Let's say
>Leftist continue their push towards communisim.
>They become even more violent.
>Christcucks continue to turn the other cheek and roll over.
>Open war happens
>War ends
When the new Constitution is written, should christcucks get a seat at that table?
Of course not.
Historically if someone slapped you in the face they did it open handed and was meant as an insult you. You would turn the other cheek and if they back handed you that meant they're willing to fight you to the death.
>he thinks the opposition to leftism is religiously motivated
:D I'm not even going to wince when I try bbq'd faggot meat for the first time.
No I'm not saying that at all.
Historically for who? People that tend to get slapped around?
>Dur hur christcucks turn the other cheek
From Matthew 10:34
>Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword.
According to the violent history of Christianity, this would appear to be the truth.
>When the new Constitution is written, should christcucks get a seat at that table?
Considering that they have built the most successful nations the world has ever know, you would have to be a literal retard to exclude them.
>Copy pasta from the bible
>Taking credit for achievements
Look, your violent history is just that, history. You're not guarding the borders. In fact, christian groups are the biggest sponsors of refugee resettlement into the US. And no, you're not getting a seat at the table. Pretty certain there is nothing you're will to do about it.
People who know how civilization works. Any unprovoked action you take will be spun by the left that you are the boogie man that the communists and globohomo elite are justified in oppressing and genociding.
Who said anything about me? I was just answering OP's question, you spastic mutt.
>And no, you're not getting a seat at the table. Pretty certain there is nothing you're will to do about it.
I didn't realize the revolution was already over and you were elected supreme commander, lol. Go to /x/ if you want to LARP.
>calling a fellow white american a mutt.
Hey guys, we're better than this
I'm no longer seeking permission from boomers and christcucks. I already know your position is on your knees. I was asking what other people think.
There is ample Biblical grounding to spur Christianity to action. Especially the degenerate left
"If in one of thy cities, which the Lord thy God shall give thee to dwell in, thou hear some say:
13Children of Belial are gone out of the midst of thee, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, and have said: Let us go, and serve strange gods which you know not:
14Inquire carefully and diligently, the truth of the thing by looking well into it, and if thou find that which is said to be certain, and that this abomination hath been really committed,
15Thou shalt forthwith kill the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, and shalt destroy it and all things that are in it, even the cattle.
16And all the household goods that are there, thou shalt gather together in the midst of the streets thereof, and shalt burn them with the city itself, so as to consume all for the Lord thy God, and that it be a heap for ever: it shall be built no more.
17And there shall nothing of that anathema stick to thy hand: that the Lord may turn from the wrath of his fury, and may have mercy on thee, and multiply thee as he swore to thy fathers"
You know there's a perfectly valid reason why people started to worship god, right?
>No need to remember 99 million gods
>No need to sacrifice this to that, and that to this
>No need to perform certain rituals
>Just worship two guys every sunday, follow ten commandments, call it a day
Anyone who says it's the same damn thing is treating christianity like everyone should be following in the footsteps of the missionaries. The pagans ditched their religions and join monotheistic religions out of sheer laziness, pure and simple.
Lmao, ok go for it. What area are you in? I'll keep my eye out on that news cycle and laugh when you're locked up because you sperged out.
>I didn't realize the revolution was already over and you were elected supreme commander
No, I'm saying if christcucks think they are going to turn the other cheek like the typical pussys they are, then come walking in after the war to take part in writing a new constitution, they are gravely mistaken.
>new constitution
Naw just a few new amendments to make up for the fuck ups.
Oh, your poor reading comprehension still has you assuming that I was provoking. Nothing says you can't go back and re-read the OP multiple times until you can understand it.
I agree somewhat, but there really needs to be no room for interpretation in the future. Would you agree that interpretation has been abused?
Yeah you're just a typical D&C shill, writing checks your ass can't cash. The empty vessel makes the loudest noise. I'll pray for you though.
Damn dude... you just introduced me to a whole new perspective on religion
No sarcasm, thank you lol
This is coming from themguy who adheres to a religion which routinely sits down and cower, saying their savior is coming back while Jamal and Muhammad rape their wife and children
Yeah, talk about empty promises. Any day now, christcuck LUL
What do you think the new amendments would be for? To fix some interpretation problems.
You hope I am. Better off praying for that instead.
Assuming you're not being a shithead, that's basically how monotheistic religions got started, because the pagans didn't want to worship 500+ gods, keep track of their worshipping rituals, and the promise of a GOOD afterlife, as opposed to a life in the underworld, was a real good appeal as well. Shit like easter and christmas the christfags couldn't get rid of, so they adapted their religion around it.
What he left out was the part where they went home to home and killed anyone who wouldn't convert.
Judges need the authority to rule on the Constitution or it is meaningless. Their rulings must be binding or once again, they are meaningless.
It's unavoidable. You can't even give democratic authority over the court to voters because they are even more retarded. What we have is the best we have.
To clarify, there is no room for "interpretation" in the Constitution. The language is amazingly precise and perfect for everything. You don't hear about "loopholes" in the Constitution.
All you have are judges subverting the document by using the Constitution as a guideline and set of values rather than a legal document.
>muh crusades
>bible copy pasta
Meanwhile their daughter is fucking niggers. And since their daughts have no need for clothes, their sons wear them. lol But he knows how society works.
Being serious, ive knows about the cross over of pagan holidays to Christians, easter Christmas ect but i could never tie the two together
10/10 post in my book
Odin also literally sucks dick for MP
Who exactly do you think voted for Donald Trump? The huge majority of his base are Christian conservatives who aren't willing to turn the other cheek. And who do you think makes up the majority of the US military and the civilian militias across the country? Stop trying to paint Christians as total pussies because all evidence suggests otherwise.
I still think it should be redone from scratch. Symbolism and all that. A new day, etc etc?
Anyways, I'm not the person to figure this stuff out. But, I would like to see the following changes and additions.
1. Religious beliefs are private. No tax exemptions, no propaganda in public places. Otherwise, you're free to believe whatever you like in the privacy of your own home.
2. Private citizens may own firearms. However, any firearms that exceed the basic loadout of an infantryman, requires a permit.
3. Only citizens owning property and pay taxes are allowed to vote.
4. If the parent is the legal guardian of a child until the age of 18, then the parent is held responsible for serving any sentences that the child has committed.
5. The 4th amendment should include electronic devices. (even though it already should).
6. Immigration is based on merit and within good standing with the law.
7. Term Limits.
8. Paper ballots.
There's probably more. I also think there should be a clear mission statement. Trade with everybody, ally with none. Secondly, Whites explore and invent. We should focus on space exploration and colonization. Leave these other turds behind to fight over petty 3rd world shit. The planet has finite resources and we should be expanding and doing something meaningful and with purpose.
Well there ya go, then. I learned about that in my ancient civilizations class. Monotheistic religions were just more sunshiny than the dark and demanding religions such as the greeks and romans. The Hercules TV show wasn't kidding when they said the gods were cruel and petty, because in their stories they fucking were, which is why so much effort was put in to appease the gods. The Norse religions are really just grand tales of real heroes, so the norse were basically just singing the praises of their greatest heroes, but their afterlife was grim too. If you didn't die in battle, you basically went to their equivalent of hell. Which meant if you were born an invalid or decided to make weapons for your warriors, your afterlife was going to be shit.
You turn the other cheek to small things.
You were commanded to buy a sword at the cost of your coat to defend yourself and others, but not to use the sword to coerce or torment others, unless you wanted to give them justification to draw their sword on you in return.
Nah, you guys are pussies. I only saw a handful of you in the military, so I don't know where you get your info. Christaians, as usual, showed up later in the game to reap the benefits. You cucks were backing Cruz util he fell apart. Understandable, the only thing he talked about in his speeches was Israel. The guy was running for office of the wrong country.
Check these polls, nerds
>>Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword.
>According to the violent history of Christianity, this would appear to be the truth.
that was a metaphorical sword. the fight for truth is fought spiritually, not physically
highly ironic that you would call out someone misquoting the Bible by misquoting it yourself
Where are you getting any of this, you drunken pleb? You're just pulling nonsense out of your ass at this point. The US military was roughly 70% Christian in 2014 according to the DOJ census report from that year, so if you only saw a handful of Christians it's because you're lying and you were never there.
>Christaians, as usual, showed up later in the game to reap the benefits
What benefits, getting shot at? Use your fucking head.
>You cucks were backing Cruz util he fell apart
Christians were backing a lot of different candidates, they're not a hive-mind.
>the only thing he talked about in his speeches was Israel
That's so far from the truth it's obvious you never actually paid attention to the elections.
You're a retard, and most likely a pussy. Anybody claiming to have spent time in the military to look hard is a white trash faggot in my experience. Stop embarrassing yourself and get to sleep. Cletus. Make sure you drink a glass of water before bed, it will help mitigate the hangover from whatever cheap liquor you drink.
Obviously it was metaphorical, LOL. I really hope nobody believes Jesus sent a giant sword flying into the earth like a meteor. He said he would turn houses against themselves and that's exactly what he did. A lot of people died over his teachings, which he had warned about repeatedly.
>Considering that they have built the most successful nations the world has ever know
Was it built because they were Christians or because they are Europeans? Lets see all these african, arab and mutt christians build civilizations that come close to anything europeans did to prove your point, i'll wait.
Being a Christian in a majority Muslim country is quite a bit different than being a Christian in a Christian majority nation. What do you expect them to do as a small minority of the population who is treated as a second class citizen?
No one gives a fuck you kike
So are you saying, if these christians were a majority (which they are in many african nations), given the time, they'd be able to build what europeans have accomplished in over thousands of years? What about places like Mexico where you have staunch catholic christians? Why is Mexico a shithole, or better yet, why is every non-european christian country a shithole?
Leftism is the result of laziness, women, soibois and jews. Not religion.
>why are non-white countries shitholes??
Funny how you conveniently left out the "christian" in "non-european christian countries". Its almost as if you are aware, but your delusions and beliefs in universalist semitic dogma won't let you agree. Typical Christcuck.