the victims of the WW2 "completely burnt offering to a deity or monarch" were the innocent civilians who were firebombed or nuked to death.
btw, only 38,031 bullshit artists died at labor camp Auschwitz over a ten year period, thats why there are so many """""survivors"""", still bullshit artists tho

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It was definitely real but the Jews capitalized on it. Just because the Jews capitalized on it doesn't mean it was a fabrication or that all of the evidence supporting that it happened isn't real.


Runaway soviet propaganda

I think it's really fucking strange that the Holocaust is the only part of history you are not allowed to question.

You can say aliens built the pyramids. You can say Beethoven was black. You can say Jack the Ripper was a conspiracy to cover up the prince of England having a child with a prostitute. You can say 9/11 was an inside job. You can say the earth is flat. You can say dinosaurs aren't real and god put the fossils here to test us. But if you say crematoriums in WW2 weren't efficient enough to burn 6 million bodies, or if you say there weren't even 6 million Jews in Europe at the time, or if you say cremated bodies don't create a sulfurous odor 60 years after being incinerated, you can go to jail.

That's really, really strange, isn't it?

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Give up faggots. You lost 100 years ago.

It totally happened but some of the accounts must be fictional.

I mean cmon, a railcart rollercoaster that dumps people into a massive oven?

It's because people are sensitive about it. If we spent as much time teaching children other horrible events, they'd get mad when they were denied too. Also, people do get mad when you say 9/11 was an inside job.

WWII Lasted a total of 6 years.

Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.

6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds. (LOL)

In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.

It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaniously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven.

That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total # of killed jews would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.

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>people do get mad when you say 9/11 was an inside job.
yeah, but you can't go to jail for it.

Second frame?

not all of them were gassed though, many were shot and starved

You are a bit wrong about Auschwitz. There were 15 crematories in crematorium 2, but there were other crematoriums. I believe 50 ovens total.

But historians claim that crematorium 2 incinerated 500,000 bodies. And considering the amount of time it was open, there clearly isn't enough time.

I think it happened. I'll admit there's a lot of shit that seems suspicious, but I'm smart enough to NEVER say it out loud.

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>100 years

This is what I never understoood as a child and still don't. How is rounding up a bunch of people and shipping them across Europe more efficient than just killing them where you find them? This takes more man power and resources than just killing them outright. I could see shipping just what you need for labor needs but shipping millions just to kill them? Also the forced focus on the Jews as victims to to he point of exclusion of the poles Slavs homos and mentally deficient, even fellow germans always came off as sketchy and franky offensive as someone of Polish and German descent. And the whole " we must never forget' meme. Why is this genocide so important that we must never forget it and must never let it happen again to the point that in some states itd mandated by law that a whole class be taught on it (no doubt it focuses solely on the Jews) when countless genocides have happened before ww2 and have happened since and the free world did nothing (the us didn't even recognize the Armenian genocide until the obama administration). I have no doubts about Jews being targeted and killed but the numbers and logic behind many claims just fail to pass the smell test. Coupled with the insistance of never forgetting and sole focus on the jews and rabid vilivication of anyone sum my questioning any little aspect of hr official account just seems wrong.

never heard of it

Another 20th century mass killing exaggerated and used as propaganda to justify allied involvement in the war that really doesn’t stand out as much as kikes want it to.
>soviet purges and famines
>Chinese civil war along with Japanese brutality
>post war purges, famines, and random violence in mao’s China
>Spanish civil war
>genocides in the Ottoman Empire and turkey once it collapsed
>forced removal and death of germans as a result of Tehran, Casablanca & Yalta
Really the holocaust is just another mass killing during a time when the world was tearing itself apart.

I recall some random Jew complaining in a news article that they where suffering and the world ignored them, in spite of the fact practically the whole world was burning

I want to see this casting call.


The numbers of “dead” are based of a pre war censuses of jews in Europe. Ruffle 6 million are unaccounted for, but the numbers are very imprecise as some censuses date back to the late 1800s and right before a mass movement of Jews to Palestine, Jews who fled Europe and didn’t return are counted as dead, Jews killed in the war for unrelated reasons are counted, Jews that “disappeared” in the Soviet Union are counted as dead

The whole thing is a pack of lies invented by propagandists at the end of the war.

Many Jewish families got separated during the war in the camp system and remained separated after the war because of the iron curtain leading many jews to mistakenly believe that their relatives had been "murdered" in "gas chambers". Young Jews believe in the holocaust because their idiot parents told them bullshit stories about their missing relatives and they're too dumb and lazy to spend half an hour and find their missing relatives now that the wall is down.

The end.

It was real. It's significance is overblown by our (((masters))) but it was definitely real. Trying to convince normies that the Holocaust wasn't real undermines our movement and alienates people who otherwise might learn to identify with white racial consciousness because we're too busy trying to deny near-universally accepted history.

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Yeah this. It was a bloody time where the protections that we have in modern society were gone. I don't try and make a point by pretending that the Holocaust wasn't real, however it is worth mentioning to people how massively highlighted it is. It takes up a huge proportion of young people's education of 20th century history, it's used as the reference point for most slippery-slope arguments that normies make. The fact that it's so disproportionately highlighted should help red pill normies into understanding that Jews push their interests into the public consciousness because they are in control.

>camp zoos
>camp theaters
>camp swimming pools
>SS officers shot for harming/stealing from Jewish prisoners
>tiny ovens that supposedly burned thousands of people per day
>no ash layers from the supposed millions of immolated jews
>supposed "death camp" survivors on record saying that they were well-treated and didn't start starving until the allies bombed the supply lines to the camps
>soviets "reconstructed" camps after the war
>ridiculous stories about jews being turned into lampshades/soap, the "holocoaster," etc
>jews push holocaust propaganda starting in kindergarten and continue to push it in all forms of popular media
>jews now above criticism


It's a fraud. You'd have to be totally ignorant of the facts to believe in the holohoax and unfortunately most people are.

Let's finally end this debating and questioning of Jews' right to reparations by documentedly killing 6 million jews this time

The Holocaust is not a tragedy of the past but a tool used to control the present.

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The perfect post. Everything else in discussion is not fruitful. End ((them.))

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>Olère began to draw at Auschwitz during the last days of the camp, when the SS became less attentive.[3] His work has exceptional documentary value: there are no photos of what happened in the gas chambers and crematoria,[1] and Olère was the only artist to have worked as a member of the Sonderkommando and survived.

>At postmortem, an exhaust fan sucks the poison air out of the chamber, and the corpse is sprayed with ammonia to neutralize any remaining traces of cyanide. About a half an hour later, oderlies enter the chamber, wearing gas masks and rubber gloves. Their training manual advises them to ruffle the victim's hair to release any trapped cyanide gas before removing the deceased.

It's ridiculous.

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Well they initially tried that but it had negative effects on the SS officers. Also remember they didn't all die in gas chambers, many were shot, many died of starvation, disease, overworked, or beaten to death. Also the Holocaust killed 12 million, problem is the other 6 million is communists, jehovah's witnesses, gypsies, faggots, and other people that honestly most people are fine with them being killed. You gotta focus on the Jews to make people feel bad about it. I think the Holocaust was bad, but focusng on the gypsy deaths makes me think it wasn't that bad.

what's with the sexism on this site?

Yes japanon it truly is, really makes the noggin get jogging

This. And I 'm still standin hear screamin fuck the Jews.

Someone should redraw this as pregnant Anne Frank surrounded by horny Confederate soldiers

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either we post sexist shitposts or we gangrape like you mohamoud. Unlike you we are civilized.

Slide thread.

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There were worst genocides honestly
Jewish holocaust was 6/10, at best


you can't even form a proper sentence you subhuman mutt

ill take all three
some was real
some was a hoax
and some was exaggerated
the real question is did jewish bolshevism kill more or less people then the nazi penal system? and were the germans justified as identifying the jews as a subversive and dangerous race when they saw the jewish bolsheviks in russia and eastern europe... and then their failed communist revolution in germany

>crematoriums in WW2 weren't efficient enough to burn 6 million bodies
You know they used guns, forced labor, and many other ways to kill Jews?

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What the fuck does it matter how they were killed when arguing about body disposal

Because he’s saying that crematoriums and gas chambers were sole means of killing Jews, which it wasn’t.

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It all depends on the definition and the numbers.

> Was it real? A hoax? Or just exaggerated?
The genocide happened, but I don't think the numbers
or some details (gas chambers) are 100% correct.

> What are your thoughts on the Holocaust?
Today this event is heavily misused to treat the Germans bad
and to extort them morally.

Allegedly. I'm still waiting to see those human remains.

Just wanted to say hi, Anne Frank Dixie Bro. Your persistence always brings a smile to my face

> other ways to kill Jews

Then there would be bodies. They need to lie about millions being cremated, because of they aren’t incinerated into dust, then there would be bodies and bones.

> 6 million died
Where are he bodies
> poof there were incinerated into nothing... they just disappeared.

Do you see why the lie hinges on he ovens. It’s the only way to explain the missing bodies. If there weren’t 6 million Jews in Europe, then there aren’t any bodies, you must claim that they vanished.

No he's not you fucking retard
The crux of the argument is that there were nowhere near enough body to support the six millions number; the justification given was that said bodies were cremated
Except there's no way that so many bodies (5500000+) were burned in the specified amount of time, let alone in the fucking 40s
It has nothing to do with how jews were killed

fucktard, when you incinerate bodies, you don't do that to kill, you do that as disposal

inb4 french kike

Crematorium and gas is filler

Imagine you are like with a need to have he 6,000,000 with 6 zeros as a number for your satanic 6 pointed star David. But.... there are only 500,000 dead bodies. Well, you make up a lie that the others died, and vanished into thin air via cremation. The numbers are just so fucking large that it doesn’t compute. Watch this kid, here you learn the truth:


>What are your thoughts on the Holocaust?


My mistake on that part. But they didn’t just use crematoriums, they had other means. Pic related

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How about this, I'm bored to fuck about the Holocaust? Who gives a fuck? I don't. Was WWll solely about the Jews and Jewish suffering? Fuck them...

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I realized it was all a fabricated lie during high school. The teacher told me some shit that didnt even make sense about ww2. I did some research of my own and soon came to realize that none of the "evidence" connects. Literally all of it can be disproved. The concentration camps were actually prison camps and the large number of corpses were due to starvation not any kind of gassing in fact there was no gas chamber at all. The one in Austhwitz was made. The guy that ran it and was converting it into a museum admitted that they tore down bathroom walls and ripped a whole in the ceiling. The very building design doesn't make sense if their plans were to exterminate people there.

There is no way that the total was 6 million, let alone 12. Even most Holocaust acceptors believe the Jewish deaths to be 5.1. The 11 million number (not 12 as you have stated) was completely made up in the 1970's and only gained traction because Jimmy Carter read it in the paper, took its factuality for granted, and used the number in a speech. That leaves a flat 5.1. However, we can also eliminate ~1.5 million as there is no evidence that the Operation Reinhardt death camps were in fact death camps. That gives us 4.6. You can eliminate more but let's just go with at most 4.6

fake and gay kill yourself

this nobody cares about something 70 years ago that impacted a small group of people. tens of millions died in that shit war, nationalism got branded as a bad thing in cuckope but yeah when someone thnks
they think
>poor jews

where are the remains, shlomo? even when you burn a body to ash, there's still a shitload of ash leftover, and it can be identified as human remains
a human body produces between 4 and 9 pounds of ash, so where was the 33,000,000 pounds of ash? that's a lot of ash, can't have all just disappeared, and we never hear about where it went? I find that hard to believe

>mated bodies don't create a sulfurous odor 60 years after being incinerated, you can go to jail.
>That's really, really strange, isn't it?

It is, partly because Holocaust did not happen in the way the victors wrote it.

Jews were put to work much like Soviets used on native populations of conquered countries. Also Stalin killed more than 2x supposed 6 million, yet Stalin was the "good guy".

Hitler was a hero and a man of his word. Told german people that he can get Germany out of the jewish rape carouselle, did it and now Germany is one of the strongest economy in the EU, meanwhile Russia is a shithole.


JIDF data mine thread. They post these to get statistics to see if the shilling works.


>implying civic nationalism isnt a bad thing

kek cuckmerican IQ

was actually a massive outbreak of cholera and similar diseases caused by an extreme food shortage that was a result of the scorched earth tactics of the allies, and nazi hoarding of resources in the total war that was WW2. The nazis did treat the jews horribly, subjecting them to cramped quarters, slave labour, brutal punishments and conditions, inhumane human experimentation, and so on. However, there is scant evidence of intentionally poisoning or burning alive prisoners in those facilities. This is verified by Western investigators at every internment camp that they were able to visit and investigate shortly after the war. The only camps where claims of intentional gassing and genocide of jews were beyond the reach of those investigators. It is very possible (occam's razor, etc) that as with many other things in the USSR, it was turned into a propaganda piece by the USSR to subjugate their newly conquered territories and their people as a whole. The simple fact that the Auschwitz museum and others like it continually reduce their claimed numbers to a small percentage of their original claims also supports this.

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And I’m jewish

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>And I’m jewish

You have a jewish flag theres no need to speficy

That was uncalled for Mongolia.

A. The one on the right has a backwards swastika and its bothering me
B. Sauce

Thoughts On The Holocaust™ by Dr. William Luther Pierce


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>Was it real? A Hoax? Or just exaggerated?

Allied propaganda.

also hetro men don't hate woman you stupid cunt

>6,000,000 with 6 zeros as a number for your satanic 6 pointed star David
Holy shit, I never even considered why they settled on specifically that number.