Why where their uniforms so badass?

Why where their uniforms so badass?

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They were designed by Hugo Boss, a brand that still exists today by the way

Because everything Europeans do is badass.

Clean, dark, and with a skull on the hat.

They were designed by Hugo Boss.

To instill fear on the jew and show him they mean business

Taking in milions of refugees isn't badass :(

The other uniforms were pretty based too.

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No they weren't. They were produced by Hugo Boss, as in some of the uniforms were manufactured by them. Hugo Boss was just a small manufacturing firm sharing the responsibility with dozens of other German clothing companies, the uniforms themselves were designed by SS officials.

the jews did this

Hitler copied the Massachusetts State Police uniform.

Hugo Boss 1938 collection. The pinnacle of men's fashion.

>referring to anything Nazi related as "badass"
KYS edgelord

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because they were badass

National Socialist Aesthetics are beautiful

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Red, black and hints of white are a very good color scheme. The uniforms themselves were professionally designed by Boss

Why is there no app to show yourself in a Nazi uniform?

black wasn't the norm
most of that stuff is jewish propaganda to make them look eviler

because they were chads

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A good understanding of the psychology of authority. The New Jersey State Police have the right idea. They were started by a German too....

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>powerful colors like red white and black
>decorated with skulls and jagged lines and shit
>shameless expression of European culture

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Notch lapels have been around longer than the USA.

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>The day you realize Jow Forums, full of gays and repressing transwomen to begin with, REALLY ARE fashionistas.

Well, wasn't ready for that reveal.

>reddit spacing
Fuck off kike

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Everyone likes aesthetics.

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kill YOUR self you stupid fucking kike.

You new here faggot?

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Boss was the main company manufacturing uniforms for the Nazi Party. Only the SS uniforms were designed by two SS members, and Boss focused more on producing Wehrmacht uniforms.

>Why such awesome nazi uniforms?
Because Hugo Boss made them. They are still a major clothing manufacturer if you want to buy their shit.

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They were designer

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>if you like things that are pleasing to the eye you are gay

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little fraulines

I really wanna go to the eagles nest and take a photo in the same place as our fuhrer. Imagine standing where he stood. Truly awe-inspiring.

Imagine what wonderful wives those qt frauleins would make.

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What is that symbol below the swastika? I don't think I've ever seen that before.

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Runes I imagine

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Hitler was an artist and his material was Germany.

I like Hipster Hitler's take on the uniforms

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"If we Germans were to lose this war.."


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Their propaganda was top notch as well. Six years of peace. Imagine where we would be now?

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.. during the great depression too. Fuck me.

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my favorite wallpaper

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It break my heart that this could unironically had been one of the most morals armies in the world and the propaganda completely destroyed their sacrifice to the public opinion.

And even to today their images is being spited on.
There is something very telling about people that keep attacking the enemy when he already lost and is on the ground.
Nazy germany thas not exist anymore, the national socialist party does not exist anymore just let those men rest in peace.
But no, they still need to use them as the boogiman.

Clothing wasn't made in Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Listen to me now - IMAGE is power.
Image is mostly all our enemies use to keep us in line. It's the power within a meme. A.H. Understood.
There are further details. Specifics about what the image the uniforms presented was supposed to achieve. Being attractive to the women volk, instilling fear in the enemy, solidity, stability, unity, strength and discipline, for example.

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Their propaganda was so on point. Now it's even more relevant than ever.

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Wolfsangel I believe.

>most moral army in the world
why did they hate the poles so much? They killed a lot of civilians in that nation (not talking about holocaust here)