What's gonna happen to us leafs when the tariffs hit our country harder than a bong rip after July 1st? Some are speculating we're gonna be sent into a recession but it feels like we never left our recession lmao
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>What's gonna happen to us leafs
Who cares?
Should be fun to watch
That's when the killing enemies and losing meme becomes real. This is something that happens.
People who wanted to see our rakening and they might get it
I don't think it looks good desu. Especially if you look at the big picture.
Trump wants CHYYNA and Germany augment their imports with the US. And they're going to have to comply. Because they're the ones with the most to lose by far. It's not for nothing that you can hear their media whining with their "b-b-but we're allies since WW2 how could you do such a thing, this is UNTHINKABLE! What of the WORLD ORDER? Think of the children!" rhetoric. It's because they can't really fight back. They could hurt the US' economy a little bit, but the US could collapse them.
So those countries will start importing more from the US and it'll probably be at the expense of imports from weaker nations like Canada.
We literally don't know what else to sell to the Chineses anymore, they're already buying assets that they should never have been allowed to buy (i.e. they're starting to own us). And Europe is about to be even more flooded with Germany's surplus production than before.
Our corporate tax rate is already fairly low. The government already indebted itself trying to boost the economy. There's probably going to be brain drain towards the US soon.
And for our politicians, backing down wouldn't be very popular with the electorate for some reason. People don't understand what's coming to them. I think we're going to have to feel the hurt before things start changing.
*knock knock* Ooohh leeeaaafs... are ya ready?
Do not worry. 'Murica hasn't been able to win any sort of war with us yet, and this time will be no different.
Severe damage. Most of our exports are just Chinese imports that have been relabeled, very easy to cut out the middle man. We're essentially just America's PO box. It's basically total carnage on our end while Americans will have to choose between purchasing another countries products or paying slightly more for such fine Canadian goods as pickled gherkins, novelty playing cards with outdated Canadian cultural icons, and whimsical Russian stacking egg dolls but the outside has been painted like a funny cartoon Canadian Beaver.
Canadians will still shop in America for milk/gas/groceries
Dude we have a massive braindrain with our tech talent. Nobody that graduates from UofWaterloo wants to nor should settle for the shit wages companies want to pay programmers here (50k cad here vs 120k usd starting).
If Trudeau had enough balls to actually hurt the US economy he would extradite all our tech workers out of silicon valley.
>extradite all our tech workers out of silicon valley
That's the problem with brain drain, how do you stop it legally? If people aren't free to leave your country it's more like a prison than a country.
That's one of the reason Canada and Europe hate the US merits-based immigration reform plans (and call it racist kek). If the US want the best engineers, scientists and techies, etc, they can get them from Canada and Europe if they want. Right now they're limiting it and it was probably part of a concession.
you just may have to cut back a wee bit on lavishing money on foreign shitskins then I guess
vote for secession. if you live in Alberta fucking do it tomorrow
If you cant beat em join em! Just throw another 12 stars on that flag.
You sir are a fucking moron. See you at the slaughter while I watch it on al jazeera
Export your white qt’s and no one gets hurt
Alberta and Saskatchewan only mate. the rest of Canada is too liberal
Canuckistan will fall into a death spiral until you vote the faggot out of office and start leaning right. Close your borders. Boot the muslims and chinks. Get in line with Trump on economics and you’ll be ok.
Silicon Valley makes nothing important.
Smartphone apps are not innovation.
You can have the leftists from silicon valley.
>Silicon Valley makes nothing important.
>Smartphone apps are not innovation.
They centralized an awful lot of Internet software and hardware infrastructure.
A lot of other companies rely on their services now. Not just as a back-end for their operations, but to bring in clients and finance themselves as well. AdSense and Google Search will make or break you.
It arguably shouldn't be so much centralized, but insofar as it is you need people to keep it running well.