How is it?

How is it?

Attached: zoloft_logo_4c.png (280x126, 8K)

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Makes you worse than before you started taking it

can help or not. depends on the person

Idk but if Jow Forums taught me anything, the Jews are behind it

Stop eating white bread and fix your fucking iodine deficiency you degenerate drug addict

>I want numb genitals and the personality of cardboard
>I want to feel sweaty and confused *every* *single* *time* I miss a pill
>I want to have the feeling of being jolted awake from my sleep, while already being awake, and I want this feeling multiple times a day
>I want my orgasms delayed by at least an hour

woke up in the middle of the night, I couldn’t move. Next day, stopped taking them


Bad stuff, causes nerve damage.

Zoloft? Not good. It takes away the natural fear of death, so you may actually end up killing yourself while taking it. I'm surprised it's still prescribed when there's a ton of better stuff around.

For me it helps rid of my OCD shit

Seriously sucks


It's a racket for the Jews

Straightened me out.

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>Suicide mass murder pills!

Attached: 460A548D-15F5-41C5-83AF-05F050DB9166.png (800x426, 105K)

Took 20mg once from a friend's script. Went to work and was abnormally happy and social. Felt like I wearing a mask of myself. When it wore off, the change was immediate. Scared the shit out of me when I came back to reality. Decided from there I'd rather work out my shit on my own than take meds. Pic related.

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You’ll try it for a few months and be disappointed when all it does is make you numb, unable to sleep or cum and likely gain weight and think of it as a waste of time

This is accurate.

>thinking you'll feel the effects of an SSRI after one dose
the absolute state of placebofags

I'll take the last one. Ack ack

I prefer mirtazipine myself. Used once a week its a fantastic way to knock yourself out and trip balls for 12'hours. Its like resetting ma clocks

>all these medicated Jow Forumstards

Stop consuming jewsalt and take the enhanced stuff with added iodine and nutrients.

given to 12 year olds to mediate their behavior

Didn't help me. Morning nausea and erectile dysfunction was the salt in the wound. Went off it cold turkey. Could've died. Wouldn't recommend.

>I want to have the feeling of being jolted awake from my sleep, while already being awake, and I want this feeling multiple times a day

Do you have a brainlet-friendly explanation for what causes this?

mirtazapine is effective but it gave me severe breathing trouble when I tried to come off it cold turkey. asthma attacks and muscle aches for a week, it was weird shit. and by asthma attack I mean the whole shebang, throat closes up while you're walking down the street.

yeah, it's a type of seizure.

Huh. Sounds incredibly dangerous.

90% organoflourines

The side effects are fucking crazy with SSRIs. These drugs make your dick totally numb, you will have crazy lucid dreams, intermittent but severe tinnitus, and weird twitching in your head. As for the actual effects, on a high enough dose you won't feel anything. You won't be depressed anymore but you won't be happy either. You could watch your pet die and just shrug and move on. If you are really suicidal and miserable you have to make the choice of taking these drugs and being numb, or living a fucked up existence where you actually experience emotions.

not as dangerous as accepting that depression is caused 100% by material factors such as appearance and income.

I never suffered from depression as bad as when I finally quit taking these poisons. But aside from that, it is easily the clearest headed most sane period of my life. After that I knew what it felt like to not be mentally ill, and was able to guide myself to a sane mentally healthy life style.

>Do you have a brainlet-friendly explanation for what causes this?
it's SSRI withdrawal syndrome
google it

Made me cum in my sleep lol. REALLY horny dreams on it.
I know they say sexual disfunction is a side effect but, christ :/

lots of fun, goes well with seroquel and thc

>t. fell asleep for 10 hours of opiate like bliss before waking up, taking zoloft and going about my day with a positive background buzz, before taking some more thc and coming on here

That's what I love. That floaty and buzz feeling it gives

>Went off it cold turkey. Could've died. Wouldn't recommend.
Stopped cold turkey about a week ago. Fucking miserable, feel like I could've died. My dick is starting to work again, so there's that.
Honestly though, it did help with the anxiety and unwanted pictures that popped into my head (have an infant daughter, would randomly imagine ways she could be harmed/killed with no trigger or control over it). It definitely flat-lined my personality and emotions, though. My wife noticed and my coworkers did as well.
We started the high-fat low-carb diet and stopped eating anything organic or processed. It's been about a month and a half since then and I saw more results from the diet change than I did from the medication. It's expensive in a way, but the full feeling from eating lasts much longer, so it's like you're paying for quantity over quality. Looking into purchasing a grass-fed cow to be butchered to stock my freezer with.

I took it years ago but I ended up building a tolerance to it. Got my depression, social anxiety and OCD under control. Good mood and confidence. Took me a while to cum sometimes but it's not a big deal unless you're seeing a hooker and your time is almost up or something. I don't mind lasting longer.


I've tried everything under the sun man, some people are just fucked


>have an infant daughter, would randomly imagine ways she could be harmed/killed with no trigger or control over it
"pure O" OCD. I have that too. I feel for you.

Zoloft is supposed to be taken for 1-2 years and within that time period you're expected to man up and fix yourself. Zoloft is just a tool to help you with that, you're not supposed to take it forever

severe generalized anxiety, OCD, and depression

Yeah all conditions worse than when I stared. Therapy makes it worse too. It allegedly makes kids do crazy things

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SSRI's don't work for you? People online swear by tianeptine for anxiety and depression but I don't have any experience with it. I've read a few anecdotal reports that it helps with OCD. Have you tried it?


Besides, it's a treatment for anxiety, not a cure. Cure for anxiety is drastic lifestyle changes which everyone who has/had anxiety, know is way harder than it sounds

dont do it

i know you're probably going to say these aren't problems for you, but trust me, exercise and stop drinking

It definitely sucks. Therapy has helped, I just regret trying medication. The side effects outweighed the benefits by far. I knew a change had to be made when my wife commented that I wasn't enjoying family time anymore.

ssris actually do help. I was just saying I've tried just about everything before trying ssris and nothing helped.

>1 post by this ID

They have a list of subjects that you kids can't resist responding to. Funny to think this is one of them. Sage

I'll add to the others bad experiences:

Took it in early 2016 for 7 months and while it did help for the first few months, the side effects are not worth it.
is a good summary, I also had my bed drenched in sweat, and increased alcohol craving (which seems super rare). Anyway, the side effects subsided, as well as the fake euphoria.
I tried another doctor who prescribed Cymbalta, which led to the same cycle of happy, then depressed.

I said fuck this and slowly stopped taking them: only a fraction of a pill when the brain zaps became too unbearable.

Two years after, I feel my emotions have definitely been dulled. I now realize I have to find healthier ways to feel better, like working out and a better diet.