73% European, 15% Negroid, 12% Ameri-indian

>73% European, 15% Negroid, 12% Ameri-indian
>Born in USA with no connection to Puerto Rico
>See white people getting shot and murdered on the news and think it's cool
>Don't care when white people I know die
>Don't even go to funeral
>See Hurricane Maria news footage
>Immediately devastated at crying old woman because she looks like me
>Can actually feel empathy for first time in life

What is the cure for this?

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Go back to Puerto Rico.

Trip to a concentration camp. y'know so you can concentrate and get your head straight

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suicide by gas

looks like youre a subhuman lad

no known cure at this time

all latinos will eventually get turned on by blacks and other dark skins, enjoy when you're next faggot. Being a man should give you a taste of what's in store.

>Implying latinos would ever side with blacks

You must be blind

We'll run to white boy before we ever run to THAT

If you ever hung out with latino people you would know they make fun of black people more than whites. One funny joke I remember was a friend commenting on another friends thick accent and terrible English, and then he said buy you know who speaks worse English than this guy who came here from Colombia - NIGGERS! lol

Man, that 15% Negro...They are a different species. You are like a liger, you are doomed for extinction without the help of men.

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>What is the cure for this
You have the cure
The disease is having an empathic response that extends beyond your own family and people, and its killing the white races

old puerto ricans have known true suffering. They grew up poor as dirt in an era with little government aid. And now are just terrible at filing for aid due to being pretty fucking lost.

Their cries for help are sincere.

Younger puerto ricans (under 50) just love crying crocodile tears and being little shits who live off the government. fuck them.

Absolute shit.

>70% Iberian European
>15% Southwestern American Native
>15% Southern Franco-Italo

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Don't kid yourself you way more nigger than you pretend to be

It only takes 15%? Fuck dude, that’s like two Greeks or an American inner city. You’re scaring me.

killing yourself would be a good start

northern natives are pretty much early asians so hapa approved

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>70% 98 IQ

I'm cool bro
Enjoy your 97 IQ average.
I'll Enjoy my 95


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It actually takes 27%

I like Puerto Ricans. They are overall nice people and get along with everyone. But you guys need to distance yourself from nigger culture. Stop wearing Jordan's, fuck reggaeton, stop being sexually promiscuous like niggers. You guys have Hector Lavoe, Tito Puente, David Pavon etc... you got your own music and its great music. If you eradicate niggerism Puerto Ricans can become a strong territory and people.

Lol, same gene breakdown with a connection to PR but I identify and pass as white. I feel nothing when browns suffer. Why was I blessed and you cursed, OP? Es porque no dejes de maricar?

I don't even know.
I have a white dad and a Nicaraguan mother, but I just do not care at all about white people.

>Lol, same gene breakdown with a connection to PR but I identify and pass as white.

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My French freind your country is on its way to becomming Franceistan,

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frecnhistan is a meme

that stain in your blood isnt

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What happened to all of the British colonists in America? We are a dying breed.

My father is PR and redpilled from birth on race realism. He is probably one of the most race discriminatory people I know. He hates blacks, arabs, and other hispancics, but loves whites and east asians. Is your dad a cuck?

Agreed. The niggerish culture stems from poverty, tho.

Most raggaeton ((musicians)) come from public housing or squatter communities, for example.

Come home, pendejo

real creatura hours whos up

What makes you think that hispanics actually side with niggers? Maybe the 2nd generation ones in the states with parents that moved them to the suburbs and got them into liberal arts schools do cause they have been brainwashed. But the ones living in their country dont give a fuck about niggers. The ones who recently immigrated to the US dont give a fuck about niggers either. The majority of them are either grossed out by black people or just flat out dont care about them. Thats a weird myth that hispanics care about blacks. Even the darker kinkier haired Puerto Rican & Dominicans hate blacks even when they look more mulatto. Push comes to shove most Latinos (especially newly immigrant ones) will side with whites.

I'm Puerto Rican living in NY. This is so true desu.

> 15% negroid
Kys you mongrel

Tsonga says bon jour.

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Tengo familia en Isabela. Que ciudad tranquila y linda.

No, he's a Christian that believes in god due to schizophrenic genetics.

I, too, hate 50/50 mestizos.
I think I hate them more than I hate white people.

I see one and just get aggravated that they exist.

I wish I could live in a world without knowledge of Whites, Asians, or any other race other than my own. I genuinely do not care about industrial bullshit.

I'm planning on it

Who /selfhate/ here? I wish nothing more than total genocide, and to die peacefully in an ocean of Puerto Rican corpses.

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Why do you hate yourself?

Puerto Rico needs a far right movement and more authoritarian leaders. Democrats are sinking the shit out of your island.

Nah hermano eso no bueno. :(

I hate the people here and the political spectrum. We have no good political parties and the closest we have to a centre right one is the New Progressive Party, which is the party of the gimmi dats.

Not gonna happen. Here’s how people vote in PR:
>vote for one party
>get fucked by it
>vote for other party to spite the one you voted for
>get ducked by it too

The two parties stand for all the exact same shit with the exception that ine promises statehood and the other status quo.

People just vote for one party, the entire party, with no regards to who is in it.

My town has had the same governor for like 30 years. He’s been in office for as long as i can remember.

At least you can care about politics.
In the mainland, I don't care at all about it because I feel no connection to the people even though I was born here.

This is why I'm going to at least visit Puerto Rico. I'm 23 years old and haven't kissed a girl because the women over here aren't attractive to me.

I will never side with niggers and jews, maybe whites or koreans if theyll have us if not, we have the numbers to take anyone on

Your Puerto Rican dude, its not bad. You get to laugh at all the other hispanics trying to get into the US while your a citizen. Your on top of the hispanic food chain. At least your not asian, those fuckers are gross and souless

Unironically I feel the exact same way about black and brown people. I watch crying dindus on TV and wait for the emotion to come but it never does. I support the culling of a large proportion of the Sub Saharan African population simply for the greater good of humanity in the future. I think you and I are simply racist, but that’s okay. It’s normal to be racist.

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This! Plus the minority parties are just as cucked. The thing is, this island is full of lazy people and a right wing candidate with a message of "work hard, get reward" is always gonna lose.

you actually sent your DNA to kikes, W E W L A D

Deja de comer tanto gofio.

Nah dude. Fortuño tried to fix things, but people wanted their gibs too much.

You need some of this so you can soften that edge. Remember start with the low grit and work your way up to the high

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killing yourself shitskin

We were royalty.

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I thought I was 50% white, 25% black, 25% Ameri-indian

Do you know how fucked-up life is when you go through it like that?

Receiving my results was like a religious experience for me. My body started quaking in the shower because of how much sense the results made to me.

No one gave a damn about my ancestry.
Everyone thought my mother was 0% white.

I've not even told my father, but he keeps telling me I'm 50% white, 25% black, and 25% Ameri-indian. I don't hate him, and I love him, but those results give me my identity, and it made me realize a country exists where I exist that isn't a hell-hole.

this. obviously.

That is only consumed by 80 year old boomers. It's one of those candies no one actually eats, like the black candies from Sweden which makes boys have big tits

This is why it's wrong to import Mexicans into the US. They give 0 fucks about us. They are actually happy when we die or have misfortune otherwise. We should return that feeling in kindness.

That's the problem with you guys. You have that its impossible mentality. Ill never be able to convince people to denounce degeneracy ill never be able see a far right political party in PR. You guys need to learn from whites and take Destiney in your own hands. Your island is shit now. Perfect opportunity for a far right group to rise up and gain points by distributing rice and patalitios and shit for free to the hungry in name of your party...

Dios salve la Ley 7

Bro, I know. My father had me eat it when I was five as a joke. I thought he was making me eat sand. I was just using the expression. My family in PR live in Isabela. Dont tell me youre from Ponce lol.

Nobody can unfuck this. The ammount of people living off the government hold too much sway over it.

who gives a fuck, youre a goblino with a high percentage of nigger blood regardless, im spanish and costa rican mutt but luckily no nigger blood, eventhough im 6'0, light skinned and green eyed, im still a goblino.

My grandfather is one of those. A boomer pensioner who lives off both PR gibs and American gibs in Orlando. 10 years since he left the island and still can hardly speak English.

Congrats, you're a psychopath

>Dont tell me youre from Ponce lol.
I am not a faggot, no. I am from Cidra, up in the mountains.

Youre cool then. As long as youre also not a parcelero. I need to go back and visit the island.

I know you don't give a fuck, and I'm not expecting you to, but I do.

That is the difference between the worst parts of Brazil and a developed country.

Its done wonders for my self-esteem to know that my blood is Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the outskirts of Southern Brazil.

There is literally nothing wrong with being part black as long as it's 15% or lower.

Top kek, I live close to a parcela. Some weeks ago I heard automatic weapons and the next day the news reported a death.

>I'm 23 years old and haven't kissed a girl
Incel Detected

>because the women over here aren't attractive to me.

Sure Thing Incel

Why don't the people that are sick of the gang nigger culture get together and make an execution squad? If niggers can get away with killings and car jackings a far right organized paramilitary group can make a change for the greater good

The thing is I'm ugly to them, and they're ugly to me, and I have to work 10x harder than a white boy to get a girlfriend, and I don't want to work that hard for something I don't want.

And then I can't even talk to them.
What's the point?

Puerto Ricans need to invent their own version of the helicopter ride, and include commies, niggers, and faggots, and jews.. btw does PR have a jew problem?

¡Dios mío! ¡Es el Luz Extinguido!

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Your Hispanic dude you mean to tell me you cant find a girl at one of those huge cook outs or quincenera parties

>There is literally nothing wrong with being part black

Lol at this level Of Amerimutt Coping

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73% becomes 0% with 1% nigger you fucking chimp. Go kill yourself.

Gun control in PR is very strict. and if your guns are sourced from the criminals you intend to kill... yeah, that isn’t going to work.

We're not the same race.
Why do you think there's a huge Puerto Rican community in the USA?

Don't you think they'd just blend right in with other Hispanics if life really worked that way?

Mestizos look nothing like Puerto Ricans.

I second this.

Fair Point, why don't you mix with a Mexican?There's already plenty of them in America

Because gangbangers don't threaten vested interests, while right wing paramilitaries do. That's why they'd never get away with it.

PRs around the North East look like 90s rocker dudes with wavy pony tails.

Because it's the same issue.
I can only feel attracted toward a 70% white Mexican, and did you know they're all some sort of wealthy if they're in the USA?

My sister married a Mexican man, but I wish she didn't.

I wish it never happened. She rushed it.

That's like putting ketchup on an orange those 2 just don't mix

According to DNA studies it looks like Puerto Ricans are more mulatto than mestizo. So it makes sense I guess since mexican are just pure mestizos(European Native American Mix) with basically 0 african usually

of course and niggers

I miss Fortuño. God damn that son of a bitch Alejandro Garcia Padilla, Obama-worshipping cunt thief scumbag shit-eating retard traitor. He raised our taxes and ruined the economy. Absolutely unforgivable.

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Puerto Rico has a big jew problem, the jews created the debt and they silenced someone who finally called them out on it in the news. enlacejudio.com/2018/01/18/periodista-puerto-rico-judio-crisis/

Niggers aren't really a problem in Puerto Rico. New York is far worse. But the jew problem? Yeah, Puerto Rico has that because the eternal jew is international.

So close yet so far... user what features are visible from that % of nog?

Slightly curly hair if I grow it out for a long time.
Curly facial hair, but 100% white people have that. It's there, but it's barely visible.

My father said I was a 1/4 black to a black man, and he couldn't believe it, and it's primarily because I didn't look black at all to him.

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Id appreciate if youd upload a pic of the bottom half of your face and if possible a side profile of your head. Blur out the background for maximum anonymity.

I don't have any people that matter to me in my brain in this country outside of my immediate family.

Outside of my house, it has been nothing more than a hellhole to suffer inside of. So here's my picture

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You weren't lying. You are fair skinned but your lips are definitely plump and that hair is fairly curly. Thanks for posting OP.

and side profile too

I've noticed that Puerto Rican skulls come in all shapes and sizes despite this.

Some criminals have higher foreheads than I do.

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you look like a normal fcking spic kek

You look fine bro I just hope you lose the weight in your eyes. Something is chasing you inside but you can overcome it