Merrick Garland

For no other reason than to BTFO assblasted liberals and cause them to lose their shit, Trump should pick Obama's Supreme Court nominee. Let's meme this into reality.

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Ummmm. Nope
Nice try though

Nice try kike. We're putting another Scalia on the bench

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how about kys

In a similar vein, he could nominate Hillary Clinton or the most viable democratic 2020 presidential candidate in order to both confuse democrats and invite infighting within their party.

He looks like the cuck accountant in the pictures of the milf I banged a few times when I was 22.

Garland was actually a great pick. Obama picked the most palatable centrist to trap Republicans. They couldn't oppose him on his jurisprudence, so McConnell fucking sidestepped the whole thing. It was masterful. But there's really no reason to oppose him now. He's a rock solid judge. The cognitive dissonance from liberals would make smoke come out of their ears.



I know this is bait, but

>Nominate a centrist (read cuck) to the supreme court just to make a bunch of terminally mentally ill subhumans mad

Your trollfu is weak, son.

Or he could just pick someone who's actually right-wing since Republicans have a supermajority? Fuck off kikes.

didnt know shareblue was still paying you kikes

Not happening. Check em

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He should get Loretta Lynch to squeal on Clinton in exchange for the seat

Richard Posner would be great

Yeah haha that would really enrage them if we did exactly what they would do themselves. Epic trole!

This must be the JIDF intern.

Would be worth it.

He would be an excellent choice to replace RBG when she dies.

it was her turn


We are going to put a hardcore orginalist in, and you will fucking like it

>being this out of touch with leftist hysteria

Consider this: Trump nominates corporatist souless Democrat who will almost assuredly take the position. Socialists and progressives everywhere would be thinking that there was either some sort of conspiracy or that the other parts of their party are monsters who would align themselves with Nazi Hitler Drumpf. Additionally, as was already mentioned, Trump would get rid of a prospective presidential candidate.

Nice try, Noseberg.

Garland is only "moderate" in temperament. His rulings show a very liberal judge, one to the left of even Kagan and Breyer. Pic. related comes from The New York Times.

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this is, unironically, what will happen. merrick garland is a good nomination, and trump knows that it will further crumble the bullshit resistance.

What interests me most about this idea is the probable cooling effect it would have on less radical, left leaning moderates. Such people would see that many of the concerns of radical Democrats are unfounded and that Trump is a somewhat fair minded individual. Oftentimes, when a party monopolizes power within the government, the people react adversely and tend to try to balance the distribution of power. This plan may avert that fate. Sure, some members of Trump’s base would be upset, but many Trump supporters would correctly see it as 5D chess.

No more fucking Jews already damnit

>Hai guyz I'm totally 1 of u! Letz git this guy in to totaly pwn those libtards!!!11 Haha cmon shar...I mean /pol, lets do it!

nice try, shlomo

that... that is not actually a terrible idea, especially if he gets to nominate another conservative instead of a liberal.

I can't tell if that's a pedo smirk or just a gay face

fuck no, obongo's people clearly had something over this dork, and he would have turned leftist

he's going to nominate roy moore and they're going to rule Jow Forums unconstitutional

Maybe if all of the liberal justices suddenly retired/died and he had 4 more vacancies to fill then Garland could have one for shits and giggles. But unless than happens, no.

No no, he’s a gun-grabbing shitbird
>Two Terms
>Two Scoops
>Two Womps
>Two Judges
>Two Scalias

reddit libfaggot tries and fails
OP kys

>Disagrees with DC vs. Heller

DIAF pinko fucking shits

Lying Ted for Scotus

Good idea Mr Silverstein. They’ll totally hate the idea of Obama’s pick being nominated haha! That’s their worst nightmare.

You know what else they’d really hate? If trump signed in the dreamer bill for all the beaner babies. That would sure piss them off.

hang yourself OP


You know who’d make a phenomenal judge?

Trey Gowdy

Fuck off commie we ain't falling for this shit.

America's status: taken back.

OP, you are almost there, now take this idea further.

Trump needs to offer the Dems a Merrick Garland appointment............. in exchange for Yes Votes on funding the border wall.

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God damn, Jow Forums really is fucking hopeless. I'm getting more and more embarrassed to call myself a Jow Forumsack.

No he wouldn't, are you retard?

Hahaha, Jow Forums shut down as an affront to the Lord and for running afoul of obscenity laws

I totally agree, OP! We need a fourth liberal Jew on the Supreme Court. It sure would, as we on Pol say, 'BTFO' those liberals.

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about time you came too

the Supreme Court is way more important than building a wall. a wall can be a huge boost for democrats running on a platform of "tearing it down."

a Supreme Court Justice is 20-40 years and has way more importance. if Trump gets re-elected in 2020, he's probably picking at least one more justice as well. if not 2 more.

I have a question. Can the President nominate himself to the supreme court?

Fuck you

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>literal shitskin

The U.S. Supreme Court is not diverse enough, it's only 33.3% liberal Jew right now. Garland for the Supreme Court!

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not happening so᠌yboy

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>if you appoint your enemies you win

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And then have him sent to a Boondocks vinyard like the Democrats did to Scalia?

Absolutely the supreme court is WAY more valuable than a wall. The whole reason we want a wall is to stop leftists from taking over our political system. Holding the supreme court means for AT LEAST 15 years they can't do it with a solid chance for >20. Nothing is worth pushing back marxism by at least 2 decades. I mean fuck, in two decades we may be able to start taking a majority of the hispanic vote.

Fuck you nigger. If I heard you say that on the street I'd fucking slap you. We'd be dueling pistols at dawn. Scalia ought to be a Saint.

>Republicans couldn't oppose an anti-gun douchebag
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

this post is absolute garbage even by already abysmal leaf standards. go rake yourself.

jesus this desperation. Obama mocked Trump and guaranteed the demise of his own legacy by doing so. Next appointee will be chosen solely by dependability on dismantling Obongocare and fag marriage.


The left is openly lamenting that gun control is dead in the Courts, and you fags want to thrown them a lifeline with noted gun-grabber Merrick Garland? Fuck that.

Garland is the judge you get from a Democratic President and GOP-controlled Senate (see Obama, or Clinton had she won), NOT from a Republican President and Senate. The fuck is wrong with you people?

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three judges and three Scalias
Ginsberg's body will fall apart before Trump's second term is up.

Trump literally doesn't give a fuck about gays marrying. Get over it already.

I think it would've been hilarious if trump had nominated Obama to Scalia's seat knowing he wouldn't take it in a million years with all his vacation and speaking fee plans.

No. Fuck off.

>lets give the dems a win and laugh in their face

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supreme court is rigged in right wing favour just like electoral college and senate.... b-but still you fagos are inept morons who cant accomplish a damn thing... kys keystone nazis

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Trump was by nature and history a very moderate republican at best, but nothing is gonna stop him from wrecking every last bit of Barry's legacy out of spite now.


Fuck off, OP, you feckless cunt.

I don't believe that. We need control of this country in the long run.

So many neckbeard snowflakes posting in this thread.

why do liberals assume garland would have voted differently than gorsuch tho.

lol. no.

needs more swastika

I bet she suck-starts a gun when the GOP holds the majority in Senate in Nov

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ohhhhh checked

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I'm off to bed. Well anyway, I do think Merrick Garland would be a good choice to shut the liberals up or at least cause serious in-fighting. And to help balance out the Supreme Court.

You are not fooling anyone you kike puppet.

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I don't want them to shut up though

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>why do liberals assume garland would have voted differently than gorsuch tho.

It's a real mystery

he's a kike.

that's what liberals mean when they say moderate centrist.


Ffs, just let this kike's thread die

OP confirmed bot

>And to help balance out the Supreme Court.

Replacing Kennedy with Garland is literally MOVING THE SUPREME COURT TO THE LEFT.

Yeah, you're really BTFO those liberals with that move, you epic troll.

>come on goys, will fuck them resist people’s heads

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Garland is old as fuck anyway, im pretty sure Obama's plan was to trick Republicans into confirming him since he was "moderate" then he retires to be replaced with a younger more liberal judge when Hilldawg won

not happening, shlomo

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Obama would have taken it even if Trump did it as a joke, his ego is too large to turn down a supreme court seat

Garland is 65 (63 when Obama nominated him). That's not that old, considering all the octogenarians on the Supreme Court.

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The only people that consider Garland centrist are pinko SJW commies that would execute Ben "kike" Shapiro for being a "nazi".

Fuck that, Hussein wanted this guy for a reason. I don’t know what that reason is, but just knowing that there was one is enough to make me not support this guy. We need to appoint a far-right white male to this seat for two reasons: #1: white males are the best people to have in positions of power, which is why we’ve had only them for all of history minus the past ~60 years or so. And #2: there is NOTHING that pisses the left off more than white men in power, ESPECIALLY right wing men. I dont know very much about this guy but from what I’ve heard he’s a wishy-washy centrist type, and that is not what we need, as both the republican primary and the 2016 general showed. Americans said loud and clear that we don’t want some flip flopping cuck, we want someone who will hold the Republican Party line on things like 2A and Trump’s anti-diversity initiatives like the wall and the Muslim ban. We can’t trust a Hussein appointee to do this.

if Trump did this he would get a second term easy