give fetuses citizenship and protected class status. if you can't care for them, make them wards of the state and send them to military school
Christopher Gomez
>It doesn't matter even if Roe gets overturned, all the states with niggers will pass a law allowing it anyway. so then those states wont become battleground states, they will stay dem
The leftist leadership are bringing it up because they know it's normie poison. Fucking retard christfags.
Parker Rogers
Space Force doesn't make itself.
Ian Wood
>A woman killing a children through is called "freedom of choice" >Someone killing the woman and the kid is considered "double homicide" Go figure
Adam Murphy
Does Joe think EU will lift the new tariffs if that happens? No they will leave them on us even if ours went away. Theres no going back, we take it to the brink until they fucking give it up.
Cooper Evans
What the fuck do either of those have to do with the Supreme Court? That's a stupid fucking deal that makes no sense. Joe is such a tard.
funny thing is in the 19th century no states in the USA had any laws about abortion at all one way or another
Andrew Morgan
They are basically playing god, by claiming “well I CHOSE to let it live so its a human I created” but if I chose to not let it live its not a homicide.
And why would there be. Murder was already illegal.
Thomas Barnes
Ppl were too busy trying not to die of natural causes still, and ppl just abandoned kids there was no child support tracking and shit back then. So why abort?
"I have delusions of relevancy and think that somehow extracting power from President Trump at the expense of the GOP is something the GOP will go for." -Psycho Joe AKA Murder'n Joe The Intern Kill'n Schmo.
>a captain is sailing his ship through the teeth of a storm >waves are crashing over the deck >the rigging is barely hanging on to the mast >down on the bilge deck there's an ugly patch of hull planking that is not quite up to spec but still good enough for now >a sailor keeps abandoning his post to try and replace the ugly plank in the middle of the storm while the whole ship is still in danger >the captain tells the sailor to stop wasting time and get back to work >the sailor calls the captain a baby killing heathen and insists the plank must be done now because Jesus Can we please, as a nation, a party, and a thread, shut the FUCK up about this bullshit wedge issue until we get immigration and border security nailed down?
They never claimed he was a high-level staffer. He’s 22 dude. It might be click Baity but it doesn’t make it untrue.
Jayden Lewis
you know who she would be replacing right
Mason White
i cant take all the winning
please stop
mr president please i cant take all this winning
Camden Rivera
Anthony Brown
the idea that women can abort their own children makes me think few women are in heaven. like it really is a satanic perversion or manipulation to try and get lots of women to commit some tragic sin that forfeits their chances at redemption.
Corker and Flake have no leverage because Democrats like Manchin will have no choice but to vote for Trump's nominee before the midterms since their seats are in jeopardy.
Josiah Wright
im just worried the more trump wins, the more desperate they might get. whats to stop another 3rd fake gas attack in syria and pressure trump from both the government and media to take out assad, which would lead to a direct clash with russia?
I'm all for having a public Space Force but the truth is we already have a pretty extensive secret one.
Lucas Adams
maybe the women in the past make up for it. or maybe the limited souls theory is right. or maybe God likes a sausage party. or maybe things will be different
Corker/Flake would be excommunicated even in many neocon circles because many neocons will want conservative judges more that they’d want liberal ones.