Jow Forums vs Tumblr 2018: The anime

Jow Forums vs Tumblr 2018: The anime
Who's side are you on?
Will you join in the anarchistic shitshow, false flag as one or another? Or will you watch as one side autistically annihilates the other.

Which episode of this saga are you most excited for?

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Are you for Old Anonymous? or are you for Tumblr-tan?

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>implying anything interesting will happen

Tumblr-tan porn when?

>Truth has been spreading
>Don't bother debating them
See how they fear the truth? Like if we show them the truth them might somehow get "converted" or something.

Soon user, soon.

Tumblr raids are started by a bunch of Jow Forumsfags and /b/fags spamming OP’s pic on the feminist tags on tumblr, the land whales then come back here and shitpost threads for like half an hour before getting bored, then they get swarmed by an angry mob of neo nazis and trolls who were completely unaware of the Jow Forumsfags and /b/fags that started it all

tumblr-tan got raped multiple times by old user

and she liked it....she wants more

tumblr-chan redesigned?

I just had it saved in my folder, I don't remember who made it.

>implying those land whales shitposting here isn't also Jow Forums

The best tactic is not to show up.

Let's stay off Jow Forums for 48 hours straight and let'em blow all their ammo.

They'll get so angry about us not waling into their obvious trap.They'll be pissing themselfs front and back

And then when they don't suspect us....

good luck telling that to /b/, they are very fired up with their gore.

Hell in fact, the fact that /b/ is very well aware of this, and that there have been daily threads on that board about this. That plan just won't work. So instead, enjoy the anime.

>good luck telling that to /b/, they are very fired up with their gore.
>Hell in fact, the fact that /b/ is very well aware of this, and that there have been daily threads on that board about this. That plan just won't work. So instead, enjoy the anime.
at least /lit/ is not in yet.

/b/ might be shit but /lit/ are monsters

Rofl, I fucking lost when I saw literature on there.

Seeing as this was the reason moot got kicked out of Jow Forums and that our current mods are huge c ucks that do their best to ruin Jow Forums every day a little bit more for every board. I think its clear to say that we lost.

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Nothing ever happens though

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Roommate browses tumblr as much as I browse Jow Forums. Gotta declare, you guys don’t have to believe me, but tumblr has actually improved significantly the last year or so. I think it’s cause most of the degenerate leftist bullshit gravitated to reddit. Tumblr isn’t ready to go” gas the kikes race war now” by any means, but it’s mostly just furry art and absurd memes, hardly any more “kill all white men, trannies are the perfect embodiment of health”. This 4th of July, I wouldnt be surprised if tumblr gets comfortable here and helps us mitigate the flood of reddit shills. A spiritual successor to /mlpol/

That’s best case scenario however, I am no prophet, but I CAN just wait and see, and that’s almost as good.

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dumb frogposter

I like this thread.

reddit called, they want their candyass catchphrase back.

>attack someone that can freely call you faggot nigger

I'm sure it's gonna work.

Btw someone post some 4chumblr artwork for an ol Arab-user here.

>Don't bother debating them, attack them
Banhammer engage!

I hope this happens. I remember 4chumblr where both sides made love not war after one post. My old gf used to go on Tumblr and knew I was on 4chins, so I agree it's not as awful as Reddit. A lot less leftist, just lots of confused 16 year old girls who want a strong right wing male.

See I didn’t even consider this guy a reddit fucker, I just saw the phrase and went, “oh contrarian.” Exactly the kind of thing tumblr might help with. MIGHT.

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You aren't gonna pull a surprise attack, are you?

>what is air

I always thought pepe started here on Jow Forums. Just been seeing a lot of "dumb frogposter" posts lately whenever someone posts a pepe. I just think making a big deal about a jumble of pixels is just fucking bullshit.

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well I guess since it's going to be a /comfy/ thread, cross posters identify yourselves. I will start, /a/ here.

Jow Forums here



>Which episode of this saga are you most excited for?
I'm particularly interested in how many tits pics we're going to get out of this, hopefully, we get good ones and not all land whales
t. /b/ reporting in

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So is someone making a discord?


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Are you gonna help connect Jow Forums and tumblr? unlike race mixing, this kind of blending CAN be reversed after its no longer needed.

Better to speak through here.

For real v? v is full of bluepilled soibois who gobble nintendo switchs and always say go back to pol.

>Jow Forums
Why are they being targeted?

Is it though? We can keep talking in discord without having to make new threads

stay away from /sp/ you fuckers

What if I have no home board

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you have to go back
>tfw it goes in all fields

Can someone post the blowback from last time? It was hilarious.

Tumblr has and never will raid Jow Forums successfully. No matter what they post, it's not gonna do shit.

First time I saw Pepe was the my little pony section on know your meme, circa 2011, I was a very different person back then.

because they're retards and in need of special attention

I don't fucking think so! Jow Forums did nothing wrong.

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Go back to plebbit

/a/ and Jow Forums fag here with popcorn cause I hate you both

wont we get more exposure through here?

/v/ has done a lot of polls, and it is actually almost universally Jow Forums-friendly, besides /v/ is one of the oldest boards on this site but at the same time it is filled with blue-pilled retards but not as much as /co/

This was probably made by an unhighlighted board who just wants to fuck with all of us though

They say you should never fuck crazy, but then /mlpol/ turned out to be beautiful.

>Tumblr has and never will raid Jow Forums successfully.
>Tumblr has [...] will raid Jow Forums successfully.
>Tumblr has [...] raid Jow Forums successfully.
Guess how I know you're an idiot.


Do we need more exposure though? One person can make more than one account and still have it be successful, not to even mention how we can do both at once

Jow Forums is your default home board for now.


Your SO funny HA HA

I think the stronger the better!

Someone on /b/ suggested that we attack on July 15th. It is the last game of the FIFA world cup and there will be a lot of active users after that event. Using the tag for the world cup can be used by us to unleash hell upon these landwhales.

Here is the other hitlist by the other account.

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You’re right about the exposure. Couple of autistic bastards are going to post their easy to understand yet profoundly head-spinning redpills, and as long as we can keep the blacked threads at a minimum, our visitors will return to tumblr with some spicy ideas.

I think we focus all our energy on the 4th

A good screencap for what you can do on Tumblr.

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old user died when stormtards took over

another /b/ thread

Yeah, but what if they're prepared? As the user said on /b/, waiting is a bitch, but if we did raid Tumblr on 15th, we can give them a false sense of safety, then we surprise attack them.

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I was actually the one who thought of it. Basically, we let Tumblr have their fun on the fourth and unleash chaos on the day that only comes every 4 years

srsly we need everyone to stay off the board for 48 hours...

There is very little preparedness this time around, and the time frame is a lot shorter than before. Not a lot of Tumblr really knows too much about it, so it will likely be a couple of anons here false flagging as Tumblr posting on Jow Forums or /v/, and then the rest of the site will proceed to just nuke Tumblr afterwards,

That won't work, everyone on /b/ is already doing

Fuck that’s good.
I’d rather make friends than enemies but damn if that isn’t a good side crippler

>That won't work, everyone on /b/ is already doing
can /b/ not reasoned with?

Good luck with that, you have 8 or so boards that know about this and have had threads about this already. It's just going to be sheer numbers just pouncing on Tumblr for most of the day.

It’s fuckin /b/

>Fresh boards to target
>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
Why are these boards being targeted though?

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>reasoning with /b/
>the board that is known for raids and overwhelming numbers
Yeah let's try reasoning with the board that hasen't done this sort of thing for the past 14+ years or so.

This, the 4th we fight for our boards, the 15th we unleash a gorefest, Jow Forumsfaggs we need to go to /b/ for file dump threads so we have scat ammunition

Don't ask, I really just don't know...

>overwhelming numbers
It was never really numbers at one time, just sheer autism from a few dedicated individuals

tumblr won't be safe on /lit/

We will make the fifteenth a day to remember.

Jow Forums full of hot chads and the rest are topics they enjoy on their own site, i don’t see their raid ending in anything other than enjoyment and friendship.

there is usually more than a few dedicated individuals in most of the raids /b/ has partook in. Besides remember this, /b/ is the board that got pic related so much in trouble with the law.

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Isn’t it blue pilled though?

you right

and why isn't /po/ on that list?



NO!!! NOT /PO/

fucking /po/ lmfao

They're origami will slice through the libtards

It’s insulting to have some of our other boards included with Jow Forums - we are the storefront for a reason - were 1000x worse (better)

Kek, I guarantee you that even /po/'s origamis can trigger a typical landwhale.

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just make sure they know to enter tumblr##spinelord into the name field to post!

>Jow Forums
>not /po/

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